The Party
Juvia's P.O.V :
Juvia can't believe that Gray-Sama and the team have come back home , Juvia has been waiting 4 months for Gray-Sama to come back home .
Juvia is also happy that Erza-San and Lucy-San have come back because Erza-San , Lucy-San , Levy-San , Cana-San , Meredy-San and Gajeel-Kun are juvia's best friends they have always been there for her .
Jellal-Sama does not count since he is Juvia's Otouto ( big brother ) but he still counts as he , Meredy-San and Ultear-San have joined Fairy Tail .
Anyway At the moment Juvia is at fairy tails welcome back party for the team and she is watching Gray-Sama drinking some beer but Juvia doesn't drink so she is fine just watching .
Normal P.O.V :
As Gray was drinking and the party was coming to a close , Master Makarov had to ask Juvia a question ...
" Hey Juvia , Could you please take Gray home? He has drunk too much to go home alone" Master Makarov Asked .
" Of course Master, Juvia will take Gray-Sama home , Arigato For thé Party Master" Juvia waved to Makarov as she swung Gray over her shoulder to carry him home .
Juvia's P.O.V :
After about 20 minutes of walking with Gray-Sama on juvia's back , she finally got to his house ...
It's so tiering carrying Gray-Sama but it's ok Juvia will do anything for Gray-Sama , as Juvia layed him down on his bed , Gray-Sama grabbed Juvia by the wrist and forced her on his bed as he climbed on top of her and stole her lips with a kiss .
Juvia was so overwhelmed by Gray-Sama's kiss it was so warm and soft , she wanted it to last forever . If only ...
They Gray-Sama took Juvia right then and there , Juvia did not want to but she couldn't escape Gray-Sama's Grasp or his touch ...
she was helpless against him .
After 2 hours ... Gray-Sama collapsed next to Juvia and passed out . Juvia has tears in her eyes because of what they had just done , so much so she threw her clothes on and ran out of his house with tears streaming down her pale face ...
Juvia can't believe that Gray-Sama would do that to her , what if He hates her now , Juvia just hopes He would forget by morning ...
wait what if Juvia got pregnant...
No no no she can't think about that , not now... she has to get back to fairy hills and lay down for a while ..
Normal P.O.V :
Juvia got back to her house , swung her stuff on her bedroom floor and fell asleep on her silky mattress ...
Waiting for what horrors await her tomorrow...
Ok so this might not be a good chapter cause my writing and grammar suck but I hope you enjoy ...
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Btw check out Marie_Heartfillia and her books they are amazing :3
So are everyone else's on wattpad :3
Peace & Love
Nya :3
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