Un Pennod
Evita P.O.V.
'When I awoke, my head pounded like someone was hitting a drum inside my brain. As I sat up, I placed a hand on the side of my head in an attempt to soothe the pain. I glanced around me and noticed that I was sitting on the damp ground of a wood. Trees loomed tall and menacing around me as I groggily got to my feet, simultaneously stretching my jet black, yet angelic wings - which nicely caused my bright azure eyes and long, ombre hair to stand out.
I started walking in the direction in which I was facing. I hadn't been on the move for long when something caught my eye - a speck of white that seemed to shine in the darkness. I cautiously approached it and was simply aghast to see that they were the snow white wings of an angel. Well, "snow white" wouldn't be the best way to describe them; the wings were stained with blood and had clearly been hacked off with a sword or similar weapon. I stepped back in shock and had to look away before
I felt something warm and liquid-like fall onto my arm. I forced myself to turn my head to inspect the substance, although I already had a vague idea of what it was.
The crimson liquid gradually trickled its way down my upper arm down to my elbow. It was soon followed by another drop landing directly next to my foot. I loathed the thought of directing my gaze upwards, but my body moved of its own accord.
The sight which took up my vision was one that almost made my stomach reject its contents.
It was my family. The one I never met in person, but watched over every day none the less.
My mother, my twin sister Penryn, and my little sister Paige were all hanging from a tree. Their bodies were twisted to impossible angles; each of them were limp and lifeless and each had been fixed time the ancient trunk by impossibly long nails rammed through their shoulders.
My legs turned to jelly beneath me. As I collapsed to my knees, I began weeping. Weeping over the family to whom I belong, but never met. Warm, salty tears flowed from my eyes like a steam. All I could do was repeat the same phrase over and over again.
"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry. ...I'm so sorry! I-If on-ly I had g-gotten here sooner..." I recited in shaky breaths.
"Mom.... Penryn....Paige...Why wasn't I there?! Why wasn't I there when you needed me?!" I continued to scream these words as my sobbing escalated.
I heard my name.
"'Evita...Wake up!'" '
I was thrown back into reality as I shot up in my bed, tears staining my cheeks. I was covered in cold sweat and my breathing was heavy and uneven.
The voice caught me off guard. I turned to my right and saw my best friend, Raffe, studying my features with an immensely concerned look plastered on his face.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice calm and comforting.
"Y-Yeah...No...I don't know." I replied.
"Nightmare?" Questioned the male angel in front of me. I replied with a simple nod as I began to quickly wipe away the tears on my face.
His concerned expression transformed into one of understanding as he sat beside me on the bed and pulled me into a gentle embrace. He lightly traced circles on my back to calm me down. We just sat there ina comfortable silence when Raffe spoke up.
"What was the nightmare about?"
I hesitated briefly before giving my answer.
"My family. They were all dead...and...hanging from a tree with huge nails through their shoulders."
"Anything else?" He further inquired. "You know you can talk to me about anything."
I mentally debated if whether or not I should tell him about the wings. It would be best if I did.
"There was one more thing." I started. He gave a slight nod to show that he was listening. "There were your wings. They must have been cut off. There was just blood everywhere."
I began to silently cry. Raffe simply held me closer, slowly rocking back and forth.
"Shh. Shh. It's alright." He whispered. "I'm not going anywhere and nobody is gonna cut off my wings. I promise."
I had continued to softly cry for a few minutes more until the tears stopped. We pulled apart from the hug and he ruffled my dishevelled hair a little while I gave a small giggle. Raffe was like an older brother to me; he was always by my side no matter what.
Raffe P.O.V.
'Man, she's cute.' I thought. 'But she probably doesn't see me as anything more than a friend'
I try not to show it, but I have been becoming more and more concerned about Evita. Since the Angels came down to Earth, she's become increasingly distant and wary - she's also been receiving constant nightmares, all of which involve her family.
OK. Here's chapter one of my Angelfall fanfiction. It's a great book and I highly recommend it. Anyway, the title is called "Un Pennod" (pronounced 'Een Pennod') because it's Welsh for "Chapter One". (Yes, I am Welsh).
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