chapter one
this is my first published smut so I hope you like it, this is an actual story by the way.
As a child I always believed in everything I saw in movies, which meant I believed toys were alive and Santa was real and that little people like the sandman and the tooth fairy used to visit me in my sleep. I never saw them for real but I couldn't help but feel that I was always being watched, I never thought it was by bad people until I turned ten. I was finally allowed to watch somewhat scary movies, but that was when everything changed. I was always afraid, very afraid. I never went anywhere, I sat locked in my room on my computer all day and night. I ate a lot but I wasn't fat, I always made sure I stayed fit so I could run. I was smart, I knew anything and everything about creatures and legends and all things creepy, I also just read and read everything I could find on the internet so I had more knowledge about the world than anyone my age. my parents always thought I was just going through a phase, but I never got over it... at least not yet.
I just discovered a new "scary story" site, its called creepypasta. I've heard of them before I just never really had the chance to look at them.
this present day
"mum I told I'm not going to school today and not ever again!" I yell
"but you need to go to get an education so you can get a good job and to get some friends."
"okay, one, I've done enough online courses to get any job I want. and two, I have lots friends, I've just never met any of them."
"they could all be pedophiles!.. I've had enough, do whatever you want, I just don't care anymore."
I went back to the computer when there was a knock at the inside of my closet, I cautiously walk towards towards the closet when I open the door I get pull in and all I can hear is a creepy laugh, then I'm knocked out.
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