Fun in Vegas
Your pov:
I woke up, got some coffee and posted a prerecorded video i had planned.
I got dressed:
And got ready to open the door when i did i seen razz who seemed like he was about to knock on my door.
"Hey!" I say.
"Hey (y/n) me and the guys were heading out for breakfast and we wanted to see if you wanted to tag along so we could all head out to the circus later?"
"Sure!" I close my door and we go down the elevator."how did you sleep?" I asked.
"Oh um i slept pretty good how about you?"
"I slept pretty good as well that mattress was three times better than the one i have at home."
We laugh lightly.
"Did you have an interesting dream?" I asked,
"An interesting dream like out of the ordinary not you waking up in a classroom naked and become super humiliated." I joke.
"You know what i actually did i had a dream that hello neighbor was real."
"Thats super creepy, did the neighbor have that big bodacious chin with the one swirly chin hair?" I asked laughing.
"Yes he did!"
We laughed and went out of the elevator and met up with the gang.
"Razz about time you came back! Whos this?" An unfamiliar guy asked
"Dawko this is (y/n)."
"Ooh is she your girlfriend?" He asked.
"Noo!" Razz said quickly.
"Oh sorry i automatically assumed its just that razz rarely brings a girl around."
"Its fine, no big deal im girlfriend material i get mistaken for alot of people's girlfriend" i say sarcastically.
Everyone laughed.
We all went to this place called Denny's and surprisingly it was surprisingly good.
After that we went around las vegas took a few pictures and drove to the fright dome.
"Oh i need to record for my channel!" Razz and i both said at the same time.
The guys laugh."scottish minds think alike eh razz?" I joke.
"I guess so."
We took out our cameras cory recorded for razz cause he didnt want to be on camera.
Razz was able to get a interview with one of the people who put the pizzeria replica together. He agreed to let me use his footage.
Cory continued to record razz being and i being jumpscared.
Even though i was recording myself.
I got tired of the constant jumpscares and wanted to try something different.
"Hey razz!" I say.
"Lets try something stupid."
"What do you have in mind."
"I say we try and jumpscare the people trying to jumpscare us."
"Are you serious?"
"Lets do it!"
We went around trying to jumpscare the creepy clowns and zombies though together we only successfully scared 6 out 40 of them.
Afterwards we got bored and all left.
"So do you guys wanna go get something to eat then head back to the hotel?" Cory asked.
"Yea" everyone agreed
But i didnt."nooo, i think we should go out do something we have only one week in vegas do you really wanna spend 75% of your in the hotel rooms and 25% of your time in the circus?" I asked.
"Not really." Other ryan says.
"Then hell lets go out we are all of age to drink and do whatever the hell we want lets do something!"
"Like what?" Cory says.
I take out my phone,"ok google," my phone beeps,"give me a list of las vegas attractions."
"Here are a list of of tourist attractions and restaurants in Las Vegas, Nevada." My phone says.
I look through the list."Hey Ryan my man do you mind if i drive?" I asked.
"Do you know how to drive?"
"Yes i have a license."
"Ok you wreck it youre paying for a new one."
"Dont worry im not wreckless"
He gives me the keys to the car and we all get in i get directions to our destination on my phone and drive us there.
"Where are we going?" Ryan asked.
"Youll see and trust me i think youll absolutely love where were heading?"
"Youre not gonna kidnap us are you?" Razz jokes.
"No, youre not worth kidnapping." I joke
"Hey!" All the guys say we all laugh.
"Make a right and you will arrive at your destination." My gps says.
I make a right.
"You have arrived at Gene Wood's Go kart racing," my gps says.
All the guys cheer and laugh.
"See i told you you would all love it."
We get out and go inside and get in line to ride the go karts.
The lines wasnt too terribly long so we all had go karts in no time.
I had the workers have the track to our selves since no body else was in line.
"Who ever loses has to by the winner's meal!" I shout.
We all go around at the speed of sound.
Cheering and laughing as we go.
Dawko was ahead of us all but razz caught up soon it was a close win between razz and cory and somehow dawko pulled through and won the whole thing.
We all walked out cheering and laughing and talking about the race.
"Ok so mnw im super hyped i dont wanna go back to the hotel room (y/n) drive us somewhere else!" Dawko says.
"Im down!" I smile.
They guys cheer and get in i laugh and get in the driver seat.
I drive us to our next destination of the day
"I thought since we were having fun in the circus we should have a different fright."
"What is this?" Cory asked.
"Welcome to Atelophobia blah blah giagantic summary basically its an escape game heres the kick though the difficulty 65% escape rate is 24%!" I say.
"Im down!" Ryan says.
"Ditto!" Other ryan says
We all go inside and experienced the scare of our lives!
Im afraid that the fright dome couldn't compare to this!
I stuck with Razz the whole time.
And surprisingly me and razz were the ones who made it out.
Once we got out we cheered and high fived and hugged.
"That was scary as hell but seriously fun!!" Razz screamed.
"I know right!" Dawko replies.
We all went to a casino that served some decent food and went back to the hotel.
We all went into the hotel laughing and carrying on like kids coming into a classroom.
The guys went to their hotel room as always and razz walked me to my hotelroom.
We were on the elevator.
"(Y/n) thanks for kinda taking us out today we never wouldve had this much fun if you hadnt said something" razz says.
"No need to thank me, yknow back in the Atelophobia we made a pretty good team!" I said,
"We did didnt we?"
"Ya see maybe people in horror movies should take a lesson or two from us." I joke
"Yea maybe so."
We laugh a little.
"You are such a free spirit, a dare devil why is that?" Razz asked,
"When i was about five? I was playing in the park when i ran in the street to get my ball and a driver who wasnt paying attention hit me head on i was in critical condition when i went into the hospital i was in a coma for 5 months the doctors almost quit on me but i came out alive and i dont know after that i just wanted to live life to the fullest.
I even remember when i was 8 i made a list of crazy things to do ranging from skydiving to Ziplining." We got off the elevator"i have so many medals and trophies in my moms house shes had to buy a shed just for all of my trophies and medals she calls it the shed of fame."
We laugh.
"Wow thats really something." Razz says.
"I get that alot." I say.
We soon arrived at my door but something in me just didnt want him to go yet i wanted to talk with him more.
"Well i guess this is where we depart." Razz says about to walk away
He stops and turns around.
"Im kinda not in the mood to sleep yet do you maybe wanna come inside and talk for a bit?" I asked nervously.
He came inside.
We stayed up talking about just about anything. Cracking jokes, relating to one another, having a good conversation.
"Man we've been talking for a while what time is it?" Razz asked he checked his phone.
"Oh wow its 2:53"
"Oh wow well you better get going mate." I say.
He smiles we get up from the table and i walk him to the door.
"Even though there was no thrill i had a great time talking with you razz." I say
"Me too, hey can i maybe have your phone number?"
I give him my phone number and he gives me his and we say good night and he leaves.
I felt myself just thinking back at our conversation and blushing madly god what has gotten into me?
Razz's pov:
I was walking into my hotel room which i happened to share with Dawko.
I went into my room silently without waking dawko and went to sleep.
Today was one hell of a day!
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