Why couldnt you see?
Your pov:
It came the time where we all had to leave the hospital. We were all outside when Lana's mother stopped to talk to me.
"Hey um i never actually took time out to say thank you we never did. And you have been whats been keeping her together through these years i never have the time to see her all like i want considering we're behind on her medical bills and everything we just want to thank you for being there for her and being her hero er closest friend." Her mother begins to break down crying.
I give her a hug.
"It was an honor to have met your daughter she was like a little sister to me if you ever need anything just give me a call."
"Wait um before you go we want you to go through her computer i think she would preferred it that way."
She hands me Lana's computer.
"Her password to literally everything is Pumpkinspiceiseverythingnice." She said smiling weakly.
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Im positive."
I hug her again.
"So we will be in contact i promise you that." Lana's mother says smiling.
"I hope so."
"You two have a nice night and again thank you." She says leaving.
Right the two of us.
I turned around and there stood razz.
"You dont need to stay with me i can call sean to come pick me up." I say.
"I mean jack he and his girlfriend came to see me."
"Oh well i want to stay with you, so we could talk."
"I dont wanna talk."
"Ok then dont i will do all the talking i owe that much to you."
"Then ill listen."
"I know i havent been the best boyfriend to you the boyfriend i should be the boyfriend you deserve im gone alot i put you second i suck ass when it comes to relationships and its not bec-"
My phone went off.."Hello?" I say.
"Hey spirit!" My cousin vince answers.
"Hey vince!"
"I picked up your baby cher shes in bad shape."
" oh god but is she fixable?"
"I dont know," he answered unsure.
"We tomorrow morning ill be the judge ill see you tomorrow."
"Ok cuz bye."
I hang up. I sigh and rub my temples i feel a bit light headed.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" Razz asked.
"Im just- too much is going on at once its getting to me."
"How about this we can get an uber drive to get your things and we can talk about this at the house after you rest up."
"I dont care." I say
"Ill take that as a yes."
We sit down on a bench for a while and then got in the uber i opened up Lana's laptop. Her wallpaper was of me and her the first time we met. I smile. Soon we arrive at the hotel where sean is staying. I knocked on Sean's hotel door.
He opened up and hugged me.
"You had me worried sick! Why is there a bandage on your forehead."
"I got into a car accident on the way to the hospital. Before you and ciana go into full panic mode just listen. Im physically ok. Im emotionally drained. I had a shitty night obviously i just wanna get my shit so i can go home."
"You mean go home with?-"
"Yes im going home with my boyfriend the famous actor yes him im going home with him can i please just get my stuff?" I asked.
Sean let me by i grabbed my things and give sean and ciana."im sorry you guys came all this way just to see me fall into deep shit."
"Its fine." Seam says.
I go home with razz my familiar home.
"Its been a long three days without you here soo the bedroom..."
"Did you atleast put you clothes in the hamper?"
He didnt speak.
"You are a wreck without me here or atleast the house is."
He smiled.
"So are you gonna speak or not?" I asked.
"You need to rest."
"Thats what ive been ding the past few days resting and thinking and crying so i think ive had my fill thanks."
" well i want to start of by apologizing i know it wasnt right what i was gonna do but i considered how it would feel if i were in your position i know alot of things i do are not fair and im sorry."
"All i want to know is why?why what is the root of how you act towards me?"
"There was this girl i fell so hard for i got her everythin she ever wanted once she had what she wanted one night she just left without a damn trace. She hurt me so bad she used me the only time she would see me is if i was workin on a movie or if she wanted to use the car or my credit card. Ever since that ive had the same luck with women and i just decided to shut off my heart and i didnt let any girl use me."
"Rhys." I giggled and walked over to him and placed my hand on his cheek."have i ever once asked to use your credit card?"
"Why cant you see i different you obviously fell in love with me if you shut down your heart and never loved again and somehow fell in love with me wouldnt you say that im different from other girls that youve dated?"
"I guess but i never thought of it that way i was afraid-"
"I dont want your money i dont want to share your fame and your subscribers i want to love you care for you. I want to be yours. Dammit what more can i do? I gave you my virginity for crying out loud." I say jokingly.
"Im sorry i shouldnt base my actions towards you off of my past with women. I promise from here on out ill be the best boyfriend i can be."
I kiss him he deepens the kiss and moans. I giggle and pull away.
"It has been a long 3 days." Razz repeats.
"I know rizzie youve said that already"
"Well its true so since i refused there offer they fired me."
"Im sorry."
"No dont apologize im glad i did it was a wake up call for me."
"Well um its also been 3 days since i posted and a few hours since cher has been towed and Lana has been put to rest."
"Babe if you ever-"
" i know feel sad youll be there." I give him anothr kiss and sit down on the couch and open up Lana's laptop and put in the password.
I go through her photo gallery and i find myself getting a little teary eyed.
Then i go through her documents kinda like diary entries.
Dear diary,
(Yt/n) came by again im so lucky to have her around.
She's been a real help through this.
On the screen and off shes been able to put a smile on my face when i wanted to tell my doctor to just give up and pull the plug on me.
She would always call me her soldier.
Shes even created a thing with me where everytime she leaves we would salute each other.
She makes me stronger.
Then i find her will.
Hey if youre reading this im 9/10 ded.
I know for you it may seem like no joke but while im writing this its nothing but a joke. Anyway.
I want (y/n) to have my laptop and guitar and full control over all my social media.
I want my best friends to go through all my clothes and jewelry. No fighting guys!
Mom and dad obviously keep the pictures of me but make sure my friends have a copy of me.
And for my funeral i want (y/n) to play photograph,cancer, and see you again. On my guitar. While everyone speaks of my life before cancer had me stuck in a bed all day i dont want no tears of sadness all tears of happiness i want yall to remember me alive and happy. I want my casket closed. So you dont have to look at e dead and remember the last way you seen me. I want everybody to dance afterwards celebrate my life. I want all of you to know ill be watching from the other side so all my demands better be met or else i will be hauntin all of you!
And (y/n) if youre reading this.....thank you for being the big sister i needed.
I smiled and cried razz came in and comforted me.
"Im gonna go make a video to let them know that im gonna be taking a break from youtube for a bit." I tell him
"Do you need me to record with you?"
"No im gonna go in on this one alone." I kiss his cheek and go into the recording room.
I set everything up and begin."wow ok where do begin. Well from the beginning no shit (y/n) hello everyone as you can tell by my voice im not in an ass kicking mood. Lately ive been going through some personal issues in the cours eof these three days but one recent event has hit me the hardest...a while back i met a girl through make a wish her name was Lana Morris she was very interesting girl like me she was always on the go active always up to something you would almost never catch her in her bedroom she was 17 when i met her but the cancer she has been fighting has been with her longer. She was a singer,songwriter,actor,gymnastics girl. Ballerina young lady of many talents until cancer would come back stronger each time till everything she wanted to do was no longer do able she was bed ridden and she would tell me that i help her after a long day of chemo and aching and hurt. The thing was at the time i only had 100,000 subs and out of all the other youtubers she couldve picked, Markiplier Jacksepticeye pewdiepie any of those other tens of milions milestone YouTubers she picked me she couldve met anybody spent a few hours with anybody she chose me and sh told me that meeting me was on her bucket list before they pull the plug. And i was absolutely not having it i said they are not gonna pull the plug on her that if there is still a chance she should fight i was not allowing that to happen that day i went with lana and gave her doctors a piece of my mind i told them if they pull the plug i would be there everyday to make their life a living hell. Ever since then id see her every single day and everyday that i could and then one day her body couldnt keep fighting so." I was crying harder."she died earlier and it was like losing a sister and im just glad i met her and ill never forget her she has just been a beacon in my life and so guys im gonna be takin a break and ill be back as soon as possible i hope you guys can understand and ill see you later,"
I post the video and go through the comment section.
I get a skype call from jack.
I answer.
"Hey jack."
"Hey i seen the video i seen the video im sorry for your loss."
"Thanks jack."
Next thing i know mark was calling.i added him to the call and soon it was me,bob,wade,felix,mark,jack, 8 bit gaming and dawko we were all talking and eventually the call ended i was tired and hungry so i ate and went to bed. The minute i got into the bed razz pulled me close and kissed my cheek then my neck and then my shoulder then rubbed my arm.
"Everything is gonna be ok." He says.
"I know." I say smiling."it could only get better from here it has to." I say.
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