Imagine yr otp
(Well in this case my otps)
Minnesota - I'm such a failure nothing ever goes right! I can't fix this, it's hopeless, I'm useless, I'm good for nothing, I should just go to sleep and never wake up.
Michigan - You broke a plate chill out.
Pennsylvania - Stop! Your gonna eat the entire bag!
New York - *turns to see Penn stuffing a handful of pretzel goldfish in his mouth*
New York - *turns away and continues eating*
Pennsylvania - I SAID STOP!!!
SC - Would you die for me?
Alabama - That isn't an optional, I will die for you
SC - H-hold on a sec–
*about to go into a dangerous situation*
Illinois - Do you trust me?
Missouri - No.
Illinois - I'll take that as a yes.
Montana - So are we going to the mall?
Wyoming - *sarcastically* No we're going to. . . that country you always say
Montana - . . . What?
Wyoming - You know! That country you always say when your being sarcastic!
Montana - . . .
Montana - Oh! For the love of god and all that is holy, don't day you mean Narnia
Wyoming - That's the one!
*at a club*
Arizona - *watching someone fail at dancing*
Arizona - Haha, who's that drunk idiot??
Arizona - *realizes it's Nevada*
Arizona - *running towards Nevada* OMG ThAtS MY IdiOT!
*on the phone*
Indiana - So I can't make it tonight. .
Ohio - *nonchalantly* why not?
Indiana - I may have been stabbed just now. . .
Ohio - Only you would try to politely cancel plans as your bleeding out. Hold on I'm coming.
Washington - Hey Oregon can you carry this box? It's really heavy.
Oregon - *picks up box effortlessly* Nothing is heavier than the mass of my depression
Washington - I'm equally impressed and concerned
Texas - *starts a fucking rebellion*
California - *holding camera* your doing great honey! Ily!
Oklahoma - Alright guys it's time!
Kansas - *raising a knife excitedly* It is?
Oklahoma - *lowering the knife down* No, Kansas we talked about this
Yeet yeet skeet skeet
I didn't do my homework help–
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