Chapter 15
Dipper's POV:
"Is that... BILL?!! But I killed him! I KILLED HIM!" Mabel took deap breaths and shouted again. "HE CAN'T BE ALIVE! I SHOT HIM! He should have died!"
I saw the guns near her. Does she really want to kill him that badly? How pathetic. Let's use some magic on the gun. She grabbed the gun near her and aimed it at Bill. This won't work. I smirked.
"Why are you again here?! I killed you but here you are again to haunt me! To steal away everything from me! Die! Die! Die!" She said as she pulled the trigger but nothing happened. "Why? WHY!!!! It should have worked! You should be dead!" She threw the gun at Bill but with her little noodle arms, she hadn't a lot of strength and the gun landed miserably before us.
"Mabel!" I heard someone scream from the door. I looked at the person and saw my two Grunkles, still in pajamas. Geez, thank you, Mabel, for waking them up. I turned around fully to let them see me and Bill completely with Bill slightly before me.
"Hello Fez and Sixer!" said Bill.
"Mabel come here!" yelled Grunkle Stan. Grunkle Ford just stared at Bill. Before Mabel could move to join her dear family, I snapped my fingers, engulfing her body in magic and she was immobilized, but still able to speak, hear and see. She won't miss anything. I smirked.
"No Mabel!" said this time Grunkle Ford. "What do you want Bill?" He said with venom in his voice. "You already took Dipper and know you want Mabel too?"
"Eek no, never. That's just disgusting."
"Hey! I can still hear you!" said Mabel.
"Oh, you just shut up." I said.
"So what do you want?" Grunkle Ford said with anger but I could see he felt despair at the same time. "Do you want to destroy again our world with your Weirdmaggedon and be our king?"
"Hum, I don't know yet." He tapped on his chin. "Besides I'm not the one in command this time." He looked at me and I stepped forward.
"Hello Grunkle Ford!" I tried to sound cheerful but I knew it sounded cold.
"Dipper! What does this mean?" Grunkle Stan said, looking at me. Oh he is sad and is that concern? Ah concern about Mabel, naturally not me. I sighed before speaking again.
"Did you not hear Bill? I'm the one who commands everything this time. And when I say everything it's everything."
"What?" both old twins said with confusion in their voice.
"You know since you shot Bill, I had to gain some power to be able to heal him. And you know what? Now I'm Emperor of everything! I'm a being with infinite power! An all-powerful dimensional demon!" I looked at my side where Bill stood. "And he is my husband and Emperor too. Isn't that all fantastic?"
"Husband? Emperor?" Ford repeated still confused.
"Ah poor human is that too complicate for you? And I thought you were the smart one here. I must have mistaken." My two Grunkles stared at me, shocked at my behavior and my little speech.
"So what do we do now?" asked Bill. Before I could answer him, Mabel yelled my name.
"DIPPER! We had a deal! You said you would stay by my side! And he was dead! Nothing should have separate us! We are the Mystery Twins!" I saw she was crying.
"Oh don't cry, my poor sister!" I said, completely sarcastic with a smirk. "The Mystery Twins are you serious? You were the one who left me alone! The one who was always with her friend! The one who said these horrible rumors about me! The one who broke me! The one who destroyed my life! And most important of that all, YOU BETRAYED ME! You tried to kill the one I love! My husband! You, my twin sister!" She looked at me shocked, as well as my Grunkles.
"But Dipper it was all for your sake!" She cried even more and because of my magic she couldn't even raise her arms and wipe out the tears, leaving her face tear stained and really ugly.
"My sake?! Say it clearly it was all for you! You are so egoist! But that gives me an idea. And about the deal, it will soon be over." I laughed insanely, shocking, even more, my Grunkles. "But until that, let's having fun! Or said more accurately, I will have fun and for you... it will be hell? Doesn't that sound delicious?" I looked at Bill, seeking his approval. He hesitated then nodded. What's wrong with him? Don't tell me he is feeling guilty?! Bah that doesn't matter right now, let's having fun!
Bill's POV:
I looked at Dipper, feeling weird. But not the good weird, the bad one, the disturbing one. Is that really Dipper? I saw him turn to face his sister.
"And you know what will be really fun for me and really horrible for you?" I saw fear in his sister's eyes. She didn't answered and I could see that she tried to struggle against his magic. That's really wasted energy. You will never be able to break through his magic. "It seems you really don't know. But I know!" Without even seeing Pinetree's face, I knew he was smirking. "You are someone who likes to be surrounded by people right? And a Shooting Star may fall, but what about her friends? Now lay down and lets the show begin." This isn't going to end well. He manipulated his magic and let her lay down on the ground.
"And now?" I asked, fearing what might come next, looking at his Grunkles that were still standing there, motionless, shocked.
"You are way too impatient Bill" He turned around, looking at me and he chuckled. His chuckle was very cold, heartless and I could feel this sick feeling coming in me. What's that? Is that... fear? Fear of what Dipper might do? Or fear of... Dipper? "You know Shooting Star here" He motioned to her with his hands. Since when does he call her by her symbol? "Is someone who really likes to be surrounded by people, so let her be surrounded by all her friends and on top of that her family." He laughed and snapped his fingers.
Suddenly all of the people who knew Mabel from somewhere where here in the basement floating over her with wide and blank eyes. I looked up to see there wasn't any ceiling or any house above us anymore. Just a giant mass of people floating above us and more precisely above Shooting Star.
"What?" said his two Grunkles and I at the same time. Pinetree laughed and snapped his fingers. We teleported and floated high above everything and then all the people began to fall down on Shootings Stars body and she was buried alive screaming under the mountain of people over her. Soon we couldn't hear her anymore under all these bodies.
"Now the final touch!" Pinetree snapped his fingers again, teleporting his Grunkles on the pile of bodies with his parents. They too had this blank expression with wide blank eyes.
"What did you do?" I almost yelled looking down at the mountain of bodies.
"I buried Shooting Star with everyone she so dearly likes! But see how many persons are here! She died under the weight of all of her 'friends'! All the people she ever had known! Isn't that a perfect death for someone as selfish and sociable as her?" He laughed maniacally and I looked again down at the pile of bodies. She isn't the only one who is now dead. Even some of her friends over her are. Now they must be bloody corpses under all this weight. I looked again at Dipper. Is this really Dipper? I can't let this going on!
"You killed your own sister!" I yelled at him, looking into his eyes, searching for a glimpse of guilt, sadness or maybe looking for the old Pinetree.
"And what? She deserved it! She tried to kill you! I do this all for you!" I floated backward away from him.
"She deserved it?! She was your sister! How could you do that?! The Dipper I knew, the Dipper I love wouldn't have done that! He cared about his sister more than everything!"
"Yeah and? I'm no more this old weak Dipper! I'm now the Emperor!" He snapped his fingers, letting everything disappear, bringing everyone and every corpse back to where they were before. "I can do everything! I'm all-powerful! Why wouldn't I take revenge on Shooting Star fro trying to kill you? She isn't my sister anymore!"
"That's not true! The Dipper I loved would have never done that! The Nightmare Realm changed you!" We teleported right on the ground below us, again in the basement before the still open portal.
"People change Bill! The Nightmare Realm gave me infinite power and my position as Emperor! Now it's time for me to free everyone!" He came forward the portal. I can't let you do that!
"No! Don't do it Dipper! You will destroy this universe and everyone who lives in it!" I yelled, putting myself between him and the commands of the portal.
"I don't care about them! I only care about you!" He yelled back, trying to put me away. I took his wrist.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you do that!"
"Oh and what will you do to stop me, Bill? I'm still more powerful than you even if we shared our powers."
"I'm sorry Dipper" I smiled sadly and I snapped the fingers of my free hand, still holding his wrist with the other. A yellow crystal started forming around him.
"You didn't!"
"I did. This is like the crystal you found me in, a crystal who will purge you from the Nightmare Realm and his energy!" I freed his wrist, seeing the crystal growing around him.
"I will come back again with my powers and fulfill the prophecy! I'm the eternal Emperor!" He said looking at me with no sign of hate and more of disappointment and with a sick smirk. "I will come back for you!" He said again before the crystal engulfed him.
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