The Disadvantages of an admin
if yall are reading this- you read the title- you know this will include illness of some sort of pure pain and agony because- ANGST-
im using writing as very slight exposure therapy for 2 of my biggest fears Emetophobia, fear of vomiting (using pools of poppy petals and this book for that) and im using all of my books to help my crippling fear of the dark as i force myself to write in the dark, my computer the only noise and light
a few weeks later, this explanation is still valid even though i wrote this 4 months ago! :,D
{Scotts POV}
i was walking around chromia, it was a fairly normal day
though as i was walking i began to feel off
just started as a mild headache so i didnt think much of it and continued to glide along the paths of my empire
but soon it turned into the full contents of a migraine
exactly what i needed today...
i went back to my house, my peripheral vision being capsuled into an odd blurry grey
i flopped on my bed, already having taken off my jacket and boots
but of course someone had to knock JUST AS I LAID DOWN!!
i stood up shakily and slid down my ladder
"hello single colorfu- you okay-?" Lizzie cut herself off, still allowing her usual 'insult' to get out before hand- little did she know i had eyes for her twin brother~
"im fine liz. what do you need" i sighed, closing my eyes for a split second
"dyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~" she smirked
Sliding on a more comfortable pair of un-heeled boots me and lizzie headed to my dye cart
i felt insanely dizzy and lizzie kept asking if i was okay.
i brushed it off and told her i was
i handed her the dyes
"thank you colorful man!" she turned around to leave, but before i could say anything i stumbled back into the wall, feeling too much conflicting pain that was making me nauseous
she turned around quickly and helped lower me to the floor, instructing deep breaths
"..'m fine liz.. just- felt dizzy for some reason.." i mumbled
"you sure.?" she asked with a frown
"mhm" i hummed and she left
I stood up, stumbling a little bit
i walked to my house, and slammed the door.
i felt awful.
and walked over to the couch.
flopping onto it and pulling a throw blanket over my body, curling up into a ball
i was almost immediately asleep
i woke up and felt overwhelmingly dizzy
my stomach hurt and it was making me nauseous as i laid there continuously
but only a few seconds later
Katherine just casually kicked down my door and i sat up, still on my couch and the blanket covering me as i rubbed my eyes
"SCOTT BREAKING IN I MEAN THIS IN THE POLITEST WAY POSSIBLE!" katherine spoke and i chuckled, but my throat hurt to do so, so i just rested back on the couch
" exactly is breaking into my house polite-?" i mumbled and looked over at her
"well lizzie told us you were acting weird, and you missed the sever meeting, and fwhip called you 7 times because the code had an error but turns out it was just detecting jimmys listener form- and uh- yeah-" she explained
"i- how long was i asleep-?" i asked, looking down at my watch
"oh. 5 hours-" i spoke, answering my own question
"thats gotta be a record for you" katherine chuckled
"..mmhm." i hummed and curled up in a ball on the couch, cuddling the throw blanket around me
"are you alright?" she asked and frowned, walking over and sat next to me on the couch
" dont really f-eel good.. and im still tired-.." i mumbled
"i can go get you a few pillows and another blanket" she smiled and offered, i nodded as to respond
she smiled and went upstairs, bringing down 3 pillows and 2 other blankets
"can you sit up for a second?" she smiled and i nodded, sitting up
she placed the pillows behind me and then helped me lay back down on the pillows, draping the blankets over me
"..thank you.." i mumbled with a small smile and she nodded, getting up
"text anyone if you need anything" she smiled and left
due to my admin status i was sick for a couple of days, usually just laying on the sofa, drinking tea or sprite, and eating soup and crackers every now and then
but mostly just dead asleep on the couch, everyone came and went in order to check on me and get me anything ide needed, but besides that after around a week i was back at it on my feet
i took it slow under instruction and didnt eat anything heavy for awhile
everyone was there in order to help me out in any way possible
though after another week i was back doing everything by myself
after a bit i went back at the meetings, working on mcc, and running the empire at a full swing
it took a bit, but it happened
being an admin had its ups and downs, i experienced both a good amount
but usually it all ended well in the end.
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