Happy Birthday
I stood outside my bunker as the guards searched my room for the 200th time this week. Be more careful, My demon's voice rang in my head. They'd already patted me down 3 times today. Next to me was Mika. He really looked like one of them. They were here because during my training of slipping in and out of shadows, I'd succeeded, like I had been for the past year or so, but knocked over the table and startled my guards. They called reinforcements and stormed my bunker again. Mika nodded to me and I walked back into the room as they were putting the vent cover back on the vent. Then they left. I shot Mika a glare. He just turned and walked out. I collapsed on my bed. "I wanna leave," I grumble.
"Then look around. See any openings?" Agemnon didn't need to hide anymore. I sighed. I looked around. The door and the vent. The vent. It wasn't all the way on. I stop. Think. With that thought I whip up with the shadows and remove the vent cover. Jump on the bed and grab hold of the vent that goes into the wall next to my bed. I climb in as noisily as possible. No way I'll fit through the shafts. Hopefully they don't know that. The guards rush into my room.
"She's gone!" One says.
"Impossible!" Exclaims another. I give a laugh that slowly fades. I refrain from shaking as I hold the vent cover in place.
"The vents!" Yells the first one, "Get back up!" The left the room in a flash and I jump down.
"You ready?" I ask Agemnon.
"Only if you are," he replies. Then, we're off. I weave in and out of the shadows, listening to Agemnon's voice guiding me carefully through every corridor. We reach a large, open, clean, white room. Straight ahead is the exit. But, of course, that's all to easy. No shadows to slip into, not any that'll allow me to get to the exit, anyway. So I act on whim. I run. Not surprisingly, I'm quickly surrounded by my guards.
"Give up," laughs one guard. I frown. I've lost too much to loose this. Give up? Ha! Not a chance in hell! I look at the guard blocking the way.
"Agemnon, protect me," I mumble almost in audibly. With that, I run. Again. I make a break towards the vampire standing between me and everything that was ripped from my grasp 8 years ago. I heard footsteps behind me, but those were followed by screams. I wished for a gun. None the less, my shadows didn't fail to bring me one. I gripped it tight and cocked it. Pointing at the vampire I pulled the trigger. I couldn't believe what I saw next. He crumpled like it was a demon weapon. But, then again, I suppose it was. I made it. Through the tunnels out into broad daylight. I didn't stop though. I saw buildings. Buildings have people. People can help me. I wasn't paying attention when I knocked into a guy with messy, strawberry-blond hair. "I'm so sorry! That was a total accident. I wasn't pay-" you cut yourself short when you notice another guy handcuffed to him. He had black hair. He looks somewhat familiar. You stand up and offer a hand to each of them. They accept.
"You're a vampire hostage," says the boy with black hair.
"Correction. Was," you reply. You notice the strawberry-blond's unease. "Were you heading somewhere?"
"Yes, to my sister," strawberry-blond said.
"Mind if I tag along? Sorry to be rude, but I just got here."
"Why not." So you walked with the two in silence. Until the black haired one spoke up again.
"So, when did you really get here? Like yesterday or this morning?"
"You saw me when I got here."
"Oh," he said, "wait what?"
"I just escaped the vampire's world. Not so peachy as you might think."
"Trust me, I know. I escaped 4 years ago."
"We're here," mumbled the strawberry-blond.
"Oh!" I remembered, "Can I know your names?
"Oh, yeah! I'm Yuu,"The black haired one replied.
"Shiho Kimizuki," the strawberry-blond responded.
"Sarashimioh ChiyoChi," I tell them. We enter the makeshift hospital and I mumble to myself, meaning for no one else to really hear, "So far, a pretty decent birthday."
"Happy Birthday," Kimizuki says, apparently have hearing me. I smiled.
"Thank you!"
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