Eli: The Job Hunt/Just the Highlights (196)
It's every doctor's hope that they will work at the same hospital they did their residency at. It's just more convenient that way. You know the place and the people and everything that is expected of you, you have no reason to want to leave. Unfortunately for me, there were more residents working at a hospital than there were full fledged jobs and I ended up getting the short end of the stick.
Sure, it wasn't like I suddenly had no money or anything. I had saved responsibly and Nora had a good job so I was lucky enough to have the time to search for a job I actually liked and/or was good at. I would have preferred to find a practice near where we were living in the suburbs but that was more of a pipe dream than anything else. To get a relatively steady and well paying job I would have to look at the hospitals in the city and hope for a commute that wasn't entirely awful. It was just the way things went.
Finding a job was a long and tiring process. I applied for every post that seemed like it might work, interviewed, then kept looking. There were a few jobs that I really wanted and didn't get and there were a lot more that wanted me that I really didn't want. Some days I considered just taking one of those sucky jobs but Nora always talked me out of it. She had the good sense to know that if I took one of those jobs I'd be there forever and never actually enjoy what I was doing (AKA I would be Jim Halpert when I should be a more normal Dwight Shrute).
I did find one eventually, because things always work out eventually, and there isn't much more to say about that in between time because I know you guys don't want to hear about boring job interviews. There was one that was sort of interesting (not really the interview, more the events that occurred before and after the interview) but I won't bother you guys with that information now. I'll tell you all about that interview later.
"So what job is this interview for?"
"Just some hospital in Manhattan."
"Sounds fancy."
"We'll see. It's not one of those well known places and that could be for a reason."
"Or it could just be underappreciated."
"Maybe. I'll just see how it goes."
"Go in with an open mind. Don't let yourself get too cynical or you won't realize it when there's a good job staring you in the face."
"Yes ma'am."
"Are you coming home after or did you and that guy figure out a time to meet?"
"You mean Harry?"
"Yeah, whatever his name is."
"He happens to be my best friend from medical school."
"Some best friend since I've never met him and we've been married for more than three years."
"Whatever. And yeah we figured out a time. We're going to meet at some outdoor shopping center mall thing for an early dinner."
"Sounds fun. Call if you're going anywhere after, okay?"
"Are you worried I'm going to go out and get drunk or something?"
"You're perfectly allowed to go out and get drunk as long as you take a taxi home and as long as there are no prostitutes involved."
"Then why do you want me to call?"
"Just so I know you're alive, dumbass. I'm allowed to make you call me to check in. Besides, I'll need to know if I can watch Grimm without you."
"You wouldn't."
"I would. So keep that in mind when Harry tries to get you to go out drinking."
"You're an evil manipulative woman."
"And you're so lucky to have me."
"I guess on some days I am."
"We both know you know I'm right. Now hurry up, you're going to be late."
"I know, I know. I'll see you tonight."
"Good luck!"
"Thanks. I love you."
"Love you too."
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