More laws 'n shit
[This law is not exactly new, and once again this will be controversial]
Connecticut - new law bitches.
NY - *sprints into room* whAt iS iT.
NC - *suspiciously peaking out from behind the door*
Connecticut - oh uhm, it's an equality acts law, allowing people who identify as a certain gender to compete in the sports designed for that.. sex.
NY - *inHaLeS* I am so proud of you right now.
Connecticut - *mumbles* I don't rly care, but thanks.
SC - .. so any dude who feels like one day he wants to finally win for once, is immediately allowed to compete with biological females?
Connecticut - what're you implying?
SC - I'm saying that biologically, males beat females in any physical sport. This is literally the reason physical sports are separated by sex.
Connecticut - I guess I didn't think about it that wa--
NY - *gasps* that's totally transphobic!
SC - *resting bitch face*
Indiana - that is completely irrelevant to what he said.
Illinois - no it's not.
Ohio - guys let's just stay out of this one..
Alabama - no Indiana's right, at what point did Scott mention anything hateful about transgender people.
NC - literally everything.
Indiana - turning on your own brother, now who does that remind me of--
Illinois - piss off it's you who's on the wrong side!
Wisconsin - Isaiah I will break you Xbox with a jackhammer and Isaac I will burn your Indiana Jones cosplay outfit if you both start fighting again.
Illinois - *chokes on coffee* nOOoO noT m Y xboX pLeAs G–!
Indiana - bUt I worked so hard on it!! Q~Q
Connecticut - guys chill out! I admit it may have been kinda dumb to--
RI - *visible confusion*
SC - I'm just saying that if a biological male has not actually gone under hormone therapy, the girls don't stand a chance.
NC - I could easily beat you in anything.
Texas from distance - yOu'RE NOT A FUCKING HUMAN.
Oklahoma - *facepalms*
SC - I'm tired of this shit, I'm takin a na--
NC - *literally lifts Scott up because she tall* nope!
SC - *sTrUggLEs* *inhales* Tyler!!
Tennessee - *whips out double barrel shotgun*
NC - really?
NY - I woUld sugGeSt pUtTinG yOUr brOthER doWn.
NC - *glares*
SC - *sighs*
Illinois - should I pick up mine as well--
Indiana - *struggling* fuCk oFf iM oLDER FUCK YOU!!
Illinois - s u f f e r
NM - so is this like I thing now because I cannot lift up Arizona.
Connecticut - why is everyone at my house..
RI - I'm gonna blow this place.
Connecticut - don't.
Ohio - everyone please get out of this man's, good christ.
Wisconsin - yeah because the swing states have more authority over all of you.
NY - f u
Alabama - pFTTTFSDF
Pennsylvania - *cackling from outside*
Connecticut - gET OUT!!
NC - ok dayum.
Ohio - stop using my cUltURe fIr yOur sLurS u wHiTe aSsHoLE.
Illinois - oh now you–
Wisconsin - xbox Isaiah, chose your next words wisely.
Illinois - >:(((
[For anyone who doesn't know about my stance, it should be clear now that people see me as a Conservative, not that thats important. What's important is what's happening because of this law.]
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