Choice B
Choice B: Go with Miya Atsumu
This chapter is dedicated to YenInHerBankAccount
Reader POV
I glanced at the two hands. "Fuck you." I nodded to Atsumu and he placed the stun gun's stingers on Tobio's neck.
His eyes widened and he tried to fight back, but his efforts were futile.
The swiss army knife in his hand dropped to the floor and I quickly picked it up before he could get any ideas.
The lights came on again and I saw Atsumu in better lighting.
His breathing was shaky.
The security officers dragged Tobio away and he didn't speak.
But his ice-blue eyes stared at me with betrayal and sadness.
Fuck you, I thought.
My lip trembled and I collapsed on the ground.
Atsumu immediately wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "It's going to be okay, (y/n). It's all over."
"(y/n)..." Natsu could barely whisper. It was like time slowed down and we were trapped.
I dropped my bag and ran towards her, hugging her tightly.
Tears streamed down from our faces.
"I can't believe you're alive!!" She hugged me back tightly.
I held her at arms length, wiping her eyes. "You've grown up so much, Natsu. I've missed so much..."
"What matters now is that you're with me now." She then heard my son's cries. "Oh, that's right...I'm an aunt now."
I nodded and picked up my son. "Natsu, meet your nephew. Hinata Shoyo Kei."
She picked him up from my arms and stared at him. "(y/n), his father..."
"There's always the option to put your son up for adoption," Ushijima said as he picked up the fallen bags.
"No." I shook my head. "He's the last reminder I have of Tobio. Yes, I fucking hate Tobio, but I can't help but feel bad for him. But that doesn't mean I don't think he should be set free ever again." I patted my stomach. "And the child I'm pregnant with now doesn't deserve to be alone without his or her family."
Natsu pinched Shoyo Kei's cheeks, a smile on both of their faces. "He's adorable, I'll give him that."
The press went berserk when we stepped out of the airport.
The rain had stopped, and we were greeted by a beautiful sunny day in Muan.
The national team was winning against the Argentina team of San Juan.
I cheered loudly, bouncing a three-year-old Shoyo Kei on my lap.
"GO ATSUMU!!" I shouted.
Atsumu and I began dating about 2 years ago.
He really brought joy into my life, and Shoyo Kei absolutely loved him...along with our other son, Kita.
Kita's father was indeed Tobio, but he looked exactly like me- just a male version.
Cheers erupted around the stadium when the match was over.
Bokuto and the others on the national team lifted Atsumu into the air, holding the trophy of victory into the air.
He had scored the last point.
But then he did something that caused everyone to squeal louder.
He got down on one knee and his teammates (and the other team) picked up signs that each had a letter written on them.
Marry Me, (y/n)?
He looked at me and I couldn't stop smiling and crying.
Natsu held Shoyo Kei while Osamu held baby Kita in his arms as I ran down to the court.
People moved out of the way, smiling.
"YES! YES!!" I collapsed into his arms and kissed him passionately, tears in our eyes.
He slipped the engagement ring onto my finger and kissed me passionately.
Osamu and Natsu came down and Atsumu picked up Kita, cooing at the baby.
Shoyo Kei clung onto Atsumu's sweaty leg as everyone cheered.
Indeed, it was a victorious day for many people.
The wedding was beautiful.
Atsumu cried when he saw me walk down the aisle with his father since my father was dead.
At the front two rows sat chairs with pictures of those who couldn't be there to see this beautiful day.
Tsukishima Akiteru, Kei, Mizuki, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Yachi Hitoka, my parents, Shoyo, and everyone else who died.
There was even a pedestal next to Osamu who was the best man.
The pedestal had a picture of Kita Shinsuke with a smile on his handsome face.
Atsumu carried me out of the church, a handsome smile on his face.
I clung to him as he ran down the steps, giggling like a schoolgirl even though I was almost 25.
The wedding reception was everything in a fairy tale wedding.
Not one person was sad- except Tobio. But he doesn't matter.
Surprisingly, he has sent in a gift from the place where he was now.
It was a card that said 'You were once mine and I miss you. But I suppose you're happy now.'
The gift was a picture of Shoyo Kei wearing a miniature version of Tobio's Karasuno jersey.
Atsumu banged a spoon on the champagne glass and got everyone's attention.
Lucia Hernandéz stopped talking to Kageyama Miwa and looked at us.
My husband stared at me with affection. "I just want to say thank you for the happiest years of my life, (y/n). I'm so lucky to have someone as beautiful and talented- just perfect- as you. I hope that we'll continue to make beautiful memories together as we move forewarn with our lives, my darling."
I smiled and kissed him. "I could say the same about you, Sumu."
Our children gave noises of approval while everyone else clapped.
A song came on as I stepped onto the dance floor with Atsumu as our first dance married.
Happiest Year by Jaymes Young.
Fireworks in the distance shot off into the sky.
I rested my head on Atsumu's chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
He really changed my life.
I was in a deep and depressed state, but he saved me.
Endless hours of hugs in the bathroom where I tried to hide the scars of his name on my arms.
"I love you, Miya Hinata (y/n)," Atsumu whispered in my ear. "And I have. Ever since I laid eyes on you."
"I love you too, Miya Atsumu. You're the very reason why I'm still here. I wouldn't give this up for the world. Thank you for being the best thing that happened to me."
It was a month later that we decided to move away from Hyogo and Miyagi.
We were going to settle down in Tokyo.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Atsumu looked at me with worry.
I nodded. "Please. I want closure, Atsu."
He nodded. "Samu, we'll be back tonight."
We got onto the train that was heading to Hokkaido.
Where Kageyama Tobio was in a psychiatric ward for life.
I clutched the letter in my hand as Atsumu held my other hand and gently squeezed it.
We walked into the building.
"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Miya," the head lady smiled at us. "He's not able to have a meeting right now-"
"Can you please give this to him?" I handed her the letter.
She nodded. "Will you be alright?"
"Yes. Thank you, Clarise."
Atsumu wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead as we got onto the train to get back to Hyogo. "I'm very proud of you, (y/n)."
The male smiled at me. "Let's go home."
And we walked onto the train.
This is goodbye for now, Kageyama Tobio.
Dear Kageyama Tobio
I don't know what else to say.
I really hope you get better someday.
When that day comes, Shoyo Kei and Kita will be waiting to meet you.
You tried your hardest to get me to love you, but in the end, you failed.
Now I'm writing this as I'm about to embark on a new journey with my husband.
You're probably wondering who he is.
I'll tell you. I don't care if you don't like it.
His name is Miya Atsumu and he loves me very deeply.
He and I are expecting twins.
We'll name them Miya Aia and Ashio.
I suppose in some way that I should thank you. Because of what you put me through, I appreciate each day and person I spend time with even more.
I love waking up next to Atsumu.
He brings so much joy to my life.
I was Just Your Kohai once, and you my senpai.
But now, you're a convicted murder and psychotic man- and you're in a psychiatric ward.
We aren't anything but a past memory in each other's lives.
So I guess this is goodbye for now, Kageyama Tobio.
Miya (y/n)
End of Choice B.
Pick another route?
Yes ~ No
Don't forget to read the author's note after Choice D!
Okay, but this route made me really happy to write. It's so wholesome and provides good closure to this series if readers decide to stop here.
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