26. Lottie's boyfriend
A/N: I'm back. Sorry it took so long. But we're almost done with this story now. I might even finish this week. A few more fluffy chapters:)
It had been a few days and Louis and Harry were absolutely sickening. Like earlier days, they were always glued together and when they had separate classes, the first thing they would do was find each other. But in contrast to earlier days, the first thing they did was give each other a greeting kiss.
Niall and Liam had stood next to them several times, witnessing and commenting things like “They´ve just seen each other.” and “We also don´t greet each other every time we meet. We fucking live together.” or “You´ve just snogged like two hours ago.”
They knew their best friends were in their honeymoon phase though. It would decrease.
Zayn did not hang around them very much, when had he ever since he outed himself as homophobe? However, it should have still not been a surprise to him when he opened their dorm room, saying, “Louis, did y-” Only to cut himself off with “Eww, can you please stop it? In my room?”
And okay, it was never a comfortable experience to walk into two people lying on the bed, sucking each others faces off. But that does not mean he should have not expected that. Louis and Harry had not been able to keep their hands off each other since they got together. What did you expect from a young teenager couple when it had the room alone for once?
The couple broke apart at Zayn´s voice, looking various degrees of flustered, smug and annoyed.
“What´s up, Zayn?” Louis asked, sitting on the edge of his bed and giving Zayn attention. He was still standing in the door frame, eying them sceptically like he was scared they would fall onto each other again.
Then, he carefully stepped into the room, rounding Louis´ bed where Harry was now cuddled into the older boys side and climbed on his top bunk. The couple turned to face him.
Zayn cleared his throat, trying to get over the awkwardness of being in a room with a couple he just caught snogging. A gay couple at that.
“Louis, did you know your sister has a boyfriend?”
“What?!” Louis immediately sat up straight. “She´s twelve!”
“Yeah.” Zayn said. “But I just saw her outside holding hands with this Benny guy.”
“You mean the one from theatre group last year?” Louis asked. “He´s one year under us. That means he´s like, fourteen. Oh no!” Louis stood up, pacing around the room in rage and disbelieve. “That piece of shit. How can he? He´s not good enough for Lottie. And she´s way too young for all this bullshit boys give you-”
“Hey.” Harry said, offended.
Louis turned to him, then pecked him sweetly on the lips. “You don´t count, my love.”
“Ew.” Zayn grimaced and Louis glared at him.
“Anyways, this boy... Benny. What even is that name? Benedikt. And he would never know how to treat my sister. And she´s way too young for him.”
“Why does it bother you so much?” Zayn asked. He had not thought that Louis would be so irritated by this. “She´s twelve. He won´t do anything mayor. And it´s just two years age gap. What´s the problem?”
“The problem,” Louis narrowed his eyes at Zayn, “is that she is too young and that boy is no good. We have to separate them.” He said determinedly.
“But if she´s happy?” Harry asked. “Zayn´s right, this one time. It´s a completely innocent relationship. I bet they won´t go beyond sweet-talking and holding hands.”
“How do you know?” Louis asked, still outraged. “How do you know this boy is not some sick pedophile who will harm her or manipulate her or-”
“Louis!” Harry saw that Louis was getting himself way too worked up. He got up from his bed and hugged Louis, holding him close. “Everything will be fine. You know how I know that?”
Louis shook his head in Harry´s shoulder.
“Because when you were in that drama production last year you told me you liked that Benny. That he was nice and caring, but that he was not a very good actor yet. And your judgement is almost always right.”
Louis was quiet for a while, enjoying being held by his boyfriend. Then suddenly, he pulled away and looked determined. “I will talk to Lottie now. This is not right.”
He stalked to the door and went to find his sister. Harry sighed dreamily. “He´s so cute when he´s protecting his sisters. It´s so sexy when he´s determined, don´t you think?”
“No?” Zayn said, sounding offended.
Harry smiled at him. “One day you´ll understand.” Then he went to follow his boyfriend.
About an hour later, they were in the same position. Louis pacing around the room, Harry trying to reassure him, and Zayn watching from his top bunk.
“I can´t believe she told me that it I should keep my fat nose out of her things. It´s very well my business...”
“That was pretty uncalled for.” Harry agreed. “You have a really nice nose.” Zayn burst our laughing.
“Thanks babe.” Louis said. “But that´s not the point. Lottie has no idea what she´s doing. Boys can be awful. Why can´t she see that I need to protect her? And that she needs to break up with him. He´s up to no good.”
“Maybe let her make her own experiences.” Zan adviced.
Louis glared at him. “She´s too young for this shit. We need another plan. She obviously won´t listen to my rational reasoning.”
Zayn snorted, “Rational reasoning.”
Louis ignored him. He paced up and down a few times, then stalled abruptly and turned to Harry. “You have to talk to her.”
“Me?” Harry asked. “Why me? I don´t think she´s doing anything wrong.”
“So you think I´m wrong?” Louis asked, eyes daring.
“N-no. Of course not.” Harry said. “You just want to protect her. But if she wants to have a boyfriend-”
“She´s only twelve!” Louis exclaimed. “She can´t go out with boys this early. And with a fourteen year old, at that.”
“Yeah...” Harry said. “That´s kinda weird. But why do you think it will do any good if I talk to her?”
“Because she won´t listen to me.” Louis said. “And, look at you. Who wouldn´t want to listen to you?”
“Umm...” Zayn said, but immediately shut up when Louis glared at him.
Harry looked between them, a bit helpless. Louis softened his glare at stared at Harry pleadingly. “Okay, fine.” Harry said. “I´ll talk to her.”
“Yess.” Louis jumped on Harry, making him fall backwards on the bed. “I knew I could count on you.” Harry grinned before Louis leaned down to kiss him.
“Eww...” Zayn interrupted loudly. “Can you please not do that while I´m in the room?”
Louis and Harry giggled and kissed again.
Harry sought out Lottie that evening. He found her with her friends in the big common room, playing UNO. “Hey Lottie.” Harry said. “Can I talk to you?”
“Did Louis send you?” She asked without looking up from her cards.
“Umm...” Harry said. “No?”
Harry obviously was not a good liar as Lottie just rolled her eyes. “Go away. I don´t want to talk to you about my love life.”
“Umm...” Harry stood there for a few seconds, uncertain. Then, he decided tentatively to try again. For Louis. “Don´t you think you´re a bit too young to have a love life?”
“No.” Lottie said simply.
“Well...” Harry said carefully. “Louis certainly thinks so. And he does have a point-”
“Louis knows nothing.” Lottie snapped. “He thinks he knows everything just because he´s older. He wants to control me. But he can´t.”
“He doesn´t want to control you.” Harry said. “He just wants what´s best-”
“Yeah, yeah.” Lottie said. “You´ve done your duty. Go back to Louis and tell him it didn´t work.”
Harry stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. Then, he decided it was the best to do what Lottie had said. He went back to their room, but in the hallways, he saw this Benny guy at the lockers. 'For Louis', Harry thought before he approached him.
“H-hi.” Harry said. The boy turned to face him. He looked rather nice. Easygoing smile, warm brown eyes. The kind of boy you wanted to take home to your parents. “Umm... Benedikt?”
“Er... yes.” Benedikt said. “You´re Louis´ friend, right? The brother to Lottie.”
“Boy... boyfriend.” Harry smiled softly. “I´m Louis´ boyfriend.”
“Umm...” Benedikt looked unsure. “Cool?”
“Okay, so listen.” Harry started. “I don´t know how to say this... umm...”
Benedikt tilted his head. “What is it?”
“I think you should break up with Lottie.” Harry said bluntly.
Benedikt frowned. “Why?” Harry looked for the right words. During his silence Benedikt seemed to have made up his own reasonings. “Are you not happy with your boyfriend? I´m sorry for that. But I´m not-”
“No!” Harry interrupted. “I´m very happy with Lou. It´s just... He doesn´t like you dating his sister. Especially since she´s still so young-”
“I´m not gonna hurt her.” Benedikt frowned. “If that what he´s worried about.”
“Yes, that...” Harry said. “And I think he just doesn´t like the idea of her growing up.”
“Oh...” Benedikt said. They stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. “Well, what do you want me to do?”
“Umm...” Harry was uncertain himself. “Break up with her?”
“But then I´m gonna hurt her.” Benedikt said. “And that´s what nobody wants, right?”
“Umm...” Harry said again. “I don´t know. I´m just trying to make Louis happy.”
“Then kiss him or something.” Benedikt said. “Don´t try to break up other people´s relationships.”
“We´re not trying to do that.” Harry said. “He´s simply worried about his sister.”
“Well, he doesn´t have to be.” Benedikt said. “If you´ll excuse me, I have homework to do.”
Harry looked after Benedikt´s retreating figure, frowning. “Thank you, Haz.” Harry smiled and turned around, only to be embraced by his boyfriend. “I didn´t hear anything but the last two sentences, but I really appreciate your effort.”
Harry pecked his lips. “Anything for you.” Louis grinned. “So what are you gonna do now?” Harry asked.
Louis frowned. “I don´t know. Maybe just be there for her when he hurts her?”
Harry smiled softly. “Why are you so sure he´s gonna hurt Lottie?”
Louis shrugged. “He´s a boy. You know what he wants eventually.”
“We´re also boys.” Harry pointed out. “And we haven´t done it yet.”
Louis grinned. “But not because we don´t want to, do we?” Harry blushed and hid his face in Louis´ shoulder.
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