“To conquer your anger you must let someone in.”
― THE SMELL OF DIRT AND SMOKE WAS ALL AROUND AS A MAN WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM SOMETHING...SOMEONE. Looking behind the man was two girls on motorcycles in hoods, having bows on their backs along with their quivers. They were following a lead they had for a crime ring, as it was one of the more active nights, as the girl in red took another path leaving the girl in dark green who was on her motorcycle following the goon in the alley way questioning her friend and teammate.
I found a path leading up to the main road so we could meet up and catch the goon of one of the highest ranking male businessmen in Star City. And let’s just say that a business man has connections to some of the biggest crooks not only in Gotham, but here in Star City also. Finding the main road I turned right and found the end of the building as I rushed towards it, and once I did the man was so shocked that he started turning back until he saw the girl in the green hood. And before he could try anything I stopped my bike, and shot a net arrow as it put him up in a net where he couldn’t escape.
“Where is your boss?” Green Arrow said through as her voice sounded more rough from the voice modulator as I watched the man struggle trying to get out of the net. “I have a wife and children. And he would kill me if I tell you.” The man said as I felt bad the people here have the choice to either work for bad men, or die on the street by drugs since the original Green Arrow and Black Canary disappeared. But there is only so much Green Arrow, Red Arrow, and I could do on the streets.
When I came here to Star City the rich and the middle-class who live in the city are alright, but the people who are poor have more crimes, and deaths. As there were only three, to four of us at most trying to change a whole section of a city that has been damaged for ten years now. Drugs have also gone around faster killing more children in the process by selling, or overdosing. And the boss to this man is the one who is selling some of the drugs that kill people earlier in age, the addiction to the drug is high, and he gets his profit out of it from this side of the city.
“He will kill you anyways. You have more of a chance at saving your family, and anyone else's family who has died due to your boss.” I told him through my voice modulator as it sounded more rough and lower as I looked at the man feeling bad that he has a family.
Before we could get anything out of the man something happened as he started to have a seizure and I picked up the net as Erin grabbed the man trying to help him as we were too late. He did it again, and we can’t even stop the drugs from causing anymore problems. I looked at her and we both were disappointed in ourselves. Three months and I can’t even catch a villain, someone who kills multiple kids by selling their drugs everywhere. And this was our lead to figuring out something more about the man as I looked at the alleyway to see a camera on one of the club’s buildings as I walked a bit towards it as Erin in her green hood followed me as we knew the man died.
But we got ourselves something. Something bigger than ourselves. This was only five dark months ago……
― WALKING BACK INTO THE TUNNELS HEADING BACK TO THE MAIN ROOM. While I was following my older brother, I questioned even why I came down here with him, other than just working on the same issues about Blue Valley everyday, and not getting to do anything about it. I have been working with my brother for too many years, while putting on an act that I am alright. But nine years ago I couldn’t even remember how the hell I got into the ISA. Who I was.
And every time I walk down these hallways it reminds me of all the times I have questioned my past and who I am now. Once we arrived here in the meeting room, I was shocked to see snakeman had returned from his dungeon laboratory. “Doctor Ito.” My brother speaks as I glare at him. “In the beginning I didn’t understand what brought them together. But now, I’ve seen the light.” He had spoken as I finished walking down the stairs seeing him look at the painting as the two henchmen were standing there.
“I believe in the Injustice Society of America.” He continued as I really wanted to freeze him, but since he knows science and how to do experiments better than anyone on the team, I can’t do anything about it. “More than any of the others. And I’ll never betray you.” He continued staring at the painting of all the members, and sadly he was never on there. Even though he could paint a bit, but you know him being more of a scientist I would be concerned if he was using us. But at the end of the day I wish I could fight the Snakeman. “Not like the shade.” As he continued as I knew if the Shade heard him, he would be facing his own death.
“I appreciate your loyalty, Doctor.” Jordan spoke as I was just staring at the back of his head, knowing he knows I’m here. “Can we have the room?” Jordan asks as the two henchmen leave and I stay since my brother learned once not to leave me out of details due since last time. “Go to the labs back to the others.” Dr.Ito spoke as he turned from looking at the painting. I just remembered how his costume looked after all these years. As he sat down once and for all.
“I hear you’ve kept busy.” Jordan continued as I stared at Dr.Ito the man who experimented way too much on himself to turn him into a Snakeman, “Dragon” He likes to call it himself. “I have been working on my daughter. Yes.” He spoke answering Jordan’s question which made me feel bad for her in ways, but you know at the end of the day I have heard of her and let me say I’m not impressed with her in some ways.
'”I'm an acceleration Project: New America. Tell me what you need to complete your machine. And I’ll provide it.” Jordan told him as I glanced away back at the photo looking at my old self seeing how wicked and cruel I used to be. “Finally! You want me to build it?” He asked as my brother nodded. “I do. And quickly.” He stated as I knew he wanted the machine from Ito to be done sooner than later so his New America can happen. “Yes, of course.” Dr.Ito said in his most excited face due to him wanting to be a satellite. “I know how much this means to you. And me too.” He continued as I really wanted to freeze him so badly right now. “One generation’s ultimate sacrifice will protect the next.” I heard as I tuned out Dr.Ito’s voice.
“I won’t fail you like the wizard. He was particularly vile to me when I first came to Blue Valley. I’m glad he’s dead. May I have his body?” Dr. Ito continues as I stare at him, I am starting to think if I am going to die to leave before dying so I could have more of a chance not to be experimented on by Dr.Ito. “Yes.” My brother says as I look at him, I question his choices some days. “Wonderful.” Was what he said to the answer looking back at the painting.
― WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS OF THE SCHOOL I COULD SEE SKYLAR APPROACHING ME. She looked very out of her mind at the moment due to something… something that her brother told her that could have changed her mood easily. And unlike most people she was harder for me to ask her about her feelings since Skylar has been so uptight and still is since I might her since she doesn’t have many people that are around for her. Other than her brother, who sometimes seems to be into drugs and alcohol.
Once we sat down in the forest a bit out of the school’s area I could see her sigh in frustration as she was standing up looking out to the trees. Like she was going to scream, but didn’t all she did was stand there and stretched her arms out in her jacket as I continued to stare at her as I started to see some of her pages were full of writings and it seemed like very long one’s. Not that I knew what it meant since it was in a whole other language than what even I knew. But before I even knew it she went and grabbed her journal.
“Sorry.” I told her as she looked back at me with her stern face that then went into a more sad emotion. “It’s alright. I just tend to not like people looking into my privacy. After everything my brother, and even I have been through this notebook has been my only escape.” She told me as I could see the details of design on the front of the notebook which had a leather front and had some papers sticking out of corners of it. “May I only ask. What language everything is written in?” I asked her, seeing her eyes look into mine. “I have studied and became fluent in German.” She told me as I nodded, as I haven’t seen many people my age know German. Which could also explain why I couldn’t read it….stupid me knowing Latin, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Egyptian.
“Das ist erstaunlich, Sie sind einzigartiger als der denken Sky. Tut mir leid, dass mein Deutsch schlecht ist.” I say as I knew I mispronounced some of the words but it got Skylar to smile a bit more as her sadness went away. I have never seen a girl like Skylar Harris smile since I met her which means….she’s growing to care. I hope she is...at least. “I have never heard someone try to talk to me in German. Even if it wasn’t properly pronounced.” She said to me as I laughed. “Again I’m not like you being fluent in German. I am Bilingual but German isn’t one of the one’s I speak. But I did make you smile.” I told her as she let out a small, but very nice laugh as I have never heard such a light laugh out of someone who acts like they need to be tough and have a protective shell over them.
“I guess you did.” She said as I nodded as she spoke up, “I guess we should head back.” She told me as I nodded as we grabbed our bags and started to walk back to the town square. As we could see the look everyone is giving us. As we headed back near the highschool until Skylar saw her brother and we went our separate ways for the day.
When heading back home, I could hear voices in the basement, and as I went down I could Yolanda with Courtney as she was looking at the cosmic staff. “What is Yolanda doing here?” I asked her as Courtney had wide eyes. “You didn’t tell Kyra. Wait does she know?” Yolanda asked Courtney as I crossed my arms, as I shook my head. “I know what Courtney does, because I’m also a part of the team.” I told her as I could Yolanda stare at me. “Wait, what are your powers?” She asked me as I shook walking back upstairs knowing that I would have to answer her sooner than later. But I can’t believe Courtney is doing recruiting without me. What’s next I recruit Skylar Harris on the team.
Later on I could hear Courtney and Yolanda talking about how Yolanda looks in a suit as I changed into my costume. As then I entered the room as Courtney smiled and I sat on her bed, waiting for Yolanda to come out. And once she did the Wildcat suit looked like a gigantic oversized black sweater with black sweatpants. “It smells like gym class.” She said as I scooted beside more smelling the whole odor the suit gives off. “So I have to wear this sad-ass cat-suit while you're Miss America. And Kyra over here is a Sexy Hawk.” Yolanda said as I looked at her with wide eyes behind the hawk mask. “Stargirl, and Kyra is Hawkgirl.” Courtney said as I shook my head as I didn’t need to think about how Yolanda called me a Sexy Hawk in the suit.
But wait until she sees my wings. As we could see how Yolanda looked at Courtney. “Don’t worry about the fit..I could tailor it, like I did mine. Here, put on the cowl.” Courtney said handing Yolanda the cowl as Yolanda sniffed it. “Oh my god, it smells worse than the suit.” Yolanda said as Courtney encouraged her. When she put on the cowl finally the suit started having power surging through the whole suit as it was like a purple color while we could see the suit fitting more to her body. As it looked like it was just made for her. Like why couldn’t my suit do that?
“Shut up!” I could hear Courtney saying as I got up from my spot. Looking at more of the suit as it looked very nice...on Yolanda of course. “How did it?” She asked us as Courtney answered, “It’s one size fits all I guess.” Walking near the other side of Courtney it was interesting seeing how much different it looked. “That is so cool!” Courtney told her as Yolanda looked at me and I smiled at her. “Yeah, um. It’s kind of tight, though.” Yolanda said looking in the mirror then back at us as I shook my head. “It may be tighter, but it looks really nice on you.” I told her once again, smiling at her seeing a small bit of a blush from Yolanda, as she smiled back at me.
“You look badass.” Courtney also said as it made Yolanda smile more. “So, what could Wildcat do?” Yolanda asked us as I shook my head. I never knew what Wildcat could do. “Good question.” Courtney told her as she looked it up on her phone. And of course it was Wikipedia that she used to look up an answer. I shook my head at the thought of us using Wikipedia to research more on this whole idea of answers of what Wildcat could do.
“Are you checking Wikipedia?” Yolanda asked as she was scrolling through the powers & abilities section near the bottom. “It didn’t come with an instruction manual. Okay, here Powers and Abilities.” She told us as we could see explanations about different abilities and powers. “Apparently, he could cut through metal with his claws.” Courtney said as Yolanda somehow activated the long claws that were very sharp of Wildcat. It was just crazy how that was working as I stepped downstairs first due to me not wanting to get hit by the claws.
As we went downstairs I could see Courtney give Yolanda the toaster as something she could try the claws on. She lifted up her hands as she sliced the toaster and it had a big claw mark on it. And let me just say….we need a new toaster. And I don’t want to be the one to explain to Mike of why he can’t toast his poptarts tonight. Not after the last time the toaster broke and he almost became a wild animal version of Mike.
The next place we go is the fence outside to test Yolanda’s agility with the suit. “Wildcat had the agility of a cat.” Courtney said as we watched Yolanda run up and was able to climb up the fence like it was nothing. And the staff warbled as Courtney and I were excited and giggled. As Yolanda continued to walk forward and walk like a cat, walk with every step. “It says it always ended up on his feet.” Courtney told us as Yolanda does a flip off the fence and lands on his feet properly. As we all laugh.
Our next destination is at the American Dream buildings roof as we were here to see the theory of Wildcat being able to land on his feet all the time. Even from every building. But you know Wikipedia does have its flaws, and anyone can make an answer. “Yeah, well anyone can go on Wikipedia and say anything.” Yolanda said as I could not agree with her more. “It said that your claws could cut through metal like butter, and it was right about that.” Courtney told her trying to assure her that she could do it. “Okay, murdering a toaster isn’t exactly risking my life.” Yolanda told her as I looked at Courtney. “She’s right Courtney.” I told her as they both looked back at me.
“You’re right. This is crazy. Yeah.” Courtney said as we both started to walk away. “Wait.” She said as the staff stopped Courtney as it pushed me into Yolanda’s arms as I she looked at me and I got up standing on the side of the building as I could feel the warmth on my cheeks. “No, this was a dumb idea, Okay.” Courtney continued as I put my hand out for Yolanda. “For months, I’ve been afraid to listen for myself...to be me. I’m not going to do it anymore.” Yolanda says in a heartfelt way as she could until she tried to jump. But stopped as she saw the side of the building as she couldn’t jump she was afraid. And I have felt that before. I have been in that moment before. Her heavy breathing wasn’t helping as we both went up to her to help her as we tried taking the stairs down now.
We were hiding by the side of the building as Courtney and Yolanda were talking about how bad the names were made up for the golden age. But also how Yolanda had to return home, because her parents would kill her. Until we saw a car coming after us and the staff hit both Yolanda and I as she was on top of my back as we were now on the ground. “Seriously.” I told Courtney and glaring at the staff as I then looked back at the blue, and white car that Henry Jr. was in without his twin sister, which is odd.
“Henry.” Yolanda said, “It’s late where is he going?” Courtney asked us as I looked at her. “Most likely the hospital since his father is Brainwave.” I told her as they looked at me. “Henry and Maya’s father is one of them.” Courtney told her, as she questioned it. “He’s called Brainwave, he’s a supervillain.” Courtney continued to explain. “Actually that makes sense. Hmm. Okay, Who else?” Yolanda asked as we didn’t even know more than we encountered Icicle a few days ago. And we found a strange arrow. “What about the hospital.” Yolanda suggested for us to find more at. As It would be a great idea. “I mean wouldn’t the villains be visiting Brainwave in the hospital?” Yolanda asked us, “Or is that the opposite of what they would do?” Yolanda asked us, as I shook my head. “They would because. If they need him or if he is as important as he could be. They would see if they could wake him up.” I told them. “You're Such a natural at this, Yolanda.” Courtney told her as we saw Yolanda smile.
When arriving at the back of the hospital I finally let my wings show as Yolanda looked at me when we still were heading to the other side of the hospital. “You have wings?” She asked me as I nodded. “You think I dress up as Hawkgirl if I didn’t have wings, or if I wasn’t there daughter, or possibly not both?” I told her as she shook her head. “Okay. Brainwave is in intensive care. All we need to do is sneak in and steal the visitors log. And by “we” I mean you. Kyra, and I will create a distraction.” Courtney said as I nodded.
“Wait...wait wait. What kind of distraction?” Yolanda asked as I looked at her shrugging my shoulders, not knowing what Courtney is planning….yet at least. “It’d be great we’ll be in constant communication.” Courtney told her as I walked with her being in front of her as I started using my wings to pick up speed as I was off the ground now. As we were entering through a back door. “Seventh floor! I believe in you.” I could hear Courtney yell at Yolanda.
When we entered the storage room Courtney was checking on how Yolanda was doing, as she was just wanting this to get over with. As we were trying to figure out a way to give Yolanda a distraction for her to go out. She went over to the power switch and I shook my head. The staff even led her back, not letting her go and shut off the power. “I’m just trying to shut off the power.” Courtney said as I looked at her wide eyed. “What? No, are you crazy.” Yolanda started, “It could kill people.” I told her. “There are people on life support. I’m looking at one of them right now.” Yolanda told her as I nodded in agreement. As she asked us how long we have been doing this. “And how long did you dad train you?” Yolanda asked Courtney and I. “Technically he didn’t.” Courtney told her. “My dad has in my past lives. I have some training since I have had about four lives.” I told them as Courtney looked at me when I shrugged my shoulders again. “Well, why am I listening to you Courtney? Shouldn’t we maybe be listening to Kyra?” She asked me. “No! You don’t want me to lead you. Last time I led people to rebel...um everyone I knew died before I died.” I told them as Courtney had wide eyes.
The staff then continued to hit objects around as she was yelling and I started helping her with my club. Knowing that someone is hearing in the other room as Yolanda could now use it as a distraction as I hid my wings and jumped up into one of the vents as Courtney came with me. Until the woman left the maintenance room and was far enough for us to sneak out the backdoor and outside. When we finally got to the room window Yolanda yelled for us to hide since someone was coming and I went up because if not whoever would go in could hear my wings. After the coast was clear I flew down to the window to see the shocked face of Courtney and Yolanda.
“That was Principal Bowen.” Courtney said as I had my mouth open in shock. “Does that mean that she is a villian too? With a violin? Is that even a thing?” Yolanda asked as I put my hands up indicating that I had no idea. “I don’t know.” Courtney said. “But it’s a possibility and a new lead.” I told Courtney as she nodded. We did get out of there as I was waiting for Yolanda with Courtney with my wings flapping next to her.
Later, that night, “There’s nobody but Henry, Maya, and even Stephaine. But nobody else. Even Principal Bowen on here.” Courtney told us as I was on the other side of her. “So nobody knew she was there.” Yolanda said as I nodded. “We have to investigate.” Courtney said as Yolanda got up, “Actually Courtney. I don’t think I’m your Wildcat....I mean, don’t get me wrong. Today was awesome and I appreciate that you chose me...Thanks, but when those photos got around. I was ashamed to be Yolanda Montez. I didn’t want to be me. And I need to get my life back before I could put on a costume and be someone else. I can’t take this on right now.” Yolanda told us as I nodded in understanding...even though I was sad in a way. “I don’t need to be Wildcat..I need to be me again.” She told us as once again I nodded.
“See you tomorrow.” Yolanda told us as I walked out with Yolanda as I headed to my room from then. Looking at the photo in my box seeing it of my parents and I from 1862 as I put it to my chest as I looked out and saw the outside of my room knowing that they would be somewhere with Ra. As Ra will be watching over me. Ra will help me in the times to come. When I saw Yolanda in our yard as a Wildcat I knew she was in. Yes, a new member to the new JSA.
― SITTING IN THE HOSPITAL ROOM ALONE, AT 2:30PM WAS QUIET. But looking over at my father was different than most of the times as he would stare at Henry and I questioned us at the weirdest times. But I have no idea what happened to him other than this so-called “seizure” that happened out of nowhere once these heroes came to Blue Valley. And for sure I have to suspect them since he is my father, and family...even if they don’t seem like they care. Is still your flesh in bone. Like for me watching over the machines as his heart rate is keeping steady. When my brother was in here...sometimes it makes me...reminds me more is the word for what my relationship with father is like.
A knock on the door is what gets me as I could a familiar face at the window, Stephaine Lance, of course it is. I nod at her advice as she walks in. I use my hand looking back at her showing her the seat behind me due to my brother leaving it that way this morning before we left the hospital for school. But at least right now he took a break and went home to shower, since I’m home more than he is. But seeing Stephaine sit beside me as she brings up the chair next me makes me refreshed as I look at her turning my body in the chair until I feel comfortable in this hospital chair.
“So why are you here Steph?” I asked her as she smiled, “Well I wanted to give you the newspaper that someone wrote about two arrows and one of them being red and in a certain shape. But this article was from Star City. And they say it looks similar to the Scarlet Arsenal.” She told me as I shook my head. “You never told me you became an archer.” She said, keeping her voice down. “I was going to tell you sooner than later. But then this happened with my dad. And I decided yesterday I heard something over my comms from other heroes.” I told her as her eyes widened. “Like JSA style heroes?” She asked me as I nodded.
“Wait what?” She asked me as I shook my head with a smile. “You saved them? Didn’t you?” She asked me as I nodded. “A man made out of Ice was after them so I decided to shoot one of my arrows.” I told her as she nodded, “Next time don’t lie to me Maya, please?” Stephaine asked me as I nodded. “I promise. But I’m just happy you're not too mad.” I told her as I could see the nod. “It’s better than you being some sort of supervillain.” She told me as I laughed. “Or your father, or anyone.” She told me as I shook my head. “My father being a supervillain wouldn’t be the strangest of all ideas.” I told her as she nodded. “It would be easier to believe than him being a superhero.” Stephaine told me as I nodded, “Of course it would be.” I told her as we continued to laugh.
About an hour later she got a text from her aunt and Stephaine had to leave. But it did leave me with questions about what happened to my father, including when he was healthy I believe, and then him going into a coma. Even though he could be stressed sometimes, he was still my father. My last parent, and of course between my brother and I, my brother he was the most affected by our father’s sudden coma. And it seemed like he was not getting a break at all since the first night my father was put in his workplace but instead of in him being in his office with Dr.Chapel, it’s in a hospital bed, attached to some machines.
Stepping out of the room for a moment, I walked down the hallway to figure out where Henry was since he texted me earlier. When I saw him I hugged him, and he gave me a thing of food since we have spent so many nights here. That once every two nights we trade who brings who food while the other watches over dad. Once we did get back to the room, he saw where he sat earlier, “Who came in here earlier?” He asked me as I shook my head. “Stephaine just came to stop by. She left like four hour ago.” I told him as he looked at me.
When we finally sit down and he brings his chair closer I smile a bit until I could feel this ringing in my head, until it just went away...and everything was fine. Like it was nothing anymore, like it was just me imagining it, which it might have been due to somewhat of my lack of sleep these days. Ever since that one night months ago..in Star City.
Later I thought I heard the door open, but when I looked back nobody was there and the door was shut. Maybe it was just me imagining something, but then again I’m trained for this. I looked around to see if anyone was there but I couldn’t see someone. But then a few seconds ago I heard the sound of claws coming out and then the sound disappearing. It could be my mind messing with me. But the sobbing that Henry was bringing off was making me more sad as I grabbed his hand knowing that we only have each other. It reminds me of a time when I felt alone for a week, and let me say this is better than then. Other than our father being in the hospital, and my brother having to cry everyday...but who blames him. I can’t.
Seeing that Henry looked back also made me think when someone clanked the cart just a moment ago made me also look back there. Henry then looked back at our dad as I got up, putting my hand on his shoulder, as I started to walk out of the room, deep down knowing someone other than just us was there. But I don’t care 100% at this moment who it was unless they try to harm my brother. Knowing that Henry was following behind me was better, even though we would be heading home in different vehicles.
This was only going to be the start of something more….
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