Alabama - inDiAna plEasE leT mE riDe wIth yUo--
Indiana - you got gas money?
Alabama - yes.
Indiana - then let's lock n' load.
Illinois - what's wrong with my car.?
South Carolina - nothing it's just that you're a shit driver.
Illinois - screw off Scotty.
South Carolina - thATS NOT MY FUCKIGN NAME!
North Carolina - *whispers* I paid everyone five bucks to call him Scotty.
Georgia - gurl..
Kentucky - no we're supposed to go this way!
Michigan - you're being fucking retarded, we need to go straight!
Tennessee - *slowly getting angrier*
North Dakota - *chugging vodka*
Alaska - give me some please.
Hawaii - nO thAts thE 8tH oNe todAy--
New York - alright guys I'm driving!
Rhode Island - the fuck if you are!
Massachusetts - hahaha.
New York - shut it Masshole!
Massachusetts - bitch..
Vermont - I'm driving end of discussion.
Utah - Coly profanity, and I'm not letting any of you drive.
Arizona & NM - whyyy??
Nevada - ppsshhhh as if, I'll be taking my own car.
Utah - either I drive or I'm strapping you to the bed of my truck as we go 60 mph on the highway.
Nevada - oK iM sOrRY--!
Utah - alright then, Arizona, New Mexico, & Nevada are in the back.
Montana - ...
Wyoming - ...
Idaho - ...
Wyoming - Monty?
Montana - I'll go get my truck.
Idaho - can I put my potatoes in the back!
Montana from distance - sure.
Kansas - what the hell are we doing..
Oklahoma - everybody thought that the state conference was in Tallahassee, Florida, but turns out it's in Jackson, Mississippi.
Oklahoma - so no we all have to carpool there.
Texas - I brought a Ford Transit it can fit 12 people including me *opens doors* get in.
Mississippi - why in god's name did you bring that.
Texas - doesn't matter, I can fit 11 states in here so don't question it.
Kentucky - I'm in!!
Louisiana - *gets in the passengers seat*
Tennessee - fuck this I'm going with Ally and Indy.
South Carolina - I'm not riding with Texas, take me with you.
*timeskip because I'm a lazy shit*
Indiana - Virginia move it or fucking lose it dickwad! *honks at em'*
Tennessee - road rage much?
Indiana - well I'm sorry this asshole doesn't know how to drive on a freeway!
South Carolina - would listening to the Indiana Jones theme song help.
Ohio - *raises eyebrow*
Indiana - *inhales* the worst thing is that it actually would help.
Virginia - *sighs*
Maryland - did this mother fucker just honk at us?
Delaware - Mary please don't start anything..
NJ - my name is Benit and I ain't in it.
Literally everyone in Texas's car - Country roooaaddsss, take me hoommee, to the plaaaacce, where I beloooonngg!! West Virginia!!
West Virginia - this is the happiest day of my life.
Pennsylvania - hey Maine is this the turn right here? *points to sign*
Maine - uhhh yeah, turn here.
Vermont - wait I thought we were supposed to turn on AB-4?
New Hampshire - no it's the one past this one.
Maine - guys I'm the one with the map..
Vermont - so? I have Google maps, and the lady says we're supposed to go off on AB-4.
New Hampshire - clearly none of you are watching the cars in front of us! Indy just turned!!
Pennsylvania - this is totally unawesome..
Pennsylvania - THE FU--
Montana - ppppssshhhhhhh.
Wyoming - *swinging his legs*
Idaho - *eating french fries* [don't ask he probably pulled them from his ass]
Montana - I'm bored.
Wyoming - me too..
Idaho - french fry?
Montana - nahh
Wyoming - I'm so bored that my head is staying to hurt.. Monty do something.!
Montana - hey guys, did you know that technically bananas are berries and strawberries aren't.
Wyoming - *pauses*
Idaho - *also pauses*
Montana - that should keep em' occupied while I figure out where the fuck to go.
Indiana - *gasps* wE'RE HERE FIRST FUCK YEAH!
Ohio - wait wasn't Pennslyvania following us..
Tennessee - shit.
South Carolina - *calls Pennsylvania*
Pennsylvania over the phone - pRUSSIA THE CAR!!
Prussia - it wasn't my fault that you freaked out!
Pennslyvania - YES THE FUCK IT WAS
New Hampshire - shut it you two!! Because of both you didn't pay attention to any other fucking state on the road!
Vermont - *whispers* was that Italian.?
Maine - fuck if I know.. more than half of my population is Caucasian..
New Hampshire - entrambi siete idioti.
Pennslyvania - pRUSSIA nO
South Carolina - :|
Tennessee - *hangs up phone for SC*
Tennessee - ..it ain't our problem
~~ ehhhh this chapter is a little hard to explain. Basically the most oversimplified version would be, I like looking at people's license plates on vacation ~~
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