Coming back into the real world
Your pov:
We woke up at 10am and got dressed.:
Then we drive back home and to be honest coming from a place where it was just you and someone you loved without telling anyone that you were leaving its like you jus returned to the world its like even though its not possible you paused time and then you pressed play and everything is back to the way it use to be. The minute we got home our phones blew up.
"So do you wanna record together?" Rhys asked.
"That would be easier instead of recording separately." I say.
"Great so you set up and ill unpack everything?"
He goes off into our room and i went into the recording room. I had an idea. I go into my make up bag since i rarely use make up why not play with it?
I bring my make up bag into the recording room. I set up the equipment and wait for rhys.
He finally comes in.
" ok so what are we playing?" Rhys asked.
"Today we are gonna do some challenge vids instead." I say.
"Press record on the camera please?" I asked since he was already standing.
He presses record.
"1...2....3" i clap."hello my lovelies sorry i havent been recording lately ive been kinda bust lately." I say.
"Oh yes...very very busy." Rhys says in a perverted way.
"Rhys shut up!!" I playfully punch his shoulder.
"So today we will be doing a first ever reading your comments vid even though percentage of the comment sections are just filled with sexual innuendos and yiff the fox jokes." I say.
We both laugh.
"Ok so the first comment says...why you no make minecraft videos?"
"Well i personally just got easily bored with mc." Rhys answers.
"And i just prefer to play it in my spare time which is rarely i thing for me." I say smiling.
"Next comment."
"Fuck me in the ass."
"......nope next question."
I laughed so hard"ok so next comment is. I would eat that ass too!....oh this is from my The wolf among us playthrough. I said i would eat the talking pig but the pick had a fat ass i said shut the fuck up before i eat your ass and i dont mean it in a sexual way i would grill that fucking pig! If you want to go to my wolf among us playlist its 4 hours of entertainment and while im on the subject." I clear my throat."dear telltale games......MAKE ANOTHER FUCKING GAME!" i yelled.
"Lets move on to the next question before you break if you could fuck mr.turtle in real life would you?"
"Sorry mr.turtle and fanfic writers no way in heaven hell earth or purgatory would i consider that."
"What she said."
We answer more questions and finally end the video.
"Well whats next?"
"Lets do a my girlfriend does my make up challenge."
"But youre my fiancee now."
"Yea lets not tell them yet." I say
I press record on the camera.
"1..2....3.. and" i clap.
"Hey, Hey, Hey everyone!! Razzbowski here with something quite different today here with me i have my girlfriend (yt/n)"
I wave."hello my lovelies (yt/n) here."
"Now tell my razzberries what we are doing today or more what youre doing to me." He says smugly while wiggling his eyebrows at the camera.
"Well first off no we are not making a porno and if i didnt add clickbait as you can tell i will be doing Razz's make up!!!"
"Thats right if you want to see more challenge vids then hit that like button lets aim of 69 beautiful likes i know you razzberries can do it!"
"Hold on razz thats the same like goal and even if they exceed the goal 9 times out of ten we wont do another one so. Razzberries i challenge you to hit 100 likes!"
"Yes 100! Now lets get right into the video whooo!!!"
"Shes already taking over we arent even married and she already taken over my channel." Rhys jokes.
I giggle."fine 69 likes is fine but just so you know there are over 80 different sex positions soo if your like goal to be a sex position plenty more to choose from beside 69." I say.
"(Yt/n) this is a child friendly channel!!"
"Nooo more like a tongue on cheek channel at some point you were gonna cross that line so."
"Just do my make-up!"
I giggle."ok first we needth the foundation which creates a fresh canvas to work on!" I dig through my bag and found some foundation. I brought the wrong tone when i was first trying on make up and it matches rhys skin perfectly. I apply it to his face.
"Ok thats good and razz cannot see his make up right now i flipped the camera thingy mabobber."
"The camera thingy mabobber babe?"
"Yes the camera thingy mabobber."
"Wow to be a youtuber you are very well in touch with your technology like you should be." Rhys says sarcastically.
"Do you want to make pewdiepie jealous or do you want to scare a clown?" I ask him.
"I mean id love to scare a clown but to make pewdiepie jealous with my looks with be amazing!"
"Ok then dont judge me youtubing skillz son!" I joke while adding blush to his cheeks.
"Ok after applying the blush you want to add your eye shadow!!"
Soon after i was done with his make up.
"And the final result is..this!!" I give him a mirror
"Woah!!who is that!!??" Rhys asked.
"Thats you."
"I dont even look like papa razz anymore more like a female counterpart!".
"That proves that i did the make up too well."
"What should i name my female counter part?"
"Not mama razz because thats me!" I joke.
"You know ive actually seen fanfiction where they call you mama razz."
"And i was joking you see this is why i love fandoms they come up with something before you even think youve created something. creativity!"
"Well i can officially call myself a youtube goddess i declare war on pewdiepie thats right pewds im coming to take your bros!"
"Cant handle all this fabulousness!!!" I joke.
"Anyways ladies and gentleman thank youfor watching youve been a beautiful bastard see you in the in the next videos." He winks.
"Now i have a vlog to do and we have some Christmas shopping to do. So shall we?"
"We shall."
We head off to the mall and go Christmas shopping of course i vlog it soo we get home and rhys records another episode if hello neighbor for his channel i edit the videos by 3am we had officially ened the 'day.'
Only a few more days till christmas.
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