Life at its best.(XXXX)
Your pov:
The next next day razz came by my house.
"Hey babe." Hey said smiling.
"Hey Rizzie."
"What happened last night?"
"I just didnt feel like i belonged there thats your world not mine."
"Aww babe thats a lie you shouldve said something."
"I dont know you seemed too busy with your friends to notice."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asked offended,
"I dont mean to come off mean but it just seemed to me that the moment you were around themm you changed and you rarely acknowledged me i felt as if i was just something for you to show off."
"What do you mean im a different man i was still the same."
"I mean around me youre funny,kind,sweet, and all around the man of my dreams but around your friends you act like im kinda one of the guys."
"Ok and."
(Dude you just f*cked up.)
"Excuse me what was that?" I said.
"Yes youre my girlfriend but youre also my friend right?"
"Yes i am, i mean friend is in the title but still im not just a friend. I want to be included into the conversation i want to have a good laugh i want to feel like im welcomed. And i didnt i told you razz that all that was new to me i didnt know how to approach bg people like this youre supposed ease me into this razz. Maybe im being melodramatic but i just feel like i dont fit into that part of your world."
"Babe i cant read your mind."
"I know that and im not expecting you to i just felt like you just kicked me to the curb and acted like a shiny new toy around your friends and I really dont appreciate that is all im pointing out."
"I dont change."
"Ok razz! Ok you sound like a broken record at this point im just telling you how i felt last night seeing as how youre my boyfriend i felt like you would care about my comfort especially in what seems to be a big kinda part in your life."
"Im sorry, i do realize what youre point is. Just for your comfort how about we umm i dont know next movie premiere or interview if you ever feel uncomfortable or unhappy you can squeeze my hand and we can rather leave or change the topic to something more relatable ok?"
"Is everything ok is there anything else wrong?"
I smile "no im fine now."
"Good. Really good because i want to take you somewhere!"
"Youre taking me somewhere?"
"Yea so come with me beautiful."
"Usually im taking you somewhere."
"Yea you are but im taking you somewhere soo lets go."
He takes my hands and leads me to the car and we drive off,
"Where are you taking me?" I asked
"Trust me."
Youre stealing my lines!stop it!"
We laugh.
"We've been together for a while now right?"
"About 5 months and two weeks."
"Yea im surprised youve kept count."
"Im a man of many surprises wouldnt you agree?"
"That i can agree with."
"Soo i know its not exactly a milestone but i wanna do a little something big."
"Youll see."
"The suspense is killing me!!!!" I groaned.
"Now how you know how i feel when i ride around with you."
Soon we arrive in a neighborhood.
"Rizzie what are we doing here are we taking a shortcut or something?" I asked.
"Nope we are gonna arrive at our destination soon."
He parked in the driveway of a big house:
"Dont you think it looks nice?" Razz says
"Yes its a very nice house but Rizzie whats the surprise in it?"
"This is my new scratch that completely this is our new house." Razz says smiling at me.
"No way."
"Yes way."
I jump into his arms and he spins me around. "This is amazing!!!" I say.
He puts me down and kisses me."so im guessing that was yes?"
"Of course it was a yes?"
"Or course that was a yes you dork!" I kiss him again.
He wraps his hands around my waist and i wrap mine around his neck.
"So ive been spending the last few days i guess i can even say week pack up my stuff so all of my clothes and other belongings are inside but we are gonna pick out furniture for everything else right after you move in."
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too" he kissed me again and again.
I giggle."ok rizz enough we have neighbors."
"Let'em watch who knows they actually might enjoy it."
"Razz!" I scold playfully he giggles and we get in the car.
"So we have alot to do babycakes how about we get your house packed up and then tomorrow we can deal with everything else."
"Yes today ive posted a new video already your fans are pretty laid back and ok with you not posting so we should be in the clear right?"
"I guess so."
So that whoole day we were packing up my house just the two of us we had a couple of laughs too.
We had everything that we could carry in the car at our new house in what will soon be our room.
Razz got a blow up mattress and set up the tv and we ordered pizza.
I laid on top of razz as we watched a dvd since we didn't have internet yet.
"So are we gonna get a moving truck so we can move the mattresses amd all that jazz?"
"Yea a moving truck should be arriving here tomorrow at i believe the guy said 8 in the morning on Wednesday the cable company should be coming to set up the wifi and then after all is done i have a few other surprises for you."
"Surprises? As in many well Rizzie what has gotten into you?"
"I met you babycakes i met you."
Soon we did all the moving we decided to start anew and put our old couches and mattresses in the attic.
So we had to go out and but new furniture so we went to you guessed it IKEA!
After hours of going through all of the ideas and a little bit of disagreeing e finally got everything we need for our new house...such a big deal. If this is stressful i dont wanna know how stressful a wedding is..........yet.
We go home and get ready to paint the room before we even put the furniture inside.
I put on my tank top:
Some shorts:
And some tims:
Then walked into the living room.
"Lets get painting shall we?" I asked,
Razz looked at me and his eyes gauged out of his head.
I giggle "like what ya see papa razz?" I flirt.
"I love what i see."
"Too bad you cant have it yet we have so much painting to do." I kiss his cheek and grab a paint brush and bend down to dip it in the bucket of paint. Then i climb on the ladder and paint the top.
"Oh youre wrong for that just wait until all this is over missy!"
I giggle and wiggle my booty a little.
Soon the living room was done and we moved on to painting the dining room and kitchen. Afterwards we painted our room. After we got done with painting we went back and made sure the paint was dry in the living room and placed the furniture in place and it was all in place:
Then f course we wanted to sleep in a proper bed so after the paint got dried we set up the bedroom right away:
We had so much more to do but thats for tomorrow we were devastatingly tired.
So we decided to take a shower and call it a night.
I grabbed one of Razz's shirts and a pantie and bra set black btw and headed for the shower.
Razz had the same idea.
"So how about we shower...together?" Razz suggested.
I blushed."that'll work too i guess."
"Great come on." He grabbed my hand and tried to lead me into the master bathroom(bathroom in the room) i acted stubborn but he got me inside anyways.
We took off our clothes and got inside.
I was too lazy to wash my back.
"Can you wash you back for me."
"Of course." He grabs my wash clothe and washed my back. He then move my drenched hair off of my shoulder and plants a soft kiss onto it,
Then works his way to my neck.
I turn around and wrap my hands around his neck and kissed his passionately.
He let his hands roam and trace every curve.
I moaned in pleasure he did too.
He slips his hand into my honeypot and massages my clit.
I let out a small whimper and moan as he works my honeypot.
He then get down on his knees and drapes one of my legs over his shoulder and slides his tongue into my honeypot cleaning each crevice of me.
I run my hand through his hair and moan louder.
Soon i felt a weird feeling in my stomach.
"Oh gahd rizz." I moan.
He growled sending vibrations through my body pushing me over the edge even more.
Soon i released.
Razz turned off the shower nd carried me to the bed he laid me down and climbed on top of me.
"Are you sure you want to continue?" He asked.
"Yes." I say smiling.
He inserted himself inside me slowly.
I whimper.
"Im sorry baby." He apologizes."its gonna hurt for a bit but i promise the pain will go away."
He goes in deeper and starts thrusting.
Soon all the pain subsides and pleasure takes place.
He continues to go faster, i moan louder.
And soon we both came.
He kissed my neck and got on his side of the bed.
We were both sweaty and panting.
"How was that for a first time?" He asked.
"Amazing." I reply. I tangle my legs with his and lay my head on his chest and my arm on his abs.
I smile and then fall asleep and so does razz.
Life couldnt get any better right now.
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