Stressed out.
Your pov:
The next day i woke up. My first impulse was to get ready and do a video. Then it hit me i dont have to.
So i get dressed:
And put the flannel on instead of tying it around my waist
and get ready to go to cousin Vince's house.
Razz and i drive there.
"Hey vince." I said
"Hey cuz."
I gave him a hug.
"So how bad is it?" I asked.
We walked over into the garage where cher was resting vince sighed.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but..shes unfixable."
"Bullshit vince."
"I wish."
"No i bet i can get her up and running again."
"Ok ill give you 60 bucks if you do."
"Deal." I shake his hand."bring over the tool box will ya?" I asked. I take off my flannel and tie it around my waist and put my hair up in a high ponytail.
Vince brings over the tool box. I grab the keys and try to start cher.
She was trying to start up but just sputtered.
"Come on babycakes momma needs ya." I say to cher.
She sputters in response.
Razz's pov:
Me and vince were leaning against a car drinking an ice cold beer.
"Shes a stubborn one sometimes." Vince says.
I chuckle lightly as i watch her as she tries to fix the car. Im not gonna lie nothing can be hotter then seeing a woman fixing a car. She gets out of the car and takes a look under the hood she bent over to get a closer look inside.
"Daaaaaamn." I say.
Vince laughs."c'mon man thats my cousin and im right here can you not!?" He joked.
"Im sorry man but thats just if you had a girlfriend who was into cars and you see her working on one wouldnt you think that would be a bit of a turn on?" I asked.
"Ok yes if i did have a woman who was into cars i would feel the same way i guess."
"You guess?"
"Ok yes i would really be turned on by that. Youre a lucky man. Even though my cousin to me can sometimes be stubborn annoying, crazy and etc she is very special. Treat her right for me will ya?"
"Dont worry. I dont plan on hurting her."
Your pov:
"I know you can do it." I cheer. She continues to sputter. I sigh."it was worth a try right?" I say to her i pat the dash board. I pop the hood and look under i was gonna need help."Rizzie!" I call.
He rushes over.
"Whatcha need babe?"
"I just need you to pass me the tools when i ask for them."
"No problemo."
"Great! Lets start of with a wrench please?"
"A what?"
"Razz please tell me youre joking."
"I am." He laughs and hands me the wrench i sigh and roll my eyes then take the wrench from him.
"Can you pass me a 10mm washer?"
"A what what?"
"Its a circle looking thing its made of metal."
"Oh this?" He holds it up
"Bingo!" I take it.
"So i have a question."
"Ask away."
"Why is this a thing?" He asked.
"Why is what a thing?"
"Yknow you ask me to hand you tools though youre right there."
"Ok do you see all this under the hood?"
He looks in."yea."
"This is an engine comprised of many pipes wires and fluid filled containers you can easily get lost in all this if you look away from it. Especially considering this is an old engine compared to engines of this time. I can go on and on about the differences trust me i would know i helped my dad fix cars my senior year if college while i was on break." I say as i continue to fix the car.
"Wow so what exactly did you do in college you never specified what kind I f arts you did."
"Culinary arts. Meaning food. If i really wanted to right now i could open a restaurant i am i highly qualified chef with a degree i met cher Ramsey himself and he loved my food."
"No way!!"
"Oh yea, the hardest chef to please on earth was pleased by my food."
"Then why dont you ever cook for me?"
"Because im too lazy. Plus youtube."
"Can you please do me a fave babe go inside the car and- oop never mind i have it on me. Just reach into my back pocket and get my bluetooth please?"
"You dont have to ask me twice." Rhys went inside my backpocket and grabbed my bluetooth while he was at it her groped me i shrieked.
"Now is not the time cher isnt feeling well and 60 bucks is on the live here."
"Ok fine."
"Im sorry if i get upset now is just not a great time." I say wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Its ok i know." He gave me a kiss.
I smiled and turned back around and found my place and started working on the car again. Right then i get a call i answer it from my bluetooth.
"Hey this is Lana mother you can just call me Jude."
"Hey Mrs.Morris or jude how are you?"
"Yknow coping, i almost went to the hospital looking for Lana but then i remembered."
"We have to take it one day at a time."
"I know, so what are you up to?"
"Um well on the way to the hospital yesterday i got into a car accident so now im fixing my car up. What about you?"
"Well we are supposed to be on the way to the funeral home and well my husband wont be able to make it and i cant do this alone so i was wondering if-"
"Say no more Mrs.M im gonna get cleaned up and i will see you therr just text me the address and my husb- i mean boyfriend will meet you there." I say i hold the bridge of my nose.
"Ok, thank you so much."
"No problem."
"See you shortly."
I hang up.
"Were you about to say what i think you were about to say?!" Vince says.
"Oh suck on a chode." I say to him.
He laughs.
"Well we have to go i have to get in something clean 20 minutes under the hood and im already dirty." I say.
"Yea sure lets get you cleaned up!" Rhys says winking at me.
"Rhys!" I scold.
"Oh god well get going the bet is still on spirit!" Vince says
"Oh it is cher will be up and running!!!"
Me and rhys get in Rhys' car and drive home and i take a shower and get dressed again:
And head to the address,
Then i meet Mrs.M at the funeral home.
"Hello (yt/n)" she said.
"Please its just (y/n)."
"Well (y/n) im not good at all this you know her better than i do could you maybe help me plan the funeral?"
"No problem."
"So do you have her fan art for her channel?"
"Oh yes plenty of it even after her death."
"Well we can get any casket and just tape as much fan art over it as possible she would love to know that shell still have a piece of her fans on the other side."
"Oh yes she would have loved that."
Soon we sit down with a funeral planner.
"Hello im Bill." He said holding out his hand his mother shook his hand first then rhys' then mine."first off im so sorry for your loss i know the first few days can be very hard." He said
"Thank you for your condolences." Mrs.M says.
"So first off do you have anything specific for her to wear...."
It all goes to plan and i decided to invite Mrs.M to a nice little lunch.
"So Mrs.M how would you like to go to lunch with us?" I asked.
"Id love too!"
Right then her phone goes off."hello? Oh richard im sor- yes p-pleas dont be- yes im on my way." She ends the call."i would love to go to lunch with you but i have to get home." She quickly leaves.
"Um ok ill see you tomorrow." I say.
"So whats next?"
"I wanna- oh i forgot already i wanted to go see lana um lets get inside the pool."
"Im down for that." Me and razz drive home
I get in my bathing suit:
And go outside where rhys was waiting for me.
Here's the backyard pool included:
"Rizzie." I call playfully.
"Hello babycakes." He said.
I giggle and get in he brings me close and kisses me. Then i splash him and we have a small splash fight and then just chill in the pool talking and laughing.
The next day i repeated the same process minus the pool.i had to by a new engine for cher which was hella expensive! I had to buy new car doors for the side and then i had to help Mrs.M with the funeral once again Mr.M wasnt able to make it i think i know why. But i dont want to jump to conclusions.
By the end of the week everything had been planned and lana will finally be put to rest its been a very stressful week.
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