28. You have nothing to worry about
A week later, nothing was solved. Harry was still avoiding everyone, especially Lina. She was like a ghost from the past, sent to Harry's life to destroy everything he had built up. It was hard, enduring Louis looking at him sadly whenever they saw each other, but he tried talking to Harry less and less. Like he was giving up on them. It hurt, but Harry did not know how to solve it.
Harry had talked to Gemma on the phone about it, but she only said useless things like, "You're being over dramatic." and "He's not going to leave you." and "It's not a big deal." and "You were just a kid." and "Just fucking tell him!"
Not helpful at all.
Harry thought the world was over when he came down to the common room one week later. Everywhere were students, talking and laughing in groups. The small, old fashioned TV was on. Harry recognized the music from somewhere. It was...
Harry's eyes widened. He looked closer. In front of the TV stood Lina. And on the TV...
"No!" Harry ran over. Much to his horror, Louis sat on the sofa in front of the TV. "Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off."
"Hazza." Louis stood up and embraced his boyfriend in a reassuring hug. "Harry, Haz. My love. Calm down. Everything's okay."
Harry was shaking his head repeatedly, burying his head in Louis' neck. "Don't look at that. It's awful, I know. Please don't look at that. Don't leave me. I'm sorry..."
"Haz, sshhh." Louis whispered. "It's going to be fine. I'm not going to leave you. I don't care that you were in a ballet group. I wouldn't even care if you were still dancing ballet."
Harry shook his head, still not daring to look at Louis. "It's not that." He looked at the TV fearfully, where a small stage could be seen. A group of children, about eight years old, was dancing and jumping around the stage. Harry recognized himself at once. "Have you seen me trying to dance?"
"Haz." Louis laughed. "Why would I leave you because you once were not a good ballet dancer?"
"Don't listen to Lina." Harry said. "Everything she says is wrong."
"Well, this is quite an accusation." Lina cut in.
"Shut up, Lina." Louis said. "It's okay, Haz. She didn't tell me anything bad. Nothing someone tells me about you could ever be that bad that I would break up with you." He took Harry's cheeks and forced him to look into his eyes. "Do you understand?"
Harry was quiet for a few seconds, his eyes getting glazed over and tears threatening to fall. "Okay." He finally whispered at Louis' insistent look. It seemed like this was enough for Louis though, because he went back to just holding him.
"Was that why you avoided me?" Louis asked. "Because you were scared I would find out what a bad ballet dancer you were? Which, I mean, you weren't that bad."
"Are you kidding me?" Harry pulled away and pointed at the TV. "I danced on the stage even though it was too early and in the end, I just stood there, confused, and ran away again. And then, compare them to the others. I was awful."
Lina laughed from behind them. "He really was. And he thought he was so amazing because he was the only boy and every girl liked him."
"Shut up, Lina." Louis said, reaching out for Harry, who was red and almost in tears from humiliation. "It's okay, Haz. A bit more self-confidence would do you good. There's nothing wrong with thinking you're amazing. Because you are."
"But not at ballet." Harry's voice wobbled. He was scared Louis would think he was an arrogant prick now. But Louis just hugged him again.
"Do I look like I care?" Louis asked. "Because I don't. You make your experiences in life. You get big headed when someone praises you. You fall on your nose if your head gets too big. You learn. You make mistakes. That's just life. And it doesn't matter who you've been before. I love you. Just like you are now. And I'll love you even if you decide to change. Because you'll still be you. The Harry with the softest heart and most caring soul alive."
Harry laughed wetly. "Since when do I have a smart boyfriend?"
Louis slapped his bum lightly. "Shut it." Then, he pecked Harry's cheek.
"I love you." Harry said. Louis smiled and went to kiss him, but they were interrupted by a squeal and in the next moment, they were squashed by two more bodies.
"You've finally made up." Haley squealed.
"Fucking finally." Niall said. "I can't handle you fighting."
"We weren't fighting." Harry said, helping Louis wiggle out of Haley and Niall's grip.
"But you weren't sickeningly sweet and hanging off each other every free minute either." Niall said. "That means that the world is not okay."
Harry laughed. "That's a bit exaggerated, but in my world, I totally agree."
"Me too." Louis smiled fondly.
"Okay, now that that's settled," Niall said. "We have to go to rehearsal."
"Oh." Louis said. "We have group rehearsals now, right?"
"Yeah," Haley said. "You and Eleanor need to get your costumes in the city though. You're excused."
"You're going to town with Eleanor?" Harry asked, indignation clear.
"It's just for the play." Louis smiled, wrapping his arm around Harry's waist and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Now that he had his Hazza back, it seemed like he could not keep his hands off of him. Niall probably saw the same, because he pulled on Louis' arm decisively.
"Let's go. We don't want to leave Mrs Burgstett waiting." Haley went after the pair, rolling her eyes fondly. Harry stared after them for a few seconds.
Then, he turned around to see Lina watching him, like she was trying to decide something. When she saw him looking back, she nodded. "Congratulations. You've changed. And you've got yourself a great boyfriend."
"Thanks." Harry smiled timidly. Then, he hurried to their room.
Arriving, he found, as expected, Liam lying in his bottom bunk, doing some homework. "Hey, Harry." He said distractedly.
"Liam." Harry jumped into Liam's bed beside the boy. "I need your help."
Liam ripped his eyes away from his 'highly interesting physics problem' and focused on Harry. "So you're not ignoring me. Made up with Louis?"
"Yes, but Liam..."
"What?" Liam's full attention was now on Harry. "He was pretty upset, you know. I had to listen to him whining about being a bad boyfriend and feeling so helpless and not knowing what to do and what was even the problem and how much he-"
"Okay, okay. I get it." Harry interrupted him. "I'm a horrible person. Done taking me on a guilt trip?"
Liam eyed him thoughtfully. "I don't know. Maybe you should feel guiltier about making me having to listen to Louis' whining instead of focusing my attention on my studies."
"Please." Harry said. "You would have the best marks in the class even if you would never do your homework and sleep in the lessons."
Liam looked horrified. "Who would do such a thing?"
Harry burst out laughing. "Oh Liam. Innocent, little Liam."
Liam frowned. "You know, they call you innocent."
"Who?" Harry wondered.
"Well, Louis, Niall, Zayn, some teachers, I heard some girls talking about it..."
"I'm not that innocent." Harry argued. "I know that people don't do homework and sleep in classes. And I frequently imagine Louis and me sleeping together..."
"While we are in the room?" Liam was horrified again.
"Of course when you are in the room." Harry said. "We're sleeping in the same room and your thoughts tend to wander in the evening."
"Yes." Liam said. "But to stuff like what was the most interesting equation in the maths class or which angle different desks stand to the teachers pencil case. Or sometimes even how pretty Cheryl looked, but not having sexual intercourse."
"Umm..." Harry said. "You wouldn't think so if you had a hot boyfriend like Louis. By the way, I have a problem and you need to help me."
"Umm... okay?" Liam eyed him warily.
"Louis is going out with Eleanor tonight." Harry said.
Liam frowned. "What do you mean, going out?"
"I mean, they're going to town together." Harry explained. "For Drama costumes or something. Anyways, you need to follow them."
"What?" Liam asked in disbelief.
"You need to follow them." Harry repeated.
"No, I understood that." Liam said. "But... Why?"
"To see that Eleanor doesn't try anything." Harry said. "And to see if Louis maybe falls in love with her all of sudden. You never know."
Liam rolled his eyes. "Louis is not gonna fall in love with her. He's head over heels for you. Even I can see that, and I have problems with construing social interaction."
"Yeah, well." Harry said. "You never know. Please, Liam."
"This is a stupid idea." Liam said.
"But..." Liam said loudly. "I need to go to town anyways. Get some stuff." Liam's cheeks went light rosy. "I guess I could also keep an eye on your Louis. But I can already tell you now, that nothing's going to happen."
"Thank you, Li." Harry squealed, hugging the protesting boy. "Then you have to hurry. Louis' already in Drama class. And they could be going any moment." He pushed a grumbling Liam out of the bed. The way too indulgent Liam hurried to get ready and gather everything he needed before he went out. "Do you have your phone?"
"Yes," Liam held up his black LG smartphone. "Why?"
"So I can call you to tell me what's going on." Harry grinned, making Liam just roll his eyes once again.
"See you, lover boy."
"Good luck, Li."
That's how Harry ended up lying in his bed, contemplating when it would be appropriate an reasonable to call Liam. Rationally, Harry knew that Louis would never start anything with Eleanor again, but maybe she would manipulate him again. What if, after a week of Harry ignoring him, Louis realized that he did not love Harry as much as he thought. Maybe he realized that there were better people than Harry. Maybe Eleanor helped him see that there were things that Harry could not give him.
That's enough, Harry thought and grabbed his phone. He clicked on Liam's contact and held his phone to his ear. "Hello?" Liam answered his phone.
"Hey Liam, what is Eleanor doing?" Harry asked.
"Umm... Harry." Liam said. "I've only been gone for ten minutes."
"So what?" Harry asked. "Are you with them?"
"Yes." Liam said. "I've found them at the lockers. We're going to town together."
"Great." Harry said. "You can make sure Eleanor doesn't try anything, got it?"
"Harry..." Liam said. "Since when did you get so demanding... Yes, Louis. Harry is okay. No, everything's fine."
"You're talking to Louis?" Harry asked.
"Yes, I told you I'm walking with them." Liam said.
"Can you tell Louis I love him?" Harry asked.
"Umm..." Liam sounded embarrassed. "Why don't you tell him yourself?" Harry heard some rustling and a few seconds later, his favourite voice in the world sounded through the speaker.
"Harry, is everything okay? Are you okay?"
"Yes Lou." Harry said. "Everything's fine. What about you? The witch leaving you alone?"
"Harry." Louis laughed. "Don't call her that. Eleanor learned from her mistakes and she's perfectly civil. Right, El?"
"Yeah." Harry heard a faint female voice. Then, she spoke into the phone, "Don't worry, Harry. I won't try to steal your man."
A witch who wants to steal someone's man would say the same thing, Harry thought. And Louis already had a nickname for her? And Louis had forgiven her? "Can you give me Liam again?" Harry asked.
"Sure." Louis and Eleanor said at the same time. Harry's heart sunk. They got on better than he had expected.
"Harry?" Liam's voice said a few seconds later.
"Li?" Harry said. "You have to stay with them at all times and make sure they don't like each other too much."
Harry could practically hear Liam rolling his eyes. "Sure, whatever you say."
"Okay." Harry said. "I'll call you later."
"Harry?" Liam answered the phone. "You literally called five minutes ago. The circumstances are still just like they were five minutes ago."
"Okay." Harry said. "Louis and Eleanor are talking?"
"They're civil, Harry. But not too much. Stop worrying."
"Congratulations, Harry. You've lasted fifteen minutes." Liam greeted him three short phone calls later.
"Current situation check up?" Harry ignored Liam's light jab.
"They're fine, Harry." Liam said, torn between amused and annoyed. "They're in a small costume shop right now."
"They are?" Harry asked. "Does that mean you're not with them?"
"No," Liam said. "I'm meeting them in half an hour-"
"You left them alone?" Harry shrieked, "You can't leave them alone together. How do you know they're not doing anything?"
"They won't do anything. I have my own shopping to do-" Now, Liam sounded more annoyed then amused.
"At least check up on them now." Harry said. "Look subtly through the glass windows or something."
"Please Liam."
"Pleaaase." Harry begged. "Just once. I promise I won't ask again."
Liam hesitated. "Just once? Promise you won't annoy me after this?"
"Promise." Harry said quickly, his heart racing at the thought of Louis and Eleanor in a small cosy shop together. Liam sighed, defeated, and followed Harry's wish. Harry heard excited chatter as Liam walked through the mall. "Can you see them?"
"No, not yet." Liam said. "Just wait a few seconds... Ahh, there is the shop."
"Can you see them yet?" Harry pressed, ignoring Niall coming into the room.
"Yeah." Liam said. "Louis is just coming out of the dressing room. He kinda looks like a pirate. And Eleanor doesn't seem to like this costume... And Louis looks annoyed. See, they don't get on too well.
"I bet Louis looks breathtaking." Harry said, ignoring Niall's weird glances. "Does he look breathtaking, Li?"
"Umm..." Liam said. "I don't feel comfortable answering this question."
"Yeah, stupid question." Harry said. "He always looks breathtaking."
"Sure whatever." Liam said. "Can I do my shopping now?"
"Yeah, okay." Harry said. "Thanks, Li."
"Welcome, I guess." Liam hung up. Harry stared at his phone.
"What are you doing, Harry?" Niall asked sceptically.
"Calling Liam." Harry said.
"Why?" Niall pressed.
"Umm..." Harry hesitated. He was not sure if it was a good idea to tell Niall the truth. "Because... I miss him already?" Niall gave him a deadpan stare. "Okay." Harry gave in. "He's in town with Louis and Eleanor."
"So you're making Liam stalk your boyfriend?" Niall asked.
"Well, what do you want me to do?" Harry asked. "Let Eleanor take him from me again?"
Niall rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable. Do you really think Louis would start something with her again?"
"You never know." Harry defended. "Maybe Eleanor didn't think she was an amazing ballet dancer even though everyone could see that she was awful. And maybe Eleanor wouldn't ignore him for a week because she is afraid that Louis gets embarrassed of her and leaves her and maybe he remembers the wonderful, stress free times he had with her-"
"Stress free times?" Niall repeated. "Are you kidding me? He was miserable with her. All she ever did was stress him."
"But maybe Louis realizes that they could have something wonderful, because he didn't enjoy their time together enough. Maybe he thinks he didn't appreciate it enough. What if he wants to try again? Or Eleanor shows him how awful I am? Oh my gosh, I need to call Liam again-"
"No." Niall jumped down from his bed, snatching Harry's phone away. "How often have you called him yet?"
"Umm... five, six... I don't know." Harry said. "Doesn't matter. Give me my phone back."
"No." Niall said. "You will leave Liam in peace and stop worrying. Louis loves you more than anything. He's not gonna leave you. And we're gonna find Haley now."
He pulled Harry out of the room, making sure the phone was left back in their dormitory. He ignored Harry's protests and went on with his mission 'Distract Harry From Doing Stupid Shit'.
"Hazza!" Louis came into their room about two hours later. Harry grinned and rushed up to give him a greeting kiss.
"Hi Boo."
"Missed me?" Louis grinned.
"You have no idea." Niall rolled his eyes.
"Aww, I missed you too, Cupcake." Louis pressed a kiss to the beaming boy's temple.
"How come you didn't call me again in the last two hours?" Liam wondered.
"I distracted him." Niall said.
"Thanks, Ni." Liam said, letting himself fall into his bunk.
"How was it?" Harry asked casually.
"Tiring." Louis said. "I'm never going shopping with El again. She's never satisfied with the choices I make. By the way, I brought something for you." He presented a rainbow coloured cupcake and Harry's favourite chocolate.
"Aww." Harry beamed, taking them and kissing Louis' cheek. "Thank you. You always know what I like."
"I love you." Louis said, ignoring the vomiting noises Niall was making. "Do you also know what I would like?"
"Oh." Harry smirked, setting the chocolate and the cupcake on the night stand and wrapping his arms around Louis' neck. "I could think of a few things." Niall's vomiting noises go louder.
Louis giggled. "I mean, I won't deny that, but I mean... I would like if you stopped worrying." Louis gave him a short peck. "Stop being insecure." He whispered. "I love you and only you. And I always will."
Harry blushed and buried his face in Louis' neck.
"See." Niall said. "You had nothing to worry about."
A/N: Wow, that was really damn cheesy.
And I realize that Harry acted really damn annoying, but I thought it was kinda funny... Sorry if it wasn't, fail...
Anyways, only one or two more chapters:)
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