I walked into a large room with many weapons. I immediately noticed a hand gun. I smirked and ran over. "Oi! Calm down Chiyochi!" yelled Guren. I ignored him. Slow down. I need to warn you! Agemnon's ever so familiar voice growled in my head. I ignored him too. My hand wrapped around the handle of the gun. Then the world flickered white. It was like the lightbulbs in the bedroom were flicking on and off in the dark room and my eyes weren't ready for it. I stumbled then felt my feet leave the ground. I couldn't control my limbs.
"Sarashimioh!" Yelled someone, Kimizuki, I think. My feet left the ground and I was suspended in midair. Then the world went fully white.
"What?" I groaned. I was sitting in the hallway of my old house. I walked into the nearest room. The kitchen. There they were. Cash. Seilee. Turn my head? Mom. The vampire. Then I heard the ever so familiar voice.
"Don't be gullible." I turned to see a boy my age. Black hair, a loose leather jacket with navy blue jeans. Also had on a pair of leather gloves. His eyes were a contradicting blood red. He had fangs and a kind, but deadly look on his face. He was also very very pale.
"Agemnon?" I asked. He smirked.
"Yup," his voice echoed in the room. It was hollow.
"Are you part of this illusion?"
"Is that a question of value?"
"How'd you figure it out?" another voice joined the conversation. The world faded. Agemnon placed a hand on my shoulder. We then were facing a boy with blond hair and golden cat eyes. He had a piercing in one ear. This guy looked about my age as well. He looked like a student just coming home from school. He had on a white dress-shirt that had the top button undone and the tie pulled loose. He wore black dress-pants as well as black loafers. "And how'd you get in here with her?" Asked the guy.
"I'm her demon, not all that hard," Agemnon replied venomously. Then he turned to me, "Why? Why don't you ever listen? Why did you need another demon?"
"Extra protection," I shrugged, "More power." The blond guy laughed.
"I'll give you power," He offered. He held his hand out for a shake. I just stared at it loathe fully as Agemnon pushed it away.
"There's no way I'll let you possess her. I've protected her from vampires for 6 years now. What kind of protector would I be if I stood by and let her get possessed by one of my own now?" Agemnon asked.
"Name," I asked, keeping a pokerface.
"Exuse me?" The demon laughed.
"Whats your name?" I asked again, trying to sound board.
"Reme," the guy says. I nod.
"So, Reme," Agemnon says,"What's the deal? You have 2 options. Do you know what they are?"
"Why fight you or possess her of course."
"50% is still an F," growls Agemnon, "Fight me or help her become twice as strong and become demon of shadows."
"That second option sounds decent," agreed Reme. He gave me a playful, but intimidating smile, (as shown in the picture on the top) sticking his tongue out. I noticed a piercing in the center of his tongue. Agemnon hold his hand out for Reme to shake it and in the blink of an eye, I back in reality, on the hard, cold ground.
"Oi! She's awake! Yelled someone. My (E/c) eyes flutter open to greet Kimizuki's. Yuu-chan and Yoichi-san rush over followed by Guren and Sayuri. "You failed, and we were all worried you were going to be possessed like Yoichi," Kimizuki tells me.
"I . . . Failed?" I ask. I look to my hand and see no gun. I stand up and run over to where the gun was laying when I walked in. It is there, but it no longer has its glow. Suddenly two figures appear out of the shadows. Two faces I am now used to after the time I spent in my mind. Agemnon and Reme.
"What the hell?" Says Guren drawing his sword.
"Oh? Is this how you treat your allies? Interesting," Agemnon taunts.
"Yeah! We're friend. Isn't that right ChiyoChi?" Reme smiles with his devilish smirk. He puts his arm around my shoulder to represent the "friendship".
"Explanation?" Asks Yuu.
"My . . . Demons," I say hesitantly.
"Excuse me! Did you say demons plural?" Yells Guren.
"Y-yes," I reply. "I've had Agemnon since I was 10, Reme was in the gun and now he's apart of the shadows."
"What?" They all say in unison. So I explain.
"And there you have it. The last basically 8 years of my life to sum it up," I conclude. The all stare at me in shock.
"Elemental demons living underground. The Vampires still have Cash?" Asks Guren.
"Why do we care if they have any money? Shouldn't we be worried about her sister who has the Light demon?" Yuu groans.
"CASH IS HER SISTER BAKKA!! Weren't you listening?" Kimizuki shouts. Yoichi just watches quietly in the background during all of this.
"You can't save her. You don't need to. She's here right now. Just look," Agemnon says. We all looked at him confused then it dawns on me.
"Agemnon! Snuff out the light!" I command. The shadows do as I wish and slowly all light drains from the room. In the far corner of the room, where light glowed the most, a familiar face I hadn't seen in 4 years appeared. "Cash!" I yell, running to hold my sister. But she wasn't the girl I remember. She was very different. She surprised me. Who would guess the family musician and lead singer would be fully armed against the father's trained Soldier. The sweet best friend against the overprotective fighter. Not me. Not would I ever imagine my sweet, stolen sister to turn a gun on me. Yet look where we're now.
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