MTV - Fear
St. Agnes Hospital
- in the safe house -
Ohio - *backs up* oh hell no
Florida - holy shit you have to sit in a mortgage bed for 30 minutes dude..
Texas - green is your safety
Michigan - that's me
Ohio - 30 minutes.. Can Michigan kill me now?
Colorado - this place is fuckin haunted I want to go home, I want to just fuckin watch south park and forget about all of this, I want mY BOYFRIEND
Ohio - yR nOt eVEn dOInG tHe dArE
Michigan - come on put yr gear on
Ohio - *inhales* uUGhugHh
~ Meanwhile ~
West Virginia State Penitentiary
Indiana - *crying into knees* oh god.. A-all the lights went out hehheh.. E-even my camera light is out please..! *sniff* lord all fuckin' mighty
Indiana - *immediately stops* *whispers* someone's coming closer.. I can hear them walking, no stomping towards me
- cuts to Mississippi -
Missi - *whips around* what the hell..
*unsettling noises coming from ceiling*
Missi - *looks up* wha- i.. Wyhat– ... The fuck?
*bed starts moving*
Missi - *unholy high pitched screaming*
- cuts to safe house -
Alabama - ain't they done yet.?
New Jersey - *chewing nails* 2 more minutes
Alabama - dude.. Mississippi's black he's gonna die firs–
South Carolina - *spits out water* hAHAAHA
~ Meanwhile ~
USS Hornet
Illinois - ok Georgia, I won't be able to talk to you after you walk down those stairs..
Georgia - n-no radio contact.?
Illinois - nope, sorry
Georgia - *exhales* alright, I'm goin' down
Computer - while purple heads down into the rig, blue will go down to the captains corridors
Maryland - fuck, seriously? Man this is bs.
+ Smol timeskip +
Georgia - *picks up paper left on bed* oh hell no. Lock the door.? With ah pad lock, godamnit.. *locks herself in*
Georgia - *sits down on bed and places head against wall* man, this some camakazy bullshit. Fuckin' Japanese dude from WW11 died here.
- cuts to Mary -
Maryland - mk cap, whatda I need to do..
Maryland - turn, turn, the sink? Sink, yeah.. Uh huh whs there yeah? Huh, a paper mhm. Do you want me open it.? Yes, I'm goin' to open it. A key, key, key.. Want me to use this on something
[ these are just ideas because honestly commitment to projects is not one of my strong suits
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