Chapter 3
Mabel's POV:
I can't believe that my own brother, my twin believes his new found friend more than his family, more than me his sister. I mean, I'm always there for him when he's alone, I was with him the Mystery Twins. Okay, maybe I neglected that since I'm always with Candy and Grenda but I'm the only one he can trust. I'm his sister damn. He should listen to me, I'm the only one who can be with him, especially after the gossips that I started unintentionally at school. First, it was pretty sad to see him be bullied, but after he's only with me. I can be with him without any other person who can steal him away from me. But he could have a girlfriend, I'm not the Matchmaker for nothing. She should only learn to share and leave me my Dipper, my Dip Dop, my Dipping sauce. Ah, I should stop to think about it and go out of this bed since it's already breakfast time. It would be better if I could eat it with him but since he is with William, beh, he doesn't have time for me.
With this thoughts, I went to the kitchen still in my Pj's hoping that Stan didn't make again Stancakes with his hair, they are only gross but if he did we could all go to the Dinner and eat pancakes there. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case when I got there. I saw Stan and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich waiting for me on the table.
"Where is Dipper? Is he already awake?" I asked while I was eating.
"Oh yes, he came with William an hour before you to eat and they went again to their room."
It's not their room but Dipper's and mine. He can't steal everything I have, especially not MY twin. I need him, he is the only one with who I can really be happy disregarding my friends. William must leave this house.
Dipper's POV:
I was awake for more than an hour and till that I spoke with William. He's a little strange this morning, maybe it's because of his headache like he said.
"I still can't understand why Grunke Stan can't trust us. I mean he was the one who was hiding the truth and was tricking us one entire summer. He asked us to trust him whatever he did and now he has trust issues with you?"
"Yeah, it's strange..." he said while not looking at me and only at the triangle shaped window.
"But the worst is Mabel. Why can't she trust me once about my choices about my friends? She doesn't let me close to anyone. I don't know why she is so overprotective with me but still tries to find a girlfriend for me even if I don't want to." I said and I sighed.
Bill/ William POV:
"Ah and why do you don't want a girlfriend?" Why am I asking this? I'm a demon, I shouldn't have feelings, and these are only aftereffects of my human form. And why do I hope that he says he's gay. Ahhh what am I thinking?! As I passed my hand through my hair and looked impatiently at him waiting for his answer.
"That's... I don't really know in fact. Maybe it's because I don't feel attracted to girls anymore..."
"Anymore?" I said angry and hopeful at the same time.
"Yeah, years ago when I was 12 I had a crush. You know Wendy, the girl with red hair that you met 2 days ago?"
"Yes and she was your crush?" I said a bit jealous. Why am I jealous that doesn't make sense!
"Yep. But after all this time, I think it was probably more a strong admiration than love. I mean since that I didn't love girls anymore."
"So...?" I said once more with a bright hope and relieved.
"I think I'm gay..." he blushed and looked at me and just as I was about to speak we heard Stan calling him.
"Yes Grunkle Stan I come!" he yelled back.
Ah, Stan one day I will kill you for ruining this and for trying to kill me I thought as my eyes flashed red. Luckily for me, Dipper didn't see it and went downstairs.
Dipper POV:
I went downstairs to search Stan and see what he wanted from me, leaving the still weak William alone in the room. As I was at the bottom of the stairs I bumped into something.
"Ah Dipper!" said my sister.
"Sorry I didn't see you, I was totally in my thoughts"
"Nothing happened so it's good bro bro" then I saw that she was about to go upstairs before I bumped into her and I quickly got off her way.
"Thanks bro" she said smiling at me and holding an empty big glass with 'glitter' written on it.
"What are you doing with this?"
"Oh I am redecorating Grunkle Ford's room with glitter but I haven't enough anymore and I am going to get more of my storage in our room."
"You know that Great Uncle Ford won't like to see his room full of glitter when he comes back..."
"What are you saying Dip Dop? He will love it" she said cheerfully, chuckling and with an even wider smile.
I sighed in defeat and went to the kitchen to see that Grunkle Stan only needed me to help him open a glass of pickles. I then quickly went upstairs without speaking or even looking at him but I stopped at the door of our room hearing yelling.
~~~~~~10 seconds before Dipper's return and Bill's POV~~~~~~
I looked at Pinetree going out of the room to hear him speaking with Shooting Star. I still can't completely understand why I'm feeling things towards this Pinetree. Okay, I was caught in this healing gem for a few years and now he looked like a very attractive young man with brown hair, brown eyes, a muscular body and even a tattoo on his left arm. As I asked him about this tattoo of the shape of my summoning wheel and me inside (at this moment without my memories and knowing what it is), he only said it's a tattoo to remind him of who his true enemy was, what he did to his family and to him and that it gives him strength. He said that thanks to it he could face his bullies after his first summer here but he's still totally alone at school without any friend but I reassured him by saying that now I'm his friend and that I will be it forever. At that time I didn't know that forever is a very long time but still, I don't regret it. But why do I have to have feelings towards such a pathetic meatsack who is slightly asocial like me in my first human days? No, I can't think about that again it's long behind me.
Too deep in my thoughts I didn't notice that Shooting Star was in the room searching for something on her side of the room where currently Pinetree is sleeping. So I decided to greet her since she didn't mind to do it before:
"Hey Shooti- Mabel!" I accidentally almost let Shooting Star get out my mouth. I hoped that she wouldn't notice.
"What did you say William?" she looked at me with widening eyes.
"Hum I said hey Mabel?" I shrugged and looked at her.
"You almost said Shooting Star didn't you?" she looked so angry and at the same time scared right now.
"Um no you are dreaming Shooting Star" Shit I said it! Why am I so dumb! I could totally facepalm if she didn't look at me with those bloodshot eyes and freaked me out.
"Bill!" She shouted "How can you still be alive, no wait I know why. You were in this blue magic gem. You waited for someone to find you, save you and use him as your new toy didn't you?!"
"No, Shooting Star, that's not what-" She interrupted me
"You, you evil Dorito demon, you want to destroy this world even more, don't you?"
"No I don't want to do that again, I want to beg your forgiveness, I-" again she interrupted me.
"I don't believe you! You're still this evil demon trying to trick us, to steal my brother away from us!"
"No I changed! I now have feelings and not as much power. Please listen I really want to apologize"
"NO you shut up! I'm sure you're not a human demon! You want to kill us all!"
" I'm human, I first was before I changed into my dream demon shape. Please believe me if I say that I only want to make this better, to be friends with you all or only wish you could forgive me for my mistakes. These horrible actions weren't even mine, I was under the influence of the Nightmare Realm!"
"Yeah I totally believe you. You aren't an evil demon anymore, only a nice human with some powers. Waouh we should totally forgive you the fact that you tried to kill us only because of the Nightmare Realm" she said with sarcasm. "And even if, I will not let you being here! You are stealing him away from me!"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh don't show me this confused face. I know that you are trying to get Dipper away from me like the others. I don't want him to go away. He will forever stay with me, his twin sister. I'm his only friend, I made that sure."
" I didn't want to let him have this apprentice away from me with Ford, I was ready for eternal summer so he would stay forever by my side without growing and I spread the gossip about him. He will stay with me forever and you won't change that! Get out of this house or I will kill you with whatever is needed to kill a demon like you!" she yelled at me with anger and with no trace of fear in her bloodshot eyes.
"But I'm still too weak to stand up a long time. Please understand me Shooting Star! Please! I'm now almost human, you won't kill one of your own species don't you?" I begged hoping she would reconsider it.
"You have no idea of what I'm able to do for Dipper, now get out before I kill you!"
"Stop it!!!" I heard someone scream behind the closed door of the room and saw Dipper enter the room with his face completely red of anger and with sadness in his eyes.
"You!" he said pointing at Mabel. "You the one who I trusted the most! You, my own sister, you betrayed me and said all these things about me?! I sacrificed everything for you and this is my reward?! An over possessive sister who tries to kill an innocent?" he shouted.
"You know he's not innocent! He is the cause of all this!"
"YOU should know better than that. He just said that it wasn't his fault, he was controlled! You can't blame him for his past actions! Plus he wants to apologize and redeem himself! You can't just kill him like that and he's still weak!"
"Don't you see that he manipulated you Dipper?!"
"No you listen to me, get out of this room right now and don't come back!" he shouted at her.
I couldn't understand what's going on. Pinetree is defending me? Shooting Star got out of the room with a yell and a murderous look. We heard her going downstairs and yelling at Stan.
"She will come back" I said to Pinetree. "But why did you defend me?"
"Firstly I know, secondly I believe you when you said it wasn't your fault and I can't just abandon someone who needs me. You are still weak."
"Thanks Dipper" For the first time with my memories, I called him with his true name. He looked at me surprised and smiled.
"You are welcome Bill. But if we stay like that here, she will come and this time with Grunkle Stand and I highly doubt he will let you go justlike that. We must escape from here."
"Yes we. I don't want to stay here anymore with this crazy sister. Please let us escape together. Plus I can't let a weak friend of mine just go out in the world without me." He said smiling even more.
"Ah okay, but how are we gonna go?" Then I heard steps in the stairs and I swiftly locked the door with my magic. "We can't just walk out and it's too high to jump out of the window and however I'm too weak physically for these things."
"How about teleportation?" he said looking in my eyes what made me blushed maybe because of my own stupidity.
"Oh yeah I forgot I can do that..." and I snapped my fingers.
A/N: Yeah longest chapter I wrote since the start! Thanks to the persons who voted and followed me you kinda push me forwards and made me write the next chapter and thank you all a lot just for reading my story!
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