(20) Tsukishima Akiteru
Reader POV
I cleaned up Akiteru's face, whispering words of confort in his ear.
"I'm so pathetic," he said with raw emotions. "I'm 24 and I can't even protect the people I care for."
"No, you aren't." I held his hand and pressed it to my face. "Akiteru, you're one of the bravest people I know."
"You stood up to him." I pressed a bandage to his face.
He sighed and looked at me with affection. "I know why Kei and Zuki both loved you. You're so amazing. I...I uh, had a bit of a crush on you. But it was clear that you had eyes for my brother. Besides, I think it's cool that you would've been my brother's wife. That salty beanpole."
Akiteru shook his head with sadness. "He talked about you a lot, you know."
His confession made my face redden. "I thought you liked Saeko?"
"I did. But we aren't dating anymore. Three weeks after Kei died, we broke it off. It wasn't fair to either of us. We're just friends now."
"Oh." I looked away with embarrassment. "I-"
"Don't think about it right now." Akiteru leaned back, wincing in pain."Our main focus is getting out of here."
I nodded. "Yeah..."
It was silent for a bit.
Akiteru held my hand and sighed. "Kei always liked to make up weird fantasies that you were married to him. I'm not even kidding. Remember that potato you guys called your baby? He literally refused to let Mom cut it up for mashed potatoes, saying that it was his baby with you."
I laughed, just picturing Kei saying "Fuck off, that's my baby."
"He loved you a lot," Akiteru's brown eyes glistened with tears. "And Zuki wanted you to become her sister legally. But I guess that can't happen right now, can it?"
I bit my lip. "We won't ever give up. I promise you, Akiteru. We're going to get out of here eventually."
I tucked the talk Tsukishima back into his bed and gave his forehead a gentle kiss. I picked up the medical things Kageyama got and closed the door behind me, turning off the light so I could go care for Saeko.
Akiteru POV
I watched (y/n) leaving the room, closing the door and turning off the light.
Gods, the things I would do for you.
When I first met (y/n) all those months ago in March, I instantly knew she was special. Like her brother, the room seemed to light up whenever she was around.
Early on, I had feelings for her, but suppressed them since I couldn't help but see the way Kei looked at her.
I ended up dating Tanaka Saeko, knowing that the blonde didn't make my heart pound so much like (y/n)'s did.
She must've known. Three weeks after Kei and Zuki died and (y/n) went missing, she and I broke it off.
We chose to remain friends. We teamed up with searching for the pretty Hinata (y/n).
It felt so weird coming home from college classes, not hearing my brother teasing (y/n) with Zuki jumping to her defense.
Saeko and I found a fallen charm bracelet that Kei gave to (y/n) on the night they all went to the fall festival.
However, we were both knocked out and awoke in the tower of the old Victorian mansion we were all stuck in now.
When I saw (y/n) pregnant with that bastard's child, I resisted the urge of killing him on the spot. Only because (y/n) was right there and I didn't even want to think about the pain she went through.
I heard Kageyama coming down the basement stairs and call out to her.
"(y/n), I got you more of that gauze tape you wanted."
"Thank you, Tobio."
I knew we had to act quickly. The threat of her developing Stockholm Syndrome was very real. I could already tell she had begun to succumb to the creeping feelings.
"I promise you, (y/n). I'm going to help us all and get us all the fuck out of here."
Reader POV
Kageyama watched me with glimmering blue eyes as I moved about the kitchen, heating up some chicken noodle soup since I've been craving it so much along with white macadamia cookies.
"You know," he said as he placed two hands on my stomach, sadness lingering in his voice. "I...I always feel guilty about killing our son. He would've been amazing. You would've been about five months pregnant."
"Has it really been that long?"
"Yeah. I took you around November. It's now March. Which means your birthday is coming up."
[Hinata Shoyo was born in June. Go back three/four months and March is when you were born since (y/n) is supposed to be a second-year]
He gently kissed my neck. "What did you want for your birthday?"
I shrugged. "Anything I want, you're going to refuse."
He must've known what I had in mind. "Hey- I'll allow you to go outside in the gardens for a bit- but only if you stay close to me."
"Really?" I looked at him from the side as he added a pinch of garlic to the soup.
"Yeah. But if you run, I promise you that you'll be the one to kill Tsukishima Akiteru."
"Okay. Thank you, Tobio!" I turned around and hugged him tightly. Inside, my brain came up with a plan.
If I can get a better layout of the land, I'll be able to get all three of us out quicker with knowledge.
"Now, go feed them and we can have an easy night." Tobio kissed my lips gently. "And remember. I love you so much."
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