The date
Your pov:
I woke up to my phone buzzing.
I pick it up and see i have a text from razz.
Rhys: Mornin babycakes how you feelin?
I smile and text him back.
You: hey im doing good.
Rhys: great! So our date is at 8 o'clock make sure to wear something dressy.
You: ok see ya later :)
Rhys: bye ;)
"Gaah!" I hop out of bed and look through my closet "something dressy?!" I become flustered."wait! Yknow what im just gonna put something on for the videos and then go shopping for a dress." I tell myself calmly.
I go into the recording room and record yandere simulator.
"Hello there everyone welcome to another yandere simulator yandere dev has just dropped a hot new update and im all over it like icing on a cinnamon bun lets get right into it!"
Later afterwards i get a skype call from Jack.
"Hello?" Jask asked.
"Hey jackaboy whats up?"
"You forgot didnt you?"
"Forget what?"
"Our recording session we were supposed to playing oh sir! Insult simulator remember?"
Then it hit me."oh my god sean im soo sorry!"
"Are you busy?"
"I was gonna go shopping real quick but it can wait lets record!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yea im sure ill be fine ill pull up the game and we can start!"
We recorded and had an awesome session.
Afterwards he stopped recording.
"Hey (y/n)?"
"Do you plan on going to pax this year?"
"When is it?"
"Next month."
"Its in america las angeles, California."
"I dont know.."
"Please i havent even met you in real life yet i really wanna meet you in real life!"
"Fiiiiine but im bringing a friend along!"
"Ohhh who!"
"Hes a friend im leaving it at that."
"Oh look at you! Bringing along dates!"
"Sean god...i have to go ill talk to you later."
"Ok bye!"
I end the call.
I was gonna edit and upload buuuut its too much work and i have a date to prepare for.
I grab my keys and drive to this small little dress shop.
I walked through and looked through all the dresses when i find the perfect dress.
"Yes this is the one and i think i have some heels to go with this perfect!" I murmur to myself.
I go to the check out and get the dress.
Then i go to a store to get a new perfume and a bit of makeup.
Afterwards i go home.
I decide to go home and just record a ''how to.' Video.
"Hello there my lovelies its me (yt/n) and welcome to a how to kinda video why you maybe asking? Its because i can so i will be showing you how to get ready for a party? I guess or a date yknow how to get ready for a party slash date either way its a how to."
I grab the camera and carry it to the bathroom."soo first off you wanna shower cause you dont wanna smell like shit yknow you dont want to repel people or your date you want to bring them in soo im gonna shower but im not gonna let you see that so ill record when im done showering."
I put on pandora and just let the radio play while i take a shower.
I started shampooing my hair when
" We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I"
My eyes pop open.
"No it cant be.." i smile.
"Never gonna give you up!"
I just break out in a small dance while i sing inside my brush.
Then when the song ended i laughed and i ended up when i got shampoo in my eye and i slipped and fell. Such a damn clutz i am.
Afterwards i get out after rinsing my eye and my hair and put on a robe.
I grab my camera."sooo i just got out of the tub quick story some dank ass tunes came on the radio i danced got shampoo in my eyes and fell on my ass all because of Rick astley.anyways next step put on something sexy..and by sexy i mean something nice sometimes your appearance can be a great conversation starter yknow like hey i like your aaassscott its fits your neck well. Or hey your big gigantic eyes theyre so. Beautiful.
Im gonna go get dressed now."
I turn off my camera and put on my dress:
I turn my camera back on."great soo here's my dress but noo thats not the end of it i need to do my hair y'see ladies and gentlemen if youre going to a party or date you cant have everything looking sexy and then have one part not it ruins the whole image its like when you scan the buffet and then you come across baked squid....yes theres a story behind it i dont wanna talk about it! So this part i can show you so we're gonna do a quick montage of my hair. Ready go!"
I take the camera to the bathroomand set it down where the people at home can see me while i do my hair i put moisturizers in it while my flat iron heats up then after that i brush and comb my hair then do my hair. After constant fiddling and redoing i finally got the result i wanted:
"Now im done with my hair buuuut thats not the end of it i have to paint my nails and toe nails because im wearing open toe stilletoes.and you dont want no fugly toes exposed like that so painting my nails and toe nails i dont know if you want to see that but im gonna record it anyway soo here goes another montage. Once again i set up the camera where they can see and paint my toe nails first.
Then i paint my nails.
"So now im done now i have a bit of a simple desgn because well im not an artist and i dont do my nails that often so this is as good as its gonna get":
"And i did my toes the same way but it was bit difficult with the tiny toe but now ladies and gents i have to wait so waiting montage!"
I sit their on my laptop and watch netflix on my laptop.
Soon my nails finally dry.
"Awe man there done i wanted to finish this episode..oh well." I grab my camera."so my nails are finally dry there are only two more steps! And one of them are makeup now hold up! Im not much of a make up gal soo my make up only consist of two things here....mascara and lip gloss but im gonna add a bit of eye liner. So very small montage.!"
I set up my camera again and do my make up which consist of mascara and a winged eyeliner and lip gloss then i was done.
"Alright guys so just as i said my make up is simple next step is a half step spray some cologne or perfume. But never too much y'see folks when you hug somebody or youre close to someone if they like what youre wearing they'll compliment what youre wearing or itll attract your mate who the hell knows next step is to put on your shoes and thats it. Let me put on my shoes."
I put down the camera and put on my shoes:
And now im ready. I grab the camera.
"Alright guys soo this is my outfit now im gona go out and have a good time! Ill see you sexy people later bye!!"
I edit all the clips together speed up the little montages then i upload it to youtube.
It was now 7:30.
Rhys: hey there! Come to this address. 2135 Dankestofmemes rd.
You: ok hun see yo shortly love.
I get in cher nickname for Cherokee and drove to the address and it was an all out fancy resturaunt the was even a valet to park my car.
He gave me my ticket and then i went inside.
I was escorted to razz's table.
It was nice a small vase with an artificial flower inside with two candles.
"Hey razz."
"Wow." Razz said.
I giggle
"Oh trust me what im wearing under this will make have you speechless." I tease.
I sat in my seat.
"You look very beautiful." Razz compliments.
"Thanks razzy."
"You dont have to call me that you can use my real name just call me razz when we're around youtubers and fans."
"Oh ok, well Rhys you look very handsome."
He was wearing:
"Too bad we dont match." Rhys jokes.
I giggle."soo this is a really nice place how did you afford all this?"
"I know people have connections etc. Etc. Anyways i want to know everything that you havent told me anything."
"Well im an only child i have a master degrees in art and as embarrassing as it may seems this was my first every date and if all goes right you would be my fist boyfriend."
"That comes as a shocker i mean your drop dead gorgeous why wouldnt anyone want you?"
"Its not necessarily that nobody wanted me its the fact that ive always been so active that never once have i thought about love until now."
"How does it feel so far babycakes?" He teased.
"Amazing, so mr. Williams please tell me all about you."
He tells me about his childhood and everything else.
When our waitress finally came.
"Hi im soo srry it took forever its a busy night! Anyways im lexi ill be your waitress today what can i get you guys?"
"Well i would like your finest bottle of wine even though there is one right here." He teases me again.
I blush.
"And for me i would like the shrimp premivera."
"I would like that as well." I agree.
"Alright ill have your meals ready and your wine shold be here shortly." Lexi says.
She leaves and we continue talking.
For a while.
Then she brings our wine and food we enjoy our meal and wine.
"Have any room for desert?" Razz asked.
"I do but i dont know how ill finish it all by myself."
"Dont worry you wont have to ill help you out."
Razz looks at the dessert menu. Lexi as if on cue came over.
"Hey! Do you guys want dessert?" She asked
"Yes i would like a german chocolate cake with icecream please."
"No problemo!"
And she was off and then back with the cake and icecream which was all on one plate drizzled in chocolate syrup.
"Thank you very much." Razz says.
"No problem, would you like your bill?"
"Yes please."
"Ill be back with it."
"Hope you like this its very rich. Say ahh." Rhys holds up the fork with chocolate on it,
I open my mouth and he feeds it to me."mmm that is delishes and very rich." I say.
"Glad you like it."
We continue to feed each other.
Lexi brings our bill and razz pays.
And we headed to our cars.
"I had a great time tonight rhys." I say smiling.
"Me too, does this earn me a second date?"
I chuckle."yes it very much does sir."
"Good cause i had a perfect date in mind."
"Do you have everything planned out?"
"Maybe so."
I giggle then there was this little moment where silence fell between us and everything around us just auto focused on rhys we drew closer and closer our eyes closed and our lips met. I saw colorful lights and i felt as if i was floating. Then we pulled away.
"That was..." rhys starts.
"Yea it really was..."
"Soo text me when you get home?"
He gave me a quick kiss and then we went about our separate ways.
Soon i arrived back at my house reminiscing the date.
Im the luckiest girl alive
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