Movie premiere.
2 months later.....
Soon razz was fully done with the movie and he was gonna be going to the movie premiere in a week!
We were sitting on my living room couch watching tv.
His head was laying in my lap as i play with his hair.
Out of nowhere razz pauses the show we were watching.
"Hey what was that for?" I asked.
"Cause you never pay attention if the tv is on." Razz says.
"True so whats the big deal?"
"You know how my movie premiere is just next week?"
"Yes what about it?"
"I want you to come with me!"
"Oooooooo i dont know about that."
"Why not?"
"I just dont know i mean youre the star there ive part of it itll be weird like wow what did she do?absolutely nothing i dont deserve to be there youre the one that put blood sweat and tears into this."
"Dont say that you did do something!"
"Youve been the beautiful amazing supportive girlfriend! You even missed a couple of races to help me with my lines! You made sure i got enough sleep and took great care f me but most of all you were very patient so you deserve to be there all the way!"
I smile."ok fine."
"Yay!" He hugged me.m
"So now i need to get a new dress."
"No you dont.......because i got you one!"
"Yea wait here ill get it." He goes to his car and comes back with a beautiful dress:
I gasped in amazement and squeal.
"You like it?" Razz asked nervously
"I love it!!"
"Great im wearing black as we soo i wanted us to match!"
"Yay!" I hug him tightly and give him a kiss.
"Wanna play oculus rift?"
We run like children down the hall into the recording room where the oculus rift is.
~~~~~~~day of the premiere~~~~~~~
The alarm clock went off. I groan and hit off.
It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon! Razz did stay up late recording and editing.
I shake razz."Rizzie." I say in a sing song tune.
He groaned.
"Rizz get up."
"The premiere is tonight."
He automatically hops out of bed and rushes into the bathroom.
"A kiss wouldve been nice!!" I yell.
He rushed out of the bathroom and kisses me on my neck and my face and goes back into the bathroom.
"Babe im gonna go shopping for some accessory!"
"Ok! Be safe!" He yelled
"I will."
I go down to a small store and look for some jewelry i found some.
Then i went home recorded some videos.
Then headed back to razz's house.
It was 7 by time i got there we are supposed to beat the premiere by 10.
Razz was dressed and he looked very handsome:
"Hey babe!" He greeted me
" hello handsome."
He pulls me close and gives me a kiss." I cant wait to see you in your dress."
"I cant either." I joke walking away,
He slaps my ass i shrieked and looked back at him.
"Did you just slap my ass?!"
"Its mine so i can do what i want to it right?" He jokes.
" gonna take a shower now." I say blushing as i walk away,
I get into the shower and do my normal routine wash my hair etc etc and get out i put on my dress:
And heels.
Did my hair:
And put on my choker:
And did my nail which was just a plain black. Then i came out.
"So what do you think? Is it too much?" I asked nervously
Razz surveyed me from head to toe."you look gorgeous!"
"You sure i dont look like a witch?"
"No you look like a goddess. My goddess."
"So cringe razz so cringe."
"I know i tried lets go!"
We waited for the limousine it finally showed up and we arrived at the red carpet.
I look out the window."its too late to turn back now isnt it?" I asked nervously,
"Babe relax all you have to do is pose with me, answer a few questions walk and pose, walk and pose, small interview and continue then well go into the theatre and watch the movie."
I take a deep breath.
The driver opens the door i step out and fans go nuts! Razz gets out as well and wraps his hand around me waist.
"Rhys over here!!over here!!" Photographers would scream at him.
We stopped razz pointed at the camera he was posing for so i know where to look we posed:
And continued down the carpet.
People continued to scream at us i should be used to it by now but im kinda not.
"Lets go over here real quick for a few questions." Razz says
We walk over to a guy with a microphone.
"Here we have Rhys Williams with his lovely girlfriend how are you two feeling tonight?!" he asked
"We're doing great thank you!" Razz answered for us i just smiled this is the one occasion where i prefer to just sit still look pretty.
He continued to ask razz question when a woman was calling me?
I go over to her.
"Hi!" I say smiling.
"Hello there do you have time for a couple of questions?!" She asked.
"Yea go ahead!"
"Is it true that youre pregnant?"
"Um no thats not even possible."
"Why so do you guys ever sleep with each other?"
I was a bit winded by that question."pardon me?"
"Do you guys ever do more in bed? Hows his sexual performance?"
"Ok pardon me but i really dont think any of that is your business is there a less personal question you could ask?" I say politley.
She asked about basic question how are you? Are you having fun? Is it your first red carpet event?
Soon she was done and me and razz continued to go down the carpet.
"Im not doing another interview." I mutter through my teeth while smiling.
"Why what happened."
"Very personal questions were asked kinda made me uncomfortable."
"Dont worry about it just stick by me and dont leave my side"
"Trust me i wont."
We continue to go down the carpet and then we finally are in the theatre finally we watched the movie and it turned out amazing! I was proud f razz.
Afterwards we went out to eat with all of the cast mates.
We were all sitting at the table. Razz was talking to his crew members having a good laugh.
Soon the waiter came and took our orders and that was pretty much the only time razz actually said something to me he asked me what i wanted...yea.
Son the food came.
We ate and what not i couldnt help but feel kinda left out it just seemed like no matter how hard i tried to get into the conversation i was shoved out.
Finally i just got tired of it and spoke out."hey razz im not feeling to well so i think m just gonna get an uber and go home."
"Ok see ya!"
Wow ok?
He didnt even bother to give me a kiss or see if i was really sick. Hes just a totally different person around his friends.
I mean i understand those are his friends but that doesnt mean he should totally change when he sees them.
Oh well. I call an uber and go home.
I got home earlier than expected so i just recorded a video.
After i pulled off all the jewelry and everything of course.
Then i went to bed.
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