A warm welcome to all the people who clicked the read icon. So as the title suggests, the simple thing you have to do to enter the contest is write.
Now, now , now ; Thats too easy and we need fun , right? So there is a twist...You have to write on a particular theme within a particular word limit that will be provided by...Me of course.
The themes can be varied from a line to be used in the story, words to be used in the story, starting line, ending line or a particular concept and so can be the word limits which can range right from 100 to max 10,000.
Please note that its NOT important for you to participate with new shots/drabbles/ficlets only, if any of your previous written work qualifies all the rules of the particular theme, You CAN participate with it.Also, its going to be a series of contest starting at the start of a month( alternate or sometimes even after gap of two months) and ending towards the end, mostly depending on me getting themes for the contest.
So what are you waiting for? Click on the Continue to read button to the know the Exciti...Error only prizes, Exciting or not, you decide.
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