Christmas day!
Title says it all it takes place on well christmas day. A week prior to the previous chapter.
Your pov:
"Its christmas its christmas." Rhys sings then slaps my ass i shriek in response."get your sexy little ass up its christmas."
"I know!" I groan."10 more minutes."
"No come on come see what santa got you for christmas."
"We havent even set up a tree since we're visiting family's houses for today."
"I know we didnt set up a christmas treee but i put up a christmas tree."
"Ok ill see in 5 more minutes please." I beg
Suddenly i am thrown over his shoulder.
"Rhys come on really!?put me down!" I chuckle.
"Nah im getting a good view so far i am so glad you wear my shirts and no pants to bed." He then slaps my butt again.
I shriek"you pervert!" I say laughing.
He soon carries me down the stairs and then puts me on the couch."you awake now?" He asked.
"Yea i am now! And well since im here why not?" I get up and sit beside the christmas tree.
"Pick a gift any gift all of them are you anyway except the ones at the back thats for the family."
"Ok." I pick a medium sized box."boy oh boy whats inside." I tear off the wrapping paper opened the box and inside was a bone? "Razz is this a joke like a russian roulette kinda deal?"
"No just think about it what domestic house hold pet loves bones?"
The i thought about it then gasp in happiness"you got us a dog?!!"
"A puppy!! I found him on the street along with one other and so i took them to the vet and they are being checked right now we get to pick them up after this."
"So two puppies!!?"
I hug him. And squeal happily."puppies!!"
"Ok so we have to pick them up at 8 am. So open the rest of them."
I pick another box and open it. It was a unicorn onesie!!!!!!!! Ive always wanted one."yay!!!!!! Unicorn onesie!!" I dance around like a little child holding my new onesie in the air.
Rhys chuckled. "Open the next one."
I pick up another box.
"Oooh if i remember correctly that was r rated."
"Mmm what is it papa razz something kinky?"
"A little something like that."
I pull it out it was a vibrator."we'll talk about this later." I say putting it back in the box.
"Oooh one more what will it be?"
"I guess we'll have to see!" I say i open it and its keys?
"What are these for?"
"Go outside into the garage and find out."
I go into the garage."Cherokee!!shes all better!!" I say.
"Actually thats not cherokee go inside and look at the glove compartment."
I go inside and see signatures on the glove compartment not any signatures but signatures of the spn cast!!!
I squeal!!!!!!!!
I get out and hug him tightly,"oh my god this car has extreme value to the eric kripke how did you get it especially from america to Scotland?!"
"Since supernatural is over and of course you know that i went through some old contacts and got in contact with kripke i told him how your car got totalled and you tried to fix it but it wouldnt work it was basically another loss on its own we developed a plan and got it over here. I think he left a note for you in the glve compartment with some notes from the spn cast as well."
I give him a hug and a kiss.
Then went in the glove compartment.
And there we're letters.
I read the first one.
Dear (y/n),
So sorry your Cherokee got totalled i know that mustve been hard. Especially when youve lost someone who was close to you as well. But well i have no need for baby anymore i rarely ride with her since the show is over. So im trusting you to take good care of her she carries a lot of memories of mine and the Winchester's as well. You would know that of course. Make good memories with her and love her like you loved Cherokee. I know you will.
Eric Kripke.
Ps: and since your an awesome fan you get to come to the final panel which is jan.24
Tickets are underneath all the letters.
I look back in the glove compartment and there were tickets!!! I squealed.
Then took a look at some other letters.
Dear (y/n),
So kripke gave you baby huh?
I bet that was a dream come true. Especially since you loved your impala like dean loved his i know if he was real and he met you youd mostly be his dream girl. And more than likely the female version of dean.I hope you have an awesome christmas and a happy new year cant wait to see you at our final panel!
From your buddy,
Jensen Ackles.
Awwwwwwww! Thus is sooo freaking awesome!!
Dear (y/n),
So you got baby!that must be awesome.
Kripke told me that you basically were the female dean. Jensen probably told you a joke about you being female dean so ill spare you this time but when youre on the panel i will have no chill. Youre also a youtuber they tell me. That must be fun hope that you vlog a bit on stage...thats what it called right?vlogging? Anyways merry Christmas and have a happy new year. I know youll take good care of baby so i wont even ask. See you at the panel!
Jared Padalecki.
Final letter....
Dear (y/n),
I know at this point you've probably read it all..
Take care of baby.
Female dean jokes.
And blah blah blah. So i spare you the time.
You seem like an awesome girl based off of how kripke described you. i know youll take great care of baby. I hope your holiday are merry and i cant wait to see you at the panel in January!
Misha Collins.
I giggle.
And soon i cry tears of joy.
Best christmas ever!!
I get out of the car and hug rhys and kiss him.
"I love you sooo much." I say smiling.
He wipes away the tears."i love you too." He kisses me again.
"Oh we should get dress to get the puppies!" I say.
"Yea we should do that."
We go and get dressed:
Then we go to the vet and pick up the new puppies.
We walk inside.
"Merry Christmas how may i help you?" The nurse asked.
"I dropped off two alaskan huskies for a check up." Rhys says,
"Oh follow me into the kettle."
We follow her into the back and she releases two beautiful little Alaskan huskies:
"Awww rhys they are so cute!!" I say.
"What do you want to name them?" Rhys asked.
"Lets name the black one storm and the light one chief."
"They are both very surprisingly healthy take great care of them." The nurse says.
"Dont worry we will." Rhys says.
We carry the puppies to the car and drive home and get all gifts for the family.
First we stopped by vince's of course we told him i was engaged.
We went in had a beer ate some pizza vince was never the cooking type.
But he tried to make it as festive as possible.
For instance in the doorway there was mistletoe.
"Ooooh the soon to be newlyweds are under mistletoe!" One of Vince's friends called.
"Kiss kiss kiss!" They all chanted
I chuckled and gave rhys a peck on the lips.
"Come on!there are no kids no need to be pg-13!" Vince called.
I chuckled and jumped into Razz's arms and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
Every cheered and wooed.
Afterwards we went to my parents house. Then finally we went to Rhys families hosue for dinner.
Everything was civil. We exchanged gifts i even gave rhys is gifts.
"I know its pretty late and this could not really compare to what youve got me. But i got what i could." I give him his gifts.
"Aww babe any gift you get me is the best gift ever!"
He opens the first gift:
"Wow baby this is awesome thank you this is amazing what do you mean this is nothing this is amazing!" He gave me a kiss and opened the next gift:
"A new chain!!!?!!"
"I realized a few days ago that you dont wear your chain anymore i looked on the dresser and realized it was broken so i got you a new one." I say smiling.
"I am so glad i am marrying you." He kissed me.
Soon we are sitting at the dinner table.
" so guy rhys and i have a very special announcement to make!" I say.
"What?" they all questioned.
"Rhys and i are getting married!!" I say smiling.
"Oh thats amazing!!"
Everyone cheers then we eat.and then junior and his ooooh im gonna be respectful...his girlfriend walked in.
"Late again!" His mother scolded.
"Sorry she takes too long to get dressed." Junior says.
Me and rhys sit together and or course rebecca sits on the other side of him.
"Hey razzie! Miss me? I know you did." She flirts
I clear my throat." Hey Rebecca." I say.
"So rhys whatd you get me for christmas? Something sexy maybe?" She says completely ignoring me
"I know this bi-kids do aunty a favor and go sit at the kiddy table k?" I say to them.
They all agree happily and zoom off to the kiddy table which was in the living room.
"Excuse me Rebecca im gonna try and be nice once again i dont like the fact that you were just flirting with my fiancee of we are getting married ok? So rhys is mine give it up."
"So razzie how was your Christmas?" She continues.
"Ok you know what you obviously dont know when to quit so someones gotta teach you when to quit whoring around!" And like that i just blacked out i dont remember what happened.
All i know is when i woke up i was the car with rhys and the puppies on the way home.
"What happened?" I asked
"You dont remember?" Rhys asked.
"All i can tell you is you went ape shit and sent rebecca to the hospital."
"Thats all i need to know."
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