Make up
Your pov:
Finally after about 3 hours razz comes in.
" hey babe." Razz says smiling
"Hey." I say smiling.
"You ok? i know you were probably bored in here by yourself."
"Im fine."
"So what do you want for lunch?"
" i dont know what are they serving."
"Just about anythin really."
"Grilled chicken sandwhich with chips?" (Aka fries xp)
"Im on it." He went out of the trailer and came back with two togo plates
He handed me the plate it was the sandwich and chips.
Then he sat beside me and opened the second togo plate.
"For you!"
"Aww razz this is so beautiful i dont even wanna eat it!but im hungry."
He laughs and kisses me on the cheek.
"What are you going to eat?"
"Nothin im fine."
"Did you eat this morning?"
"Nah i didnt have time."
"No hun thats not good you dont eat youll probably pass out. At least eat some chips with me."
"No babe you eat."
"You dont eat i wont either."
"What are you my mother?"
"No im your girlfriend."
"Youre like a mother right now."
"No no y'see theres a difference razz you cant fuck your mother."
Razz went a bit red.
I giggle and give him a kiss on the lips.
"So are you gonna eat?" I asked.
"I have no choice do i?"
"No you dont."
We share the chips,cake and sandwich then he had to go back on set.
Soon he was finally done and he walked me to my car.
"Soo i was thinking." Rhys starts,
"You were thinking..what?" I asked mimicking him.
"Tomorrow i dont have to be on set i wanted to see if you maybe wanted to stay with me tonight and we could spend tomorrow together?"
I dont know why but i was actually a bit nervous.
"You dont have to do it if you want." He added.
"Yea i want to." I said smiling.
"So ill follow yur car to the house of course."
He gave me a quick kiss and hopped into his car and i follow him home soon we arrived at his house went inside etc. Etc. I then get a call from jack.
I answer.
"Hello?" I say
"(Y/n)! Are you ok?"
"Im fine!"
"Have you talked to your ahem 'friend'?"
"Actually i have and all of it was a huge misunderstanding."
"I know your twitter has been rekt by magazine covers. So hes an actor?"
"Thats fuckin nuts!"
"I know."
"Is he around by any chance?"
"Yea why?"
"I just wanna talk to him."
"Ok? Hey rizzie jackseptic wishes to speak to you."
I hand him the phone.
Razz's pov:
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey is this rhys?"
"Yes is this the Jacksepticeye?"
"Yes it is, its not a big deal im just a youtuber like you! But look i just want to tell you (y/n) is like a sister to me and so im a bit protective of her even though we arent in the same country. Im not very ok with actors considering hw much drama and relationships they flip into so do me a favor and dont hurt her she doesnt deserve any hurt none of it."
"I wont man i promise i love her too much to hurt her."
Your pov:
He gave me the phone back.
"Im gonna go get ready for bed ok?" He said.
I end my call wth jack and take a shower after razz of course.
I realize i didnt have any clothes.
"Rizzie!!" I say peaking through the crack of the door,
"I dont have any clothes!"
He hands me one of his shirts. "That have to compromise for now."
"I guess itll work." I say nervously.
I close the door.
Oh my god hes gonna see me in my panties gaaaah!!
Yes! Virgin alert! Virgin alert! Virgin alert! Virgin alert! Beware of the virgin!
This is kind of nerve wrecking what if he wants to do more than sleep!??!
You know what fuck it. I put on the shirt and came out of the bathroom.
"Look at you so small and adorable." Razz teased.
"Shut up!" I say jokingly.
"Its ok i think its actually sexy." He says in a bit of a seductive voice.
"You know what would be sexy?"
"It has to do with the bed."
"You dirty girl."
I chuckle and grab his hand and lead him into the bedroom and climbed under the covers.
"Goodnight." I say.
"What i thought we might?"
"What sleep is sexy too."
"Damn tease."
I giggle he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.
"Good night babycakes."
"Good night............................papa razz."
I had a day planned for him tomorrow....
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