Choice C
Choice C: Reject Both
Please read with caution.
This route is dedicated to michisukii
Reader POV
My mind wouldn't stop.
I couldn't even focus.
I pushed past the two men and ran into the hallway.
In the darkness, I heard Atsumu's screams and two thumps along the wall and the sounds of splatting liquid.
The lights slowly flickered on and off, and there was blood slashed all along the wall.
"Oh my god..."
I felt a knife against my throat.
"Come quietly, (y/n)," Tobio whispered in my ear.
He grabbed my hands and tied it together with duct tape, putting a piece on my mouth.
I heard Shoyo Kei crying loudly as someone with blonde hair and green eyes carried him.
They lead us into a secret room after shooting the video cameras.
I felt someone stab something in my neck.
"I really wish you didn't do that, (y/n)."
「影山 飛雄」
I slowly opened my eyes and I found myself in a wooden cabin.
I saw Tobio holding a knife to Shoyo Kei's face.
The baby didn't know what was happening.
I screamed out for him to stop, but a gag stopped me from doing it.
I tried to move out of the metal bed, but I was chained to the poles of the bed.
Tobio stopped what he was doing and came over to me, placing the baby down into his crib. "You're awake."
I moved around in the chains, biting down hard on the gag, spitting curses at him.
His hands traced along my body, and lingered near the straps keeping my body from being completely revealed. "I really...really didn't want to do this..."
My breathing hitched when I felt him bring the knife close to me face.
"I wonder what would happen if I killed Shoyo Kei? Would you hate me more?"
I shook my head, the chains rattling.
I don't care what happens to me...just please don't hurt my baby.
"Oh, and remember how you were pregnant again?" Tobio smirked and left the room, coming back with a freezer bag...full of blood.
He brought it to my face and slapped me in the face with it.
Tears glistened in my eyes.
He sighed softly and kissed my lips. "Believe me, (y/n). This is the last thing I wanted to do. But maybe now you'll obey me."
I felt him touch the valley of my breasts, him getting onto the table.
"But don't worry, honey. I'll fuck a couple more kids into you."
And I was once again being taken advantage by the monster.
He pressed kisses all around me, whispering meaningless words into my ear.
I was crying the entire time, and not enjoying this at all.
"This is just the beginning of your fucking punishment."
「影山 飛雄」
I was staring outside of the cabin as snow fell onto the world.
It's been about a month or so since I was forced back into Tobio's toxic embrace.
I let out a sigh, a single tear falling onto my long skirt.
"Moooooooo...?" Shoyo Kei looked at me curiously.
He was on the floor, tugging at my skirt.
It was his signal to me that he wanted to be picked up.
"Moooo?" He repeated.
I gave him a small glance then leaned over and picked him up, holding him at arm's length.
He stared at me with wonder in those big blue eyes, full of innocence.
"Mooom?" He began to say.
My eyes glimmered a bit.
It was his first word.
I felt Tobio move his hand onto my shoulder, smiling. "Yeah, Sho. That's your Mommy."
I tried to stay strong and obey Tobio since he threatened the life of our only son.
And I was absolutely determined to make sure he lived.
I closed my eyes and I felt Tobio wipe a tear away, sighing.
"You know," he said. "Sometimes I miss seeing you dancing around the house."
Before he could say anything more, Sho jumped off my lap and onto the couch, causing me to wince in pain.
Blood started to stain the white skirt I wore.
"Shoyo Kei!" Tobio picked up our son and placed him on the floor in his playpen. "Be careful around your mother."
Tobio glanced at me worriedly. "(y/n)? Are your legs okay?"
I lifted up the skirt and saw the scars creating a horrible name reopening and bleeding.
Tobio cringed and stood up, pushing my wheelchair to the kitchen.
He gently kissed my thighs after cleaning them up.
More days like this passed.
Eventually, my sanity became a thing I once knew and longed for.
The voices still haunted me, and they got more violent as each year passed.
I succumbed to the madness, but only calming down when I saw my son.
He was the only thing keeping me somewhat alive.
Tobio tried his hardest to get me to 'love' him again, but I stayed emotionless towards him, only showing some emotions around our son.
Tobio had succeeded in getting me pregnant three more times, but small fights turned into large arguments, which turned violent.
Tobio had countless graves in the backyard.
He disguised the disgusting truth to our son as just sad miscarriages.
For halloween, the evil man actually displayed our dead children as halloween decorations and strung them outside by their necks, for our neighbors to see.
He used their blood to make red food dye, pasta sauce, and other foods, serving it right to us.
I stopped smiling long ago.
Just survive until he's sixteen and legally allowed to live on his own.
Our son was now sixteen and like his father, he loved volleyball.
Right now, Sho was at school (we had changed his last name so no one would get suspicious) and Tobio was yelling at me.
"You're making our son ask the wrong questions," Tobio screamed as he picked up a huge piece of fallen glass and cut my cheek, down to the cartilage. "Why can't you fucking smile?!"
I sat there and took the punishment, a resting bitch face never leaving my face.
Blood mixed with my tears and I felt myself glaze over, my eyes playing a deadly game of hide-and-seek.
I heard the door slam open and Sho tackling his father away from me, defending me.
"What the fuck, Dad?!" Shoyo Kei cradled my body close to his, glaring at his father with hatred.
He looked down at me and stroked my hair, worry filling his blue hues. "Mom?"
I reached up, knowing this was the last time I was ever going to see him again. "Shoyo Kei. You didn't deserve to grow up in this environment. Go into my room and underneath the floorboards underneath the bed, you'll find a journal. I love you."
I smiled one last time and Shoyo's eyes widened when he realized.
His father had fucking stabbed my heart and there was a shot in my arm. The lethal shot.
"Oh my fucking god."
Another person with green hair and brown eyes- his girlfriend- came into the house to see what all the screaming was about.
Then she saw my arm.
Tobio had me always wearing sleeves so no one would find out.
"Kageyama..." her hands flew to her mouth then she quickly called the police.
"No..." Shoyo Kei's form began to grow fuzzy.
"Goodbye, Shoyo Kei. I love you so much."
No one's POV
Kageyama Shoyo Kei took the stand on July 31st, 20XX.
"Is it true that you, Kageyama Shoyo Kei, are the son of missing persons Kageyama Tobio and Hinata (y/n)?"
He pointed to the convict- his father- and looked at him with disgust. "That man is not my father."
The ravenette spoke about everything he remembered and his story matched what the police found at the house.
"The only day I ever saw my mother smile was the day she killed herself. That man- my father- abused her for years upon years."
It was a speedy trial.
Kageyama Tobio wouldn't be granted asylum.
He would be given the lethal shot, just as he had killed Hinata (y/n) and countless others.
The police released the pages of the diary for the public to read, as per Kageyama Shoyo Kei and his aunt, Oikawa Hinata Natsu, asked. Natsu had married Oikawa Takeru, Oikawa Tooru's nephew.
The family members moved to Tokyo in Japan, under protection.
Not once has the world witnessed something so absolutely disgusting in the mind of a teenage boy who became a serial killer and abused his family for years upon years.
Kageyama Tobio's ashes were given to Kageyama Miwa, and she inherited the remaining part of the Kageyama fortune.
Kageyama Miwa has not disclosed where she put her brother's ashes, nor did she ever talk about what happened, except for when it was the anniversary of the kidnapping.
The dead bodies were laid to rest in sealed-tight coffins and their families were left to grieve in their own sorrows.
Anyone suspected of foul play and having ties to the psychotic man were tried and found guilty.
The numbers two and nine were retired from Karasuno's volleyball team as a bitter reminder of what happened.
Kageyama Shoyo Kei later became a forensics scientist and got married and had three children.
One of which he named after his dead mother.
The last page of the diary still haunted many people and as a result, Kageyama Shoyo Kei buried it somewhere secret in the place where his mother loved to go before the whole mess started.
Her last words written on the page of the old diary were published and were the thriller points for a Hollywood movie on horror.
I was Just Your Kohai, but now I'm another dead body on your kill list.
End of Choice C.
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