All that for nothing!!!
Your pov:
I wake up and find myself just staring at the ceiling then just staring at Raz in just a few days I would soon be mrs.rhys Williams
And nothing made me more nervous. We will become 1 everything that is mine is his and everything that is his is mine we are to be together forever until death do us apart.
Sudden anxiety has taken over me I got up got dressed:
And just drove baby I didn't know where I was going I just drove and drove until somehow I just found at Lana's grave.
I sat on my knees in front of her grave which had freshly placed flowers on top I smiled.
" hey lana it's been awhile since I last visited you huh. A lot has been going on since you died rhys parents and I met his his family loves me and my family loves him that's great hand great thing is we're getting married but I don't know now that the wedding only a few days away I'm starting to have second thoughts my head has been the only guy I've ever dated I have no other experience I'm afraid that I'll have my first heartbreak I just don't want to make the mistake and scared God I know you're younger than me but you are as wise as an elder I just wish you were here to tell me what to do." i begin to cry.
The wind begin to gently blow and I suddenly felt a light touch on my shoulder I look up to see Lana sitting on her grave and a beautiful white dress she was no longer scrawny and weak she had a full figure and curves she no longer have pale skin her skin was peachy in complexion her eyes were no longer than they were at the beautiful dark blue that they were meant to be I was at least happy to know that she was no longer in pain when she was.
"Lana?" i questioned.
She simply smiled at me and nodded then fell to the ground with me I hugged her and I cried into her shoulder when the wind began to blow again and I heard a whisper.
Dont let fear stop you from being happy....
It sounded like lanas voices no longer weak but strong and loud and clear.
"Lana was that you?" i asked smiling.
She nodded. I smiled and cried harder and the wind began to blow again
Love is a risk take that risk....
She released me from her grasp.
I looked up to her still teary-eyed and nodded. When I look down and look back up she was gone.
I smiled and got back inside baby and I went home.
I opened the door to be greeted by Gabby hugging me tightly.
" where were you you had me and was worried sick!"
" I was only gone 30 minutes and I just went out to think I had a lot on my mind."
" it must have felt like 30 minutes but it was really 2 hours is everything okay now?"
" yeah I'm fine where's rhys."
" I think he's upstairs last time I recall."
I rushed up the stairs."rizzie." i called and he storms out of our room and attacks my lips with kisses.
" where have you been you had me worried sick I almost called the police."
" I'm sorry babe I just got deep in thought and I needed to be alone for a while."
" is everything okay now you know you can tell me anything right?"
" yes honey of course I know everything is fine I promise." i give him another kiss.
" sell your bachelorette party is today huh?"
" yep it is."
" will there be any sexy pizza men delivering more than pizza any sexy mailman coming to deliver a very special package?" he asked
I giggle." No no strippers I promise."
" there better not be."
" there won't be any strippers that I'm aware of and if there are I will march my butt home so I can be with you."
"Promise , now I have to get going I have to get going we had a late start I was supposed to wake up at 8 instead I woke up at 12 so got to get going to meet Madison at this place she rented it out for the party I guess I won't be uploading a video today." i say
" okay but take an Uber don't want baby getting wrecked if you come home drunk."
"I doubt it" i say
I get dressed in my glow in the dark outfit:
So did gabbie.
We call them over and went to the place Madison rent it out for the bachelorette party.
" oh my look at you already going alright so we have pink and white balloons on the ceiling the pink it's like a highlighter pink you know we just want the hole in the dark affect everywhere so I hope you don't mind."
" no I don't mind the pink at all." i say.
" fabulous okay so the DJ isn't here yet but he requested me to tell you that you right at least your top 10 songs that you want him to play so you know the night will be all about you and you hear all your favorite music for the Caterers and they will be serving a simple beef sandwiches as well as some chips and a few assorted different desserts as well as some fruit and veggie trays that way everyone has something to munch on we have the non-alcoholic wine you requested for your aunt we have 3 bottles just for her there are some alcoholic beverages so you can enjoy your time at the most you should let your auntie stop you from partying since you're also on the lip sync battle we just had to take it upon ourselves and put up a little stage mic stands so anybody can just take the stage and lip-sync or karaoke or whatever and we also plan on doing it with the mannequin challenge at some point in time have any last minute requests?"
" no no everything is perfect this is better than anything I have possibly imagined." i say.
Soon everything fell into place people flooded in the doorway all of the glow in the clothes were shining bright music was blasting people were laughing dancing and having a great time so was I me and Gabby last talked and got to know each other it's funny to think how she came over here for something so simple as a collaboration but she stayed longer than she originally planned to and gained a friend soon the party stopped we started the party at 7 and by the time we got out it was 10 o'clock and to be honest when we got home Gabby and I were a little buzzed okay but is an understatement we were drunk drunk off of our tails.
Razz's pov:
I heard giggling downstairs.
" best party ever!!" i hear who im guessing is gabby.
"Shhhh razzy is sleepy we dont wanna wake him up did i tell razz that i loved him?" who i was guessing was (y/n).
I came downstairs. To two giggly girls (y/n) gasped with child like excitement and charged towards me with open arms.
"Rizzie!!" she hugged me.
" hey babe." i said.
" it was such an awesome party you should have came with us." she says clinging onto my torso looking up at me.
" hey it's a bachelorette party meaning the groom can't go I can't go I couldn't go glad you have fun though."
" oopsie I forgot it was an awesome party it was my party it was the best party I ever had." she giggled still with a childlike voice.
" did you guys have a drink or two?"
"Maaaybe okay okay okay so we have a glass of wine and a Margarita it was a nice margarita it tasted like berries I love berries do you like berries?"
" yeah I like berries honey."
I look over to see a giggling drunk Gabby dancing by herself great I have to help too drunk women one of which is my bride-to-be well at least she isn't bridezilla.
" okay Gabby I'm going to help (y/n) to bed you sit down and wait for me to come help you." i say kindly.
She stops looks at me and gives me a salute."sir yes sir!!" she said in a soldier's voice then lost all seriousness and red into the living room and landed on the couch giggling like a little kid.
"Ook honeybee lets get you upstairs." i tell her.
"Oooh carry me no wait give me a piggyback ride no yea carry me!!!" she said holding her arms out.
" yes please please please please carry me?" she begged like a child. Even though she was drunk he couldn't tell she drunkenly gave me big puppy dog eyes that i couldnt resist.
"Ok "
"Yay!!" she jumps up and down clapping her hands.
I chuckle.
"Ok babydoll." i lift her Bridal Style.
"Woooooh youre very strong!" she complimented while giggling.
"Thanks i started working out." i answered honestly.
" you're very strong and handsome and you look like my fiance rhys are you his twin?id be weird if rhys had a twin" she giggled.
"It would be."
I open the door and place (y/n) on the bed gently."you get some sleep k babycakes?" i say.
"Wait rizzie i have to tell you something its secret!" she whispered.
"Ok." i got closer.
"Closer!" she giggled.
I came closer and she smashed her lips onto mine it was needy and sloppy and drunk and i could taste the margarita.
"Lets have fun" she whispered.
She continued to kiss me.
But I just felt wrong about it I feel like I'd be taking advantage of her because she's drunk plus she wants to wait to the wedding night.
"Mm papa razz is tired from working out today plus i have to get some sleep for my party."
"But baby i need you now." she wined.
"I know the longer we wait the better the honeymoon night wi be."
"Youre right." i she gave in and continued to giggle a little.
"Tell rhys i love....him." she finally fell asleep.
"He loves you too." i say I go downstairs and see that Gabby is fast asleep no use in trying to get her upstairs to her room now so I just decided to go upstairs and go to bed.
Your pov:
I woke up with a throbbing headache when I open my eyes the sun is too bright to handle I guess what I am now experiencing is a hangover and boy am I regretting it where is give me some water and a pill I take the pill swallow the water and lay back down and go back to sleep when I wake up I feel so much better I go downstairs and decide to make breakfast.
We all eat breakfast make funny of videos vlog a bit then added a few videos we have laying around when the time rolls around when he's had to leave for his bachelor party.
"Be safe!" i told him.
He gave me a kiss."i will."
I went straight back to the recording room to record more videos I stayed up your courting videos and editing videos till about 4 o'clock in the morning so I went to bed an hour later my beauty sleep was rudely interrupted by my phone vibrating off the charger I groaned in annoyance and picked it up to see many many concerning tweets from fans. I open the Twitter app to see my feet filled with nothing but a simple picture of my supposedly soon-to-be husband kissing a stripper with this photo was a message underneath that Simply read..
@Razzbowski: Beqst pasarty evear!!!!!!sexy lasdies make mw so hurny!
I dropped the phone I felt a sting in my heart and tears falling down my cheeks before I knew it I was on my knees completely bawling Gabby bursted in with concern.
"Whats wrong?!" she asked.
I slide the phone in her direction.
She picked it up then she comforted me and i cried into her shoulder more.
I woke up then i remembered what happened i closed my eyes tightly and turned around hoping that when I open my eyes I will see rhys is on the other side hoping that it was all just a bad dream. But I was let down it was all true it wasn't all a nightmare he really did go to a strip club and kiss a stripper.
I cry more then i hear the door open and close and someone rushing up the stairs. Then he. Opens the door.
"Babe let me expl-"
I yell.
"DONT YOU BABE ME! OK YES I GOT DRUNK I UNDERSTAND YOU DID TOO BUT I KEPT MY PROMISE I STAYED TRUE AND LOYAL TO ONLY YOU.....i honestly thought that you were different but youre just like the rest of them." i struggled take off my ring.
"(Y/n) please listen to me im sorry dont take off your ring." he begged.
"Why this obviously belongs to that skank you were kissing. Razz with this ring comes commitment and you obviously arent ready for that!" i couldnt take it anymore i just grabbed the keys to baby and drove away. I ended up in the feild where i went the first time i was mad with him. I sat in baby crying my phone goes off it was gabbie. I tell her i was somewhere safe she told me rhys gave her money to get a hotel and that if i want to come over to see her i can right now i just needed to be alone. I
I got lanas guitar and plucked the strings aimlessly.
Then i put in my earbuds and listened to music when:
Suddenly i was filled with so much rage anger hurt in confusion that i just blacked out......
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