Coke or Pepsi?
Texas - k me and Cali are startin' a new series where we go round askin states dumb questions lol
Cali - *presses record* I'm rollin
Texas - I got the mic
Texas - question, Coke or Pepsi?
NY - Coke makes me look more professional
Cali - *zooms in on NJ & NY*
NJ - how the hell would Coke someone more professional?? And Pepsi
NY - that's because actual adults drink it dear sister, so clearly you are still a child
NJ - shut up dickhead!
Connecticut - I've never drank soda before so–
Rhode Island - oh get off your high horse asshole, we've all had soda once in our life. Pepsi btw
Pennsylvania - it's fucking pop, and Coke
Maine - personally I think it's just a beverage, and I'm not sure, I mean both of them are just drinks right?
Vermont - clearly he does not understand, but Coke is obviously the superior choice
Massachusetts & New Hampshire - Pepsi
Massachusetts - I like your tastes
NH - *finger gun snap* {lol wyhat}
Delaware - pepsi
Rhode Island - I'm fast as fucc boi
NY - *picks up RI bridal style* hahhAAHAHA WE'RE OFF BITCHES
Texas - Coke or Pepsi y'all
Maryland - *flips of camera and walks away*
D.C - well then.. My blood stream at this point is strictly coffee
NC - *glares at Georgia*
Georgia - *glares back*
SC - can I please not answer
Georgia - EXCUSE ME?!
SC - oh no..
Mississippi - girl fight!
Arkansas - wait! Ladies can we please settle this without violence!
Florida - I prefer Pepsi because I feel like it appeals more to kids, and well I'm practically a big child who knows how to handle reptiles. I also feel like–
*Georgia and North Carolina pull out fake lightsabers and prepare for battle in the background*
Cali - *zooms in on Florida, Oklahoma, & Alabama as Georgia takes the first swing*
Oklahoma - *chugging a sprite*
Alabama - *opening a Vodka that Alaska gifted to him*
Kentucky - coke
Tennessee - pepsi
Kentucky - *INhaLes*
Florida - and besides coke is just a little blan-
NC - oh godamnit, hey guys! Mama's boy is here, he's gonna be a tattle-tail again
Virginia - for one we don't have a mom, for two, since when have I been a tattle-tail??
West Virginia - *pulls on Virgina's shirt* I wanna fuckin' go home
Virginia - don't use that language, and maybe I'll consider it
West Virginia - can we please go home
Louisiana - *kicks down door* WHAT IS GOING ON!!
NC & Georgia - *throw lighsabers across room* n-nothing!
Louisiana - *points at Georgia & NC with a rolling pin* in the kitchen now
Texas - oohhhh shiet
Louisiana - *pinches both Cali and Texas's cheeks* I know y'all had something to do with this
Texas - oW! I'm soRrY! Q~Q
Cali - I'm just the cameraman!
Texas & Cali - coke or pepsi?
Indiana - sorry guys..
Ohio - hm?
Illinois - *inhales and quickly backs up* I knew it from day frUKING ONE
Missouri - ..did New Mexico sell you cocaine again, cuz goddammit that shit's illegal
Illinois - Indy. Drinks. Pepsi
* silence *
Ohio - no, nO I don'T beliEVE yOU
Indiana - if we're being completely honest, I genuinely prefer triple x root beer
Texas - ya know that was made in Texas
Illinois - why brother! why!?
Iowa - coke, Illi shut up
Nebraska - I legit have to deliver pepsi to the twins, so pepsi i suppose
Kansas - I don't really like soda
Minnesota - hold on my ears must be messin' up, now did you just say soda
Wisconsin - oh no I'm sitting back here no nope
Michigan - wAIt, p-perhaps he didn't mean to say that!
Minnesota - ...
Cali - *zooms in on Kansas*
Kansas - I meant to say.. soda
Cali - *turns to Minne*
Minnesota - so that's how it is
Minnesota - *walks out*
Cali - dude.. his like entire aura is just like screaming...
Texas - oh naw, wE'RE OUT BYE
Cali - coke or pepsi, answer quickly please
Washington - coke
Oregon - pepsi
Montana - coke
Wyoming - pepsi!
Idaho - pepsi
Utah - I don't drink sugary drinks
Colorado - pepsi
New Mexico - uh.. coke.? no wait pepsi
Arizona - coke
Nevada - coke obviously
Molossia - coke I suppose
Texas - it.. it worked... no one fought! hoLY SHIT NO ONE FOUGHT!!
Cali - yes! finally!!
Arizona - has everyone else been troublesome?
Texas - extremely
~ Timeskip ~
Texas - alight we got the final scores here
Coke or pepsi chart
West - Coke : 5 Pep : 5
Mid - Coke : 7 Pep : 6
North - Coke : 3 Pep : 6
South - fuck it they're crazy
Cali - yeah we couldn't get the south's votes..
Texas - I don't giva damn
Cali - also, new york was my favourite vote
Texas - well then indy was my favouite vote
Cali - he didn't even vote
Texas - he said pepsi eventually
Cali - sure, anyways I wanna move on to the next chapter already!
Texas - we gotta as the readers if they have any ideas for a question-
Cali - oK nEXT chAPTEr baH bYE
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