(29) Loss
Reader POV
I woke up next to Kageyama.
I felt his hand graze my face.
"Good morning, (y/n)..."
Not a word was spoken. I just moved away from him on the bed.
Kageyama's persona radiated guilt, anger, and sadness.
"C'mon. I'm sure you're hungry."
Yeah, hungry for death.
Kageyama wrapped his arms around me, lightly kissing my neck. My mind began to panic.
Is he going to rape me again?
What the fuck is he going to do now??
I moved away from him, but he only held me closer.
"I've missed you, you know..."
I've literally been held in captivity by you.
"It's like you're here- but also not here."
I stayed silent as he kissed my neck multiple times before sighing.
"I'm not going to force myself upon you. After all, you might get pregnant again and...we both know how that always ends up."
Something inside me broke. "You don't fucking say?? I've been forced into not one, but two pregnancies. And every single time- every time- you kill it. It's an endless loop, Kageyama."
His grip tightened around me. "I-"
"Just...please leave me alone. I can't stand talking you right now."
He nodded. "Okay. Are you hungry?"
He left the bedroom after kissing my lips- hoping for something-anything, to let him know I was still there.
I didn't do anything.
I curled back onto the bed, guilt overtaking me as I felt comforted by the blanket with his scent all over it.
No words came out of my mouth for the rest of the day.
Natsu POV
"So you're the one who..." my friend Arthur Kirkland looked at me, his huge bushy eyebrows raising. "Wow."
I nodded and placed my pen down. "I'm still surprised that I won that competition."
He and I packed up our things as he began to compliment me on my singing voice.
"It's like you're going through some horrible shit;" he said.
I bit my lip. Unless these British students watched Japanese news, they had no idea about everything.
And I didn't tell anyone except those I trusted.
My parents had Shoyo, (y/n), and I learn English and we were quite good at it.
"So...some of my friends and I are thinking about going to that cafe by King's Cross," Arthur said as he opened the door for me. "Do...do you want to come with me?"
I shook my head. "Not today. But I think I should be available tomorrow. Let me ask."
I immediately got a reply from my aunt as soon as I texted her.
"Okay. Tomorrow works."
Arthur smiled with a blush on his face. "Wicked. Should I pick you up around three?"
"Sounds like a plan."
We walked to the row of homes along Cherry Tree Lane. He was my neighbor, along with a girl named Alice from Austria.
"Bye!" Arthur walked me to my door and patted my head.
"Bye." I walked into my house and then the dam broke.
I rushed upstairs to my room and fell to the floor, tears flowing through my eyes.
I can't let myself get close to anyone! I'm just going to loose them.
My aunt came into my bedroom. "Honey, what's wrong?"
"E-everything! I...I'm so scared, Aunt Yui."
The redhead sighed. "Oh, Natsu. Honey, things are different here. You need friends. And they won't go anywhere."
"How do you know that?" I snapped. "Look what happened last time I was close to people. They died."
"But (y/n) might be alive."
"She probably isn't," I curled into a fetal position. "It's not fair to give me false hope. I just wanted closure and now Kiyo says his brother and Daichi went missing."
"Natsu, what did we talk about? This isn't good for your mental health. You need to stop asking Morila and Kiyoomi for information regarding that case."
"No buts. You're here and they're there. You are safe here. That Kageyama wouldn't dare harm you here."
Reader POV
The clock ticked about, disturbing the silence.
If only I could see again.
Kageyama was doing something in the kitchen.
"(y/n)!" He called. "I made dinner!"
I heard his footsteps on the creaking stairs as he opened the door to our bedroom.
I felt the bed dip a bit as he removed the blanket from around my frail form. "I'm not hungry."
"I don't care. You're going to eat if I have to force you."
And he did force me.
The food was actually quite good- mashed potatoes and vegetables.
Kageyama held a cup and handed it to me, making sure my grasp on the plastic was good.
I brought the cup up to my lips and took a sip of lovely dihydrogen monoxide.
"Hey, (y/n)?" Kageyama moved around, cleaning up our dishes. "Do you want any dessert? I got (flavor) ice cream."
I shook my head.
Kageyama brought me back upstairs and began to read a book out loud to me.
It was the book Divergent.
"Hm...I guess Abnegation is alright, but I'm personally more of a Dauntless," Kageyama commented before flipping to the next chapter.
I felt him wrap an arm around me, but I tensed up and he retracted his arms, sadness coming from him.
You've got no right to be sad, Kageyama.
You did this.
Don't expect anything from me, you fucking bastard.
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