So, I'm still working on the 69th chapter, which is why this is the 70th chapter, and not the 69th, I just didn't want to leave anyone in the dark...
But apparently, some people think ratmeat's a proship???
The main reasoning is that there's POSSIBLY an age gap, And I just...don't get it cuz...
Bob and Dexter don't have canonical ages, obviously we know Bob is pretty old (40's-50's), but Dexter doesn't have a confirmed age, he could be in his 40's for all we know...
Personally, I headcanon Bob to be in his 40's, and Dexter to be in his 30's
Even IF there's an age gap...THEY'RE BOTH ADULTS!!! I said this with Frank x Kevin, and I'll say it with Bob x Dexter, if the characters are both the legal age of consent, an age gap isn't an issue...
There's a MASSIVE difference between a 14 year old dating a 35 year old, and a 21 year old dating a 29 year old...
So...since some people don't seem to understand what is and what isn't a proship, I'm gonna show some ships, and explain which ones are proships, and which ones aren't...
I MAY get cancelled for this🥲
(⚠️TW⚠️gross ships!)
This ship makes me SUPER uncomfortable, but i've seen some people explain that it's not a proship, because they're both adults, which...
It seems like we're just forgetting the bit where Bob almost KILLED Streber...like, I LOVE enemies to lovers (like, I ship Freddy x Jason for fucks sake...) but I just can't get behind this one some reason...
Like, even if it's not a proship, it just generally doesn't make sense, unless it's some stockholm syndrome x Lima syndrome situation here, I feel like Streber would be terrified of Bob after having his arm ripped off by him, he probably WOULDN'T want to date him...but that's just me...
regardless of whether or not it's a proship, it still gives me the ick...
(No offense to anyone who does ship them, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind here, just giving my opinion...)
Okay...this ship's really weird, I mean...they're LITERALLY the same person...
But selfcest isn't really a proship, as long as a character isn't being shipped with a child version of themselves, it's not a proship...
I mean, it's like kissing a mirror, and last time I checked...kissing a mirror isn't illegal, just weird...
So, no, selfcest isn't a proship, it's just super weird...
(I paired these two ships together, cuz my opinions on these ships are the same...)
Honestly, I'm definitely weirded out by these ships since Bob knew Frank and Lila when they were kids, but it's TECHNICALLY not wrong, since Frank and Lila are both adults, these ships still weird me out, but they're not proships...
This is a proship, Bob is an adult, and Skid's a child! This is a super gross ship...
The artist has also drawn some...really gross art of Skid and Pump being SA'd on multiple occasions, but I'm not gonna say who drew this, because I don't want anyone to harass this artist.
shipping pedophilic ships are bad, but that should NEVER be used as an excuse to harass anyone, if you harass someone, you're no better than them, if you encounter a proshipper, DON'T INTERACT WITH THEM! just block and move on...
Honestly, I find this ship super cute! It's actually one of my comfort ships, and again, it's not a proship, so please stop calling it one...
Genuinely sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to give my opinion...
Here, have some music...
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