Lana's Funeral.
Your pov:
I wake up and went back asleep again because razz wouldnt let me out of the bed anything he said i needed to sleep since ive been up most everyday replying to tweets, helping Lana's mother plan the what we are ow gonna call the final rest day and fixing cher shes almost fixed too.
So we get up at about nine and the final resting day starts at 11.
So we get up take a shower together.
"Are you sure youre ok?" Rhys asked
"Yea i mean it kind of makes me happy to know at least wherever she is she isnt in pain anymore. Even if she isnt here with us." I say. A tear slips.
Razz brings me in for a kiss then we get out.
I get dressed:
And we head to the garden where the resting day will take place:
The moment i arrived i was greeted by many of Lana's family members who thanked me for being there with Lana. Then i went looking for Mrs.M. when i found her she was in the restroom quickly applyig foundation to her eye which was bruised!
"Mrs.M!!?!" I said.
She turned around i panic."i-its not what it looks like i swear!"
"No i know exactly what is going on and you cant tell me otherwise when he says get home you shake like a dog and do it how long has he been putting his hands on you?"
"Not long i swear."
"Dont lie to me." I say
"Two months before Lana's death, at first he was drunk when it happened and later after his hangover he would apologize but now hes sober and he even..."
"He even what?!"
"He even cheats ob me and tells me where he is going he cheated on me with so many different women Rebecca, Darnelle, Stephanie, Ally."
"Is he here by chance?" I asked.
"Why what are you gonna do?!" She asked worried.
"Im just gonna talk to him real quick."
"No please dont tell him i told you!!!"
"Oh i wont." I put my hair up in a pony tail and walk out of the restroom.
"Rhys!" I call.
"I have a bag in the trunk do me a small favor and bring me that bag."
" what about Lana's guitar."
"Bring that too."
He comes back with the guitar and bag.
"Oop thank you so much babe." I take the bag.
"Dont you need the guitar not right now. Can you put it by our seats?"
"Yea, are you ok something seems off why is your hair in a ponytail theres no wind."
"Oh Rizzie im fine babe." I give him a kiss and walk onto the restroom and put on something hmmm i can move in:
I got out where rhys was waiting for me.
"Hey rizzie." I say smiling.
"Babe what are you wearing what happened to your dress?!"
"Rizzie dont worry the dress is in my bag ill change into after i have a nice chit chat with mr.morris about domestic abuse."
"A talk? it doesnt look like you want to talk to him it looks like you want to kill him."
"I wont i promise."
Then i went around looking for dear old mr.m and i found him.
"Oh hey mr.m!" I say
"Hey (y/n) um are you wearing that?"
"No i just got here and i was in quite the rush i have my dress dont worry about that so where have you been while me and your wife have been planning your daughters wedding?" I say taking off my heels.
"Oh um i was busy with work." He lied.
"Ahh work now y'see im pretty sure work has some stable hours 9 to 5 but when you want something from your wife you call at 5 in the afternoon 10 in the morning you could get in trouble for being on your phone at work. Now i didnt want anything to go wrong at Lana's funeral." I take out my earrings and hand them to rhys."but i cant stand it ohhh i just i cant stand it when somebody thinks that they have more power over somebody else and think they can control them!"
"Babe what are you doing!?"
I gave him a nice roundhouse kick to the face! (Media) I was basically kicking his ass!
Then once he was on the ground i stopped.
"Dont you ever lay your hand on a woman again!!" I yell at him.
He gets up and runs off.
I pant"god im out of shape." I grab my bag from rhys. And change back into my dress.
"Babe what was that?!" Rhys asked.
"That was me defending mrs.m soon to be single. I would love to talk more but." I grab my guitar and take my hair out of the ponytail ."i have a service to run."
Everyone was sitting down.
"Good morning everyone." I say.
"Good morning."
"Im not gonna lie im no priest or professional at this i was just folling Lana's wishes . But while im up here i will say this Lana did not want any sad tears so please dont mourn over her death celebrate the great life she had how active she was she lived life to the fullest capacity and now i want anyone just anyone the mic is open to come up and tell a story sort or long of their memories of lana."
A lot of people came op and told some stories some made me laugh some made me cry rhys was there through it all.
Then her mother came up.
"Hello everybody first off i wanted to thank you all for coming here and i especially want to thank (y/n) shes a youtuber again at that Lana's all time favorite youtuber and she took time out of her busy schedule to see my daughter every minute she can and even though i dont completely like her content she has a good heart ive never seen a youtuber so dedicated to a fan and treated a fan like a sister so again thank you..Lana ever since she was a baby i knew she would be a fireball f energy the minutes she was able to crawl she was everywhere she even somehow managed to get ontop of the kitchen counter and lana was never a stereotypical teen youd never catch her in her room never when she was granted access to go with friends and do all these out of school activities she was almost never home she was in the skate park she was with her friends at the mall she was at a small social gathering she was studying at the library and even though lana was supposed to learning from me ive learned so much. I mean besides teaching me how to work an iphone 7 and all this new technology."
We all laugh in repsonse.
"She taught me that life is too short to live the same day twice so every weekend we would try to take her out of town we would egg her on if she had a competition out of state even though our money wasnt looking well we tried to live life to the fullest with her so i think if lana were here today." She wiped her eyes."she would want you all to do the same thing."
I feel myself begin to tear up really badly.
Razz comforts me.
After he finishes comforting an usher gives me a tissue.and i go back up on stage" damn onion ninjas" i joke.
Everyone laughs.
"So Um Does anybody else have any final words?" I asked.
Nobody speaks.
"We are now gonna move over to the graveyard so everyone hop in your cars and lets go."
Everyone got into the cars and we went to the graveyard.
Everyone circled around the gravesite the priest said a few words and then they lowered Lana's casket into the ground as i played see you again on the guitar i got a little teary eyed while playing.
Everyone threw in flowers, pictures, and drawings inside.
Soon everyone left and it was my turn to throw in something i just couldnt bring myself to do it. My heartache it was hitting me the grief. Shes actually gone. I stopped playing guitar and just broke down. Razz held me close. Lana's mother put in a rose and a handful of dirt and so do i. Then we all go home i give mrs.m some money so she can stay in a hotelroom for the night tomorrow is another day..
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