A break from the world.(XXXX)
Your pov:
My eyes flutter open. Rhys is basically attched to my waist which i dont mind of course. I just felt a different type of happy today i guess not really happy but more like calm. I stared at the ceiling thinking about how lucky i am. After 10 minutes of reminiscing i got up without waking rhys up i went downstair and made chocolate muffins and a nice pot of coffee. Rhys came down.
"Good morning." i say smiling then taking a sip of my coffee.
"Good morning." Rhys says in his mornincmf voice. He comes and gives me a kiss.Then he notices the muffins. "Oh what are these?"
"Muffins for my muffin." i say hugging him.
"Are you ok babe?"
"Yea im just in the best mood today."
"Well thats good so you know today we are supposed to meet each others family?"
"Well after that maybe you and i could go to that cabin you were talking about not too long ago?"
"You really wanna go today?"
"Ok well get packed im gonna call and see if vince is using it "
"Ok." he gave me a quick kiss and headed upstairs.
I called vince he said he was there last week to restock the fridge and that he didnt plan on using it this week
So i packed up some clothes and rhys put our bags in the car and we drove to His family's house first.
This is your outfit:
Of course i was a bit nervous but rhys held my hand in reassurance.
Soon we arrive at the house.
"Dont worry they will love you i just know it." rhys says giving me a kiss.
I smile.
Rhys knocks on the door and i hear a bunch of voices what seemed like children.
Suddenly an older lady answer the door."Rhys!!" she hugged him and she chuckled.
"Hey mum!" the minute she released him her eyes fell on me.
"You must be (y/n)." she takes my hands
"Yes maam thats me."
"Look at you, shes beautiful rhys the family is gonna love her. Especially the children." she says smiling i smile back.
"Oh what are we standing out here for. Lets go inside you have to meet everyone!!" she brings me inside."everybody rhys is home!!" she called.
Everyone cheers rhys and i are bombarded with people. They all greeted me and welcomed rhys back home.
Then a wave of children. While rhys talked to his uncles i played tag with the children.
"Ok kids Ms.(y/n) needs a break." i say sitting down they all giggle and sit with me i even let one of them sit in my lap.
"Ms.(y/n)?" one of them said.
"Is it true that you went skydiving?"
"Actually yes i have!" i say smiling
"Tell us what its like!!" another cheered.
"Yea!please!!" they all cheered
"Ok ok pipe down." i chuckle."So i went to this open feild they gave me A suit and a parachute. I got on the plane and they took me very high in the sky above the clouds the farther i went up the bigger i felt i felt like a giant."
"Woah." they all say in amazement.
"Then when i was high enough in the air the pilot told me to jump and when i jumped i felt like a beautiful eagle flying above the clouds. Then after i opened my parachute and i landed on my feet."
"Wow tell us more stories!!"one kid demanded.
They all pleaded.
"Ok kids ms.(y/n) will tell you another story later." ryhs' mom said.
"Awwwwe." they say.
I chuckle and get up and go into the kitchen with rhys mom.
"Need any help Mrs.williams?" i asked.
"Oh no sweetheart thanks for asking. Youre really good with children yknow."
"Thank you."
"So how long have you and rhys been together?" she asked rinsing off some cooking utensils .
"Well weve been together almost a year now.wow"
"Oh how the time flies right?"
"Oh yes it didnt even feel like it has been that long." i chuckle
"You love him very much i can tell."
"Yes maam i really do."
"Thank you."
"For what?" i asked.
"For loving him hes been in so many horrible relationships that i feared when the right one came along he wouldnt know how to treat her."
"Mrs. Williams are you saying rhys has been in an abusive relationship?"
"Oh heavens no hes just been emotionally hurt is all. I hated to see him that way. So thank you for fixing him."
I hugged her i couldnt help myself.
"Is everything ok?" rhys asked.
"Peachy keen jelly bean." i say smiling.
"Dinner's ready!" his mom called.
Everyone came rushing in and sat at the dinner table right when we got through with prayer and we were about to eat rhys' mother looked around.
"Has anybody seen Jr?" she asked.
"Who?" i questioned.
"My youngest brother hes 23." rhys answers.
"Has anybody seen jr?" she asked.
"I talked to him earlier he just had to stop to pick up his girlfriend." rhys' dad say.
"Oh ok well we cant wait too much longer the food will get cold dig in everyone!"
Every passed around the food.
Soon we heard the door open then close in comes who im guessing is jr.
"Sup fam!" he says."yall really love to start dinner without me dont you?"
"The food was getting cold and we couldnt wait for you and your tardiness i told everyone to be here by 5 two hours before dinner starts and you were still late." rhys' mother scolded.
"Sorry mam,"
He looked at me."oh hey there sweet cheeks who did you come with?" he asked.
Rhys got up and stood in front of him."stay away from her jr." he growled.
He held his hands up in surrender."ok man chill im just introducing myself."
Rhys sat down beside me and kissed my cheek.
"hey guys i brought a plus one do yall mind scooting down.Rebecca!!" he called.
"What?!"a female screamed.
"Come here!"
To his side came a girl:
She was wearing a leather jacket over her original outfit. A bra and pants.
I was shocked im not one to talk but its winter and shes wearing that?! At least i had the decency to put on a jacket and a shirt!
Everyone gasped.
"You all remember becca right becca you remember everyone right?"
"Yea especially my razzie." she said.
"Pardon me what was that?" i say.
"Jr. You know better than this." rhys mother scolded
"What just because rhys had her first doesnt mean anything!!"
"Oh my god no youre kidding me right now" i said realizing what was happening.
"Afraid not sweet cheeks." jr. Flirted.
"Jr youre on thin ice pal!thin fucking ice!" rhys growled.
"Rhys williams watch your tongue!" his mother scolded." now listen this is a family gathering you will sit down and behave yourselves no fighting understood?!"
"Yes maam." rhys and his brother said.
Rhys scooted down and made room for jr and his girlfriend.
She sat on the opposite side of rhys while his brother sat on her other side.
The silence was thick. Until rhys mother says something.
"So Rhys how has everything been?"
"Its been good."
"Have any new roles youre studying for?" his father asked.
"Actually yes im taking a part in a action film in january."
"Thats interesting!" his father says.
"Hey sweetcheeks my brother might be good at acting but im the best roleplayer youll ever meet." jr says to me.
Rhys tightened fist and his knuckles went white.
"Jr." his mother scolded.
"Mama it was a joke."
"So razzie is there any lines you need help with?" rebecca flirted.
"I help him with his lines. I think i do very well thanks but no thanks to the offer" i sat politely putting my hand on his thigh he holds my hand.
"Im sure rhys can speak for himself and i bet he was gonna say that he did need help there ms nobody who can help him rehearse like me isnt that right rhys?"
"I dont know if youre dumb or just plain stupid but im kindly hinting without trying to be rude that hes taken he doesnt need your help." i say calmly
"Who was talking to you bitch?!" she yelled.
My face began to heat up."(y/n) just relax." rhys said.
I laugh and take a deep breath."im gonna join the kids at the kiddie table for a bit i wouldnt mind telling them another story." i say getting up.
"Oh now that somebody is talking to you. You wanna leave. Ugh rhys why are you with her?!"
"Why are you with my brother?!"
"Cause hes a better fuck than you."
I turned around."alright you little cumrag skank maybe if your snooch wasnt stretched and worn down that wouldnt have been the problem. Do yourself a favor and. Get out of here. This is time for family not skankery take it to the strip club." i say to her.
"What are you gonna do if i dont leave?" .
I raise my fist then stop myself."ooooh ok im sorry i just dont touch std patience especially the one who have a mutated version of it."
Everyone at the table ooed
"Mr and mrs. Williams thank you for having me im so sorry about all the arguing. We have to go see my parents" i say getting my jacket.
"Thank you for coming jr apologize to your brother and his new girlfriend now!" his mother demanded
"Im not apologizing for anything!!"
I was so done."its ok it was nice seeing you all." i say.
We get in the car and drove to my parents house they loved him of course then we went to the log cabinet.
"Babe im sorry about what happened at my house-"
"Rizzie dont worry about it." i day giving him a kiss on the cheek. Soon we arrived at thr cabin:
"Your cousin built this?!" rhys asked.
"With my help of course."
"This is amazing!!"
"I know right i miss this place."
"How about you grab the stuff and bring it inside while i set up?" i say.
"Sounds like a plan." i go inside with the flashlight and find the powerbox and turn on the electricity.
"Its freezing in here." rhys says.
"I know." i turn on the heat."im gonna light up the fireplace i just turned on the heat it should warm up in just a minute." i say.
"Can you set up some pillows and a blanket i feel like sleeping near the fireplace tonight."
I go up stairs and put our belongings up then i take everything off except for my lace bra and panties.
Then i go downstairs. Rhys was on the blanket staring at the fire place.
"Are you still cold?" i asked in a seductive tone.
"A little bit yea." rhys answered me not paying attention.
"I know how to get warmer."
Rhys faced me."(y/n) what are you do-"
I put my finger to his lips "shh." i kiss him. I straddle his hips.
The kiss slowly becomes heated and passionate.
He moans and flips us over.
I could feel his length. Hardening against my core.
I moan as he softly grinds his hardened length against my core and kisses the sweetspot on my neck.
"Oh rhys." i moan.
He grows in response and nibbled on my sweetspot and continued to grind against my core making me wetter by the second.
"Rhys" i moan.
He slides his fingers into my panties and runs my already wet clit.
I arch my back and moan.
"Oh baby youre wet already? I havent started yet."
He thrust his fingers in and out.
He doesn't stop until i cum.
Then he has this look not only of lust but of realization."wait here babygirl."
"Dont leave me waiting papa." i say seductively.
"I wont." he disappears upstairs. Then comes downstairs with chocolate syrup and canned whip cream. "I havent had dessert yet." he climbs on top of me and drizzles chocolate. Syrup on my stomach and licks it off.
I whimper. "Cmon ryhs please stop teasing me"
"Wait or ill make you wait longer." he growls.
He sprays whip cream on my thighs and licks it up making me moan louder.
Then he teases my clit with his tongue.
"Oh my god." i moan arching my back..
He finally stops teasing and licks every crease fold and crevice of me.
"Oh rizzie!yes! Mmm!rhys!" i moaned
He groaned sending vibrations through my body.
I moan.
Then i came. Rhys came from below with whipcream all over his face. He kissed me hungrily we both moaned.
I helped him take off his clothes.
"Ready babycakes?" he asked.
"Yes." i moan and whimper.
He thrusted into me.
I arched my back as pure bliss takes over me.
I moan loudly.
"Oh yes baby dont hold back your sexy moans." rhys groaned.
He went faster.
"Uh mmf rhys!"
"Oh god yes say my name baby!"
"Rhys! Oh baby! Rhys!"
He then hit my gspot
"Oh rhys right there baby!"
"Right there baby?!"
"Oh yes!"
Soon i felt close.
"Oh baby im close!" i moan
"Oh then cum for me.cum for papa!"
Within a few more thrust.
I was on the verge. I arched my back. My eyes roll into my head as i ride out my high. I moaned. And finally released.
"Hold on baby im so close!" rhys groaned."oh god baby youre so tight!"
Hr finally came and collapsed onto my chest.
We were both panting sweaty and sticky.
"What did i do to deserve this," rhys asked panting.
"Youve been a good boy." i say panting.
He kissed me. We had a very long heated make out session.
"Oh baby i want to go for round two."
"Tomorrow. Morning im tired as fuck right now."
"Ok baby."
We then fell asleep.
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