Corrupt Shadows
My shadows flow over the field like death waiting to consume the souls of the unexpecting. The shouts and screams of vampires rings loud in my ears. Reme and Agemnon stand beside me, weapons of choice in hand. Agemnon hold a duel-ended swords obviously conjured from the shadows. Reme, on the other hand, holds a bow, the shadows whipping up arrows as he goes. They watch my back as I spread my wave of death over the field. Seilee and my father are there soon after the fighting seizes. Seilee looks at me in awe. Dad looks at me emotionlessly. The only hint of emotion I see is disgust in his eyes. I guess eyes really are windows to the soul.
"Who the hell are they, and what was that?" Seilee asked me, shocked and confused.
"Demons. Powerful ones," I reply. I take one last glance at my father before walking away. Cash looks at me, a little in disbelief and a little in disgust.
"What?" I question her a bit irritated.
"Really? That's all you have to say about them after all these years? They're powerful. No other explanation? You really are pathetic, aren't you?" With that, she turned away from me. Walking towards the next battlefield, I hear A yell from behind me. I swiftly turn around remembering the voice that once read me stories before bed. A silver haired vampire had my father by the shoulders and his neck forced to the side, sucking the blood in the life away. A flashback of my mother washes over me as I watch my father die before my eyes. Another one of my family members taken from me by the stupid blood suckers. Another life I'm watching go and can do nothing about. And I'm sure somebody would say why aren't you doing anything, but it's already over. My father falls to the ground, pale was a small stream of blood from where the vampire a bit. There's not enough blood left to create a thicker stream. The vampire wipes the bit of blood from his lips and flashes me a smile. Before I can blink the vampire is before me.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he chides,"Was that someone you care about? Don't worry, I can help you join him." He reaches out a hand to grasp me about the arm, but I slap his hand away. "Oh, fiery, little lamb."
"Don't touch me, Demon!" I scream.
"Oh, I'm not a demon, dear," he coos.
"Yeah, he's not a demon, dear." Taunts Reme in my head. And I accepted Reme's help why? I questioned myself silently and annoyed.
"Yeah, sorry," I grumble.
"Awe, livestock apologizing to me. How . . . Adorable."
"Not you bloodsucker. My demons."
"Oh, well, in that case-" he lunged at me. A wave of my shadows cut him off with a flick of my wrist. Unfortunately, the vampire was able to stop himself short. "Hm . . . I had no idea that the human demonology had come so far." He glared at me. His hatred was burning in his eyes, but a playful grin twisted on his lips to fool anyone not looking for the glare specifically as I was. "Well then, maybe my Mika will take care of you for me, livestock." And then he disappeared. (Can you guess who?) His Mika? I thought You-chan was always going on about his Mika, not some stupid vampire's pet. I shrugged it off. I hope it's not the same guy, for Yuu's sake. I moved on. I ran to my barely breathing father's side.
"Dad? Dad can you here me?" I question, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"Chi? That you?" He asks weakly.
"Yeah, daddy, it's me. It's me. I'm here. I'm right here."
"Dad? Daddy! Are you okay?" Cash come running from behind me.
"Dad? Cash? Did you say dad?" I hear Seilee's footsteps.
"Chi, I'm sorry. I love you. I blamed you because I was weak. And now I'm going to pay for it. Bye kiddos. I love you guys, okay. I'll say hi to mum for you guys."
"Dad, you'll be okay!" Seilee cries, helplessly looking around her for something to seal the wound. The wound isn't the problem. What caused the wound is.
"Hang in there, please! Just a little longer! Dad!" Cash mumbled in a distressed whisper.
"No!" Was all I could manage to come out. All the words tangled in my throat. "I love you, dad." He managed a small smile.
"I lo~" the "O" in "love" dragged on too long and faded as his final breath was spent. I held my two sisters who cried helplessly in my arms. They cried openly and freely. My tears were silent. Finally, what is been hoping for since I saw dad for the firs time in 8 years finally came. I mourned him in silence. And when we could finally stand, my sisters and I marched to our next battle with vigor. That silver haired-shit will pay! But not at my mercy apparently. Why? Because something cold was in my stomach before I could begin to think things through for strategy. I also felt a tight grip on my shoulders. Then I was thrown to the ground like a rag doll. The entire Shinoah Squad was quickly at my side. Yoichi was tearfully looking at me, but unable to make eye contact.
"What's going on?" I asked, feeling myself slowly weakening.
"I-I sho-sh-sh-shot you," Yoichi cried, his words barely audible.
"The vampire used you as a shield," Mitsu clarified.
"Your dying," Shinoah stated, earning a punch from everyone on the team. I laughed.
"I needed that, thanks," I tell her through my tears. "God, why does this world hate me? Haha, it seems everyone wants me dead. I've been cheating death since I was 8. I guess it finally caught up."
"You aren't gonna die," Yuu-chan tried to convince me.
"Yeah, you won't die. Your demons will figure out something," Kimizuki reassured me. "Besides, you've been cheating death for 8 years. You I'm pretty sure that's longer than even this idiot," Kimizuki smacked "this idiot", aka Yuu-chan, in the back of the head while referring to him.
"Watch it, telephone poll."
"What's with the nickname?"
"Is this really the time?" A new voice joined the conversation. The same voice I've heard for the past 6 years. Agemnon, of course, was glaring the two imbeciles down. "Chi, I need you to trust me." He requested, looking at me seriously.
"Always," I reply quickly. The one person who always stood my my side. He is so much more powerful than me but always let me be in control. He never possessed me.
"I'm going to make you a part of the shadows and release Reme. We need a nearby weapon." Agemnon explained.
"I have a scalpel. Will that work?" Seilee asked. She is on the medical staff.
"Anyone else? No? Demon Scalpel it is." Agemnon decided. The world turned cold around me then the black. When I woke up, Kimizuki looked at me with sadness.
"First my sister, and now you? How many more people will I have to lose?" He asked. I cupped his cheek in my hand.
"Hopefully, no more, Kimizuki-kun. Goodbye." I whispered, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Then, before I was returned to the shadows, I took a final glance at everyone. My sisters were in tears; Mitsu and Shinoah hand in hand, heads down respectfully in my passing; Yuu-chan was tearing up in anger and sorrow; Kimizuki was almost hollow. The real war hadn't even begun. Sure we started moving out, but base was still at the school. Kimizuki had already lost me, and his sister probably wasn't far behind. I took my very final glance, then took the hand of my demon, and my best friend, Agemnon, who lead me out of the light, and into the shadows.
Konichiwa my dear readers! I'm sorry this update took so long but I was totally procrastinating it and can you blame me? I know it was sad but . . . Nope can't think of justification for it lolol. I just felt like it was right and ever since I first watched Seraph of the End for the first time, this was the back story I imagined myself in the show having and how my story would go. Weird, right? Haha, anyways, I had a lot of fun writing this story and I'm sorry the ending was so sad. I personally don't believe my characters deserved this, but it's gotten me an idea for a sequel. Now, onto Fun Facts!!:
1.) ChiyoChi means Everlasting Blood in Japanese which is fitting due to her background.
2.) ChiyoChi is a name a couple of my anime fan friends such as Arisu or Akaihana(whom you dont know bc you don't go to my school lol) use to talk to me in the halls.
3.) Akaihana is a nickname for one anime friend who will be featured in the sequel of OCxYoichi!! Her name means Red Flower in Japanese!
That's really all, lol, thanks for reading and I hoped you liked it!!🙃🙃🖤
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