'One Final Goodbye'
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen sits on his small boat in a calming breeze, overlooking the sea as fish swim past. He seems lost in thought, until a dolphin splashed water onto his face, and he's snapped out of it
"HEY! What was that for!" He scolds the dolphin
Cleo: "owen are you yelling at a dolphin-?"
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He spins around at the sound of Cleo's voice
"No, I'm not yelling at it. I'm scolding it."
He says, now with a defensive tone
Cleo: "i- why-?"
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Owen rolls his eyes
"Because it splashed water on me!"
Cleo: "so your scolding a dolphin... because it splashed you?"
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Owen nods
He says, now with sarcasm in his tone
Cleo: "i sometimes question if you mentally stable"
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"You think I'm not mentally stable?!"
He says, now with a lot more tone in his voice
"How dare you"
He points back at Cleo
"I am perfectly mentally stable"
Cleo: "are you sure about that-?"
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Owen scoffs
"You think I'm not sure?!"
He says, now walking towards Cleo
"I'm mentally stable and nobody can convince me I'm not"
Cleo: "owen- you- you scream at dolphins, you raided your own parents, you ran away, your used to being chained up or put in cells and i heard you crying at 4 in the morning."
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Owen pauses for a second
"Okay yes, those things sound a little less than stable"
Cleo: "my point exactly"
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Owen groans, then looks back at the dolphin
"I still want to know why it splashed me"
Cleo: "i dont think it intentionally splashed you owen-"
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Owen stops the movement of his head, and looks at Cleo
"Then maybe it was an accident"
He says, before looking at the dolphin again
"Hey, was the splash accidental?!"
The dolphin swims up to Owen and places its nuzzle in the palm of owens hand
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Owen looks at it, before slowly stroking it with a soft smile
"You seem like a sweet dolphin. Did you splash me on purpose?"
the dolphin makes a sweet noise before blinking and looking up at owen, then diving back under
Cleo: "damn your a dolphin whisperer now-"
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Owen looks up at Cleo, smiling
"Yep, I seem to be. I love animals, and they seem to love me."
He says, still stroking the dolphin
Cleo: "no wonder why Scotts cat Elle likes you so much"
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Owen thinks for a moment
"Wait it does?"
He says, seeming surprised and flattered
Cleo: "last time i saw you with Her she was literally asleep on your chest"
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Owen beams
"Oh my goodness!"
He says with a big smile
"I didn't know Elle liked me so much"
Cleo: "she seemingly really does, Scott seemed to notice it aswell"
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Owen laughs
"That's adorable!"
He says cheerfully
"Thank you for letting me know about that"
"Of course, im actually taking care of elle right now-" she chuckled and opened up her messenger bag, scotts kitten poked her head out
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Owen looks down at Elle with a wide smile
"Hey Elle"
He says cheerfully
"Oh she's so sweet"
Cleo: "and oddly calm for a one month old kitten"
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Owen reaches out to pat the kitten
"She's one month old?!"
He says with an surprised expression
Cleo: "mhm!"
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Owen's smile goes even wider
"She's adorable"
He says, now fully in the kitten's gaze
Cleo: "scott will be happy with how good shes acting" cleo smiled and elle jumped into owens arms
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Owen catches Elle and begins gently petting her
"I bet he will be, she's so sweet and fluffy"
Cleo: "welp ive got this cutie for the next couple hours so~"
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Owen looks at Cleo
"How do you trust yourself with this kitten? I'd want to take it with me everywhere I go"
Cleo: "i dont plan to leave the Herons base today, i dont trust her not to hop out of my bag- shes attracted to the beach-"
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Owen chuckles
"I can imagine her hopping out of the bag and just sprinting towards the beach"
Cleo: "im shocked she hasnt"
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Owen laughs
"Maybe she will. We never know with cats, they're unpredictable"
Cleo: "true true" cleos phone then dinged as she looked at a message
Cleo: "welp thats my cue to be on my way!"
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The kitten nuzzles up against Owen's neck, causing him to laugh
"Already? Where do you have to be?"
Cleo: "Scotts told me to wait at the docks, hes dropping something off before continuing today"
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Owen looks at the kitten, and smiles as it keeps nuzzling against his neck
"I suppose I can come along if it's nothing too important"?
He says cheerfully, now looking back at Cleo
Cleo: "of course you can come with me!"
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Owen's eyes light up
He says, seeming happy and excited about this
Cleo: "of course, lets head off, you can carry elle"
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Owen smiles and turns to the kitten again
"Hey Elle, we're going with Cleo to the docks. You wanna come along?"
He says, in a jokey tone of voice as he holds the kitten
elle climbs up and perches herself on owens shoulder
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Owen grins from ear to ear
"Looks like she said yes!"
He says, walking towards Cleo as Elle continues to perch on Owen's shoulder
Cleo walked along with owen when they reached the dock, Scott was already there standing on the edge of his boat, a cut across his cheek and another across his eyebrow, a bruise covered his nose which was bleeding, though he still had a cheerful smile on his face
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Owen pauses and goes silent as he turns to look at Scott. He looks startled at all the injuries Scott sustained, but manages to remain calm
"Oh my goodness, Scott, what happened to you?!"
"Rouge pirates-"
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Owen looks shocked
"What, you encountered a rogue pirate?"
"More like 27-"
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Owen looks even more shocked, as he stops on the docks
"Twenty seven?!"
"Im fine owen, really"
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Owen looks at Scott with worry on his face
"Scott, you're covered in bruises, your cheek is cut, there's a bruise covering your nose and it's bleeding! You're not fine!"
"Truthfully, ive had worse- plus- the blood on my coat.. isnt mine~"
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Owen's eyes widen
"That's not yours? Whose is it?"
He says, with clear concern for Scott's wellbeing
"I may or may not have had to kill a couple rouges in order to get away-"
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Owen's eyes widen, and he goes silent for a moment
"You killed some pirates?"
He asks, his tone very serious and solemn
"Their not good pirates. They Rule in order of.. The Ice Queen. yknow.. the blonde woman from the visions"
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Owen looks down, and runs his fingers through his hair. His tone is filled with concern
"The Ice Queen?"
He says, sounding very serious
"I thought she was nothing more than a myth"
"My visions arnt a myth owen, their warnings"
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Owen nods, still sounding worried
"Do you know why the Ice Queen wanted you dead?"
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Owen stays silent once more, still looking concerned
"I can't imagine why she'd want you dead. Were they after anyone other than you?"
"..clearly aimsey and guqqie.."
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Owen looks shocked
"Aimszy and Guqqie?"
He says, now sounding even more worried as concern fills his face
"Did you see anything else in the visions?"
"..ive.. saw and said too much. now, cleo, heres my findings, ill be back by midnight!"
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Owen says, with a worried tone in his voice
"What kind of findings do you have that take until Midnight?"
He says, now with curiosity in his tone
"i- cant disclose that information. Cleo, thank you for watching Elle. " i spoke, my voice stern and commanding before i kicked my ship away from the docks and jumped down, going back over to the wheel
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen watches Scott sail away, and after he's out of sight, turns to Cleo
"His findings must be important if he couldn't tell you"
He says, now with a worried tone
Cleo: "he just told me to put it in his office and watch after elle"
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Owen goes quiet for a moment, then nods
"Do you know what's in his office?"
He asks, curiously
Cleo: "Documents- and piles of papers and scolls, and a safe, which he never goes into"
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Owen nods
"He has a safe? Is it locked?"
Says, with his tone a curiosity filled with a dash of mischief
Cleo: " yes its locked- and no you will not be stealing from a fellow heron-"
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Owen quickly raises his arms in defence
"Whoa, whoa, woah there, I would never think of stealing from our own people and a fellow Heron!"
He says, trying to sound innocent
Cleo: "your face said it all-"
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Owen's face goes pale as he turns away and looks nervous
"Oh no, I have a tell tale face, don't I"
He says with a sigh
"I promise I wasn't going to steal anything!"
He says, looking back at Cleo
Cleo: "you were going to go peek- i know it-"
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Owen goes quiet, seeming a little ashamed
"Maybe just a little"
He says, now with an apologetic tone
cleo chuckles, a gunshot can be heard in the distance, then a splash in the water
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen pauses, and turns to the direction of the gunshot and splash
"What was that?!"
He asks, sounding concerned
Cleo: "the hell am i supposed to know!?"
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Owen pauses for a moment, before looking back at Cleo
"Should we check it out?"
He asks, in a concerned and curious tone
Cleo: "get on my fvck!ng boat."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen nods and jumps onto Cleo's boat, now sounding worried
"What do you think is happening?"
He asks, looking around the area
Cleo: "that shot came from the exact direction Scott just sailed in,"
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Owen is silent for a moment, then looks around the boat quickly
"Do you have any binoculars?"
cleo hands him a pair
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He takes them and looks around the ocean, eventually noticing something
"Woah, I think there is a ship out there"
He says, looking back at Cleo
"I don't know what the ship is, but it's fairly big. Should we investigate?"
Cleo: takes the binoculars "Thats a kites ship. now thats very. worrying."
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"Kites ship? Wait, how do you know?"
He says, sounding both concerned and confused
Cleo: "the base is maroon, the sails are red and they have their banner painted onto the side"
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Owen goes quiet, still looking worried
"Is that good or bad?"
He asks, now looking more confused than anything
Cleo: "thats bad- very bad-! the Kites. hate scott."
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Owen stays silent for a second, then lets out a sigh
"That's very worrying"
He says, with genuine concern in his voice
"How come the kites hate Scott?"
Cleo: "our factions are rivals, and hes our captain."
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Owen nods
"Oh, so they're out to get him then?"
He asks, and sounds even more concerned than before
another splash can be heard from the distance
"WHAT THE HELL BEKYAMON!?" *scott screamed from the distance."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen raises an eyebrow at Cleo
"What the heck!"
He says, sounding surprised
"What's Scott doing?! He sounds pissed off at something!"
Cleo: "scott yelled. and cussed. this- is a bad situation-"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes silent for a second, a shocked and concerned look on his face as he looks at the direction Scott was screaming in
"What the heck is going on?!"
He says with a nervous tone as he turns to look at Cleo
Cleo: "im unsure."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes quiet, before speaking up
"Should we try and find out what's happening?'
He asks, sounding worried
"Or should we just stay hidden and wait for this to all be over?"
3 gunshots
Cleo: "if we dont want to be killed- we are going back to the isles.!"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen nods quickly
"Let's hurry back then"
He says, now with a worried tone as he starts trying to figure out a fast way back
6 hours later Cleo's anxiously pacing the docks, no sign or message from scott.
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks around, now also pacing the docks and looking worried
"Where the heck is Scott?"
He says, sounding frustrated and worried at the same time
Cleo: "i dont fvck!ng know but im horrified."
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Owen pauses for a moment, his hand on his forehead
"Cleo, I'm beginning to get concerned. Do you have any idea at all on where he might be?"
He says, sounding worried
just moments later a couple of kestrels could be heard frantically talking down on the beach
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen and Cleo both turn to look at the beach, in order to listen in on the Kestrels, and in hopes of gathering information
Martyn: "my only question is how fvck!ng long has he been laying here!?"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen and Cleo both look at each other for a moment, before both of them run onto the beach to see what's happened
Scott unconsious and bloody body is found soaked at the shoreline, kestrels surrounding him and Sausage searching fore a pulse
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Both Owen and Cleo rush over to Scott's body, and Owen gently feels for a pulse
"Is he alive?"
He asks, his voice a mix of worry and frustration
Sausage: "luckily yes. hes breathing and he has a pulse. but its weak as hell."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
"Good, now the next thing we need to figure out is why he's unconscious"
Says Owen, his tone filled with worry
"Do we know why yet, Sausage?"
He says, looking over at Sausage for an answer
Sausage: "theres a slash wound across his abdomen, his wrist is insanely bruised, his knee is obviously and completely dislocated and theres 3 bullet wounds on his half, aswell as another 2 on his chest, and a slash going all the way from his shoulder down his arm. My guess is blood loss."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes silent for a moment, as if he's trying to process what Sausage said
"That's a lot of injuries"
He says, with a sigh
"How the hell does someone get that beat up?"
He says, looking worried but a little bit impressed
Tubbo: "that b!tch didnt stand a chance!"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks surprised
"The Kites did this?"
He says, sounding horrified
Bekyamon: "uhh yeah- hes the leader of our rival faction. and we're a fighting faction. its our job to try and kill him."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes quiet for a moment, before speaking up
"Do we know if the Kites left, or are they still in the area?"
His voice is still filled with worry, as he looks down at Scott's unconscious body
Tubbo: "heh. yet i though herons were smart. me and Bek are kites ya fvck!ng idiot."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen is silent for a moment, before looking up at Tubbo
"So you two are in the Kites faction?"
He asks, still sounding worried
Bekyamon: "no sh!t."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen stays silent, but begins thinking for a moment
"How should we go about helping him?"
He says, with an anxious tone in his voice as he looks down at Scott's unconscious body
Martyn: "we have a medical center in the Kestrels base"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks back up at the Kestrels
"Is it too risky to try and take him back to your base?"
He asks, sounding worried
martyn: "we're neighbors with the nightingales. plus hes legit one of our only food supplies. plus, his brothers a nightingale, if anyone laid a hand on him Acho would go psycho. so in other words, no."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen stays silent for a moment, thinking of a solution, then he looks at the Kestrels
"What if one of us carried him back to your base, and the other stayed here to alert the Herons?"
He suggests, hoping it's a good idea
Oli: "seem's like it could work if we dont want Denholm boy to die"
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Owen nods
"Okay, I'll take him back"
He says, already turning around to pick up Scott's body
Five hours later almost every bit of scotts body is in bandages, a hospital gown now replacing his cloths and the sounds of Cleo pacing on the tile and the slow beep of scotts heartrate can be heard.
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen listens to the beep, and sighs, looking back at Scott
"Do we have any idea when he'll wake up?"
He says, sounding a little worried as he sits down
Kyle: "based off my knowledge hopefully soon"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen nods
"Hopefully soon. How long has he been unconscious now?"
He asks, now sounding even more worried
Kyle: "we found him 5 and a half hours ago but sun God nows how long he'd been lying there."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes silent for a moment
"So there's no knowing how long he's been unconscious?"
He says, looking down at Scott's unconscious body
kyle nods
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen stays silent for another couple of moments
"We gotta hope he wakes up soon"
He says, after a moment
"How did his injuries happen?"
Cleo: "the kites ambush. remember?"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen nods
"Right, right, I remembered"
He says, before turning to Cleo
"He got quite hurt, I hope he ends up alright"
He says, looking down at Scott
Martyn: "ive seen this b!tchy heron through thick and thin.. hes been chased down by 17 people twice. and has recently had an assassain on his back. my only hope.. is he'll push through again."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
*Owen stays silent for a moment, still staring at Scott *
"I believe he'll pull through."
He says, sounding hopeful
"He's been through a lot, I don't see why this would stop him"
everyone files out of the room, leaving owen and scott alone
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen stays in the room next to Scott's unconscious body, watching him and thinking
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks over at Scott, seeming a little surprised at his voice
"Oh! Yes Scott?"
He says, sounding genuine
"What's up?"
"..ill make the sky pretty for you."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen is silent for a moment, before speaking up softly
"Scott, what are you on about?"
He says, sounding confused
"..like i said.. Ill make the sky pretty for you tonight.. tell Acho i love him.. will you?"
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen's face is filled with worry
"Scott! Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
He asks
Scott nods weakly, just moments later.. his skin goes pale. his expression falls.. and his eyes.. slip shut.
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen's face is filled with shock and worry
He says, quietly shaking Scott to try and wake him up
"Scott! No, no, no!"
He says, as tears begin forming in his eyes
*the monitor goes on one. long. beep. just a high pitched ring."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen's tears begin to fall down his face as he looks at Scott and the monitor
"No, come on. Come on!"
He says quietly, his voice sounding like it's about to break
theres one last beep. one last spike. before the line on the monitor goes flat. everything is filled with the high pitched ringing
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen goes silent, as if he's unable to speak
He reaches out and gently grabs onto Scott's hand
"No, no, no, this can't be happening..."
He says, his tone sad and heartbroken
one more spike appears on the monitor, breaking the deafening ring
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks at the monitor again, hoping it's not another false hope
He's praying for a new line to pop up
"..ill keep my promise owen.. i love you.. so.. so much..
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Owen is shocked by Scott's final words, tears still streaming down his face
He whispers, sounding defeated and heartbroken
"I- I love you too buddy..."
the deafening ring fills the room, everyone rushes in again, cleo already sobbing
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Owen looks at Cleo, as he too starts to sob, as do the rest of the people in the room
"No, no, no! It's not fair! This can't be it!"
He says, still holding onto Scott's hand
*3 days later. *
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen, Cleo's, Kyle's and Martyn's eyes are still red from crying, and the sight in the room is a depressing, gloomy one
They and a bunch of their other friends and family members, are all around Scott's lifeless corpse, tears in their eyes
Owen's tears begin falling once again as he looks down at Scott
"He can't be dead. No, no, no! This can't be happening..."
He says, with genuine despair in his tone
Acho: "..s-so its official... m-my brother.. d-died..?!"
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Kyle nods
"It's confirmed."
He says, trying to sound more gentle, despite himself sounding a little bit choked up
Acho: "..fck.. fck.. f*ck.. no.. no no nononono... GOD DAMNIT!!" acho breaks down into wills arms
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Owen walks over to Acho and hugs him as his tears continue falling
"I'm so sorry, Acho"
Cleo's crying too, and so is Martyn
Acho: "..i broke my promise.. i-i pr-promised to-to pro-protect him.. i-.. i failed.."
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Owen holds onto him
"No! You didn't fail him. You protected him the best you could, but no one could have predicted the kites would do that!"
Cleo and Martyn are still crying, as they move forward a little bit to join in the hug
Kuervo: "..i apologize.. about my Faction members. for clearance.. i was not on that ship. The Denholm brothers are good friends of mine.." kuervo mumbled, feeling ashamed and wiping its eyes
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Owen stays silent for a moment, before speaking up
"It's not your fault."
His voice is gentle, as if he's trying to comfort Kuervo
"You couldn't have known that the Kites would do something like that, and you've tried your best not to fight the Herons."
The rest of the people in the room remain silent, as they all mourn Scott's death and listen to the conversation
Kuervo: "i.. still apologize for their actions. i was not informed that ship was taking sail. i.. couldve tried to stop them.."
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Owen nods
"I understand, it's alright. You've tried everything you can to help us. Don't beat yourself up over it."
He says, as he continues to try and console Kuervo
Martyn and Cleo have calmed down now, and are listening to the conversation with sad and teary eyes
El: "..now that.. hes gone.. d-do we not have a captain..?"
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Owen sighs
"If so, we're going to need to decide who the new captain is."
He says, sounding sad
The rest of the people in the room go silent, as the reality of Scott not being there sinks in
Cleo stays silent, and her tears begin falling again
the sky lights up with a gorgeous cyan, scotts favorite color, and where the sun was setting was the exact same shade as scott's hair
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Owen looks up at the sky at Scott's favorite color
"Oh my God..."
He says softly, as the other people in the room also look up at the sky
"Scott! It's you!"
He says, his tone filled with surprise and hope
"You did it! You made the sky pretty!"
Cleo: "..he kept his promise.."
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Kyle and Martyn are now smiling softly, their eyes still watery
Owen's eyes are filled with tears as he puts on a smile for the others
"He.. he kept his promise.."
He says, sounding happy and smiling
"Scott! You did it!"
Acho: "...he never was the type to break promises.. "
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Everyone in the room is smiling, as they think back to all the times Scott's kept his promises
"You're right, he never did. And this promise is just another reason to remember him by."
He says, his voice sounding solemn as he continues to smile
"So that brings me to an important question. Whose gonna become the new captain?"
He asks, as he starts to look around the room
Cleo: "..Owen. you.. you were Deity of the herons. Scotts right hand man. i-its gotta be you."
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Owen is silent for a couple of seconds
He says, sounding surprised
"I-I, I mean, if you want me to be captain, I can be. But..."
He looks around, as if unsure of what the others would say
"Is everyone okay with me being the new captain?"
Acho: "..it fits. i can see it"
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Owen smiles softly at that, and nods
"Then I'll be the new captain"
The other people in the room nod in agreement
Cleo smiles, before hugging Owen
"Thank you. I'm sure Scott will be happy with you chosen as the new captain"
She says, her tone still sounding sad
acho wipes his tears and plucks a poppy, scotts favorite flower
Acho: "..one.. final.. goodbye.." he spoke, staring at the poppy, his tears falling onto it
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Owen's eyes fill with tears again as he watches the poppy
He says, his voice sounding sad and heartbroken
He continues to hug Cleo, sounding sad but not wanting to let go
Martyn and Kyle are also holding tears in their eyes, as they watch Acho
Martyn: he grabs the poppy gently after acho gave him a subtle nod "..Ive seen you through thick and thin my gorgeous little siren.. its hard.. to see you go. so suddently.. i had such high hopes youd push through this time again.. you were only 22.. fly high Scott."
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Everyone in the room stays silent, and continues to watch
Cleo starts sobbing, as she's holding onto Owen tightly
Martyn and Kyle look deeply sad, and are on the verge of crying, as they stand near the poppy
Acho keeps staring at the poppy, tears falling down his face too
Cleo: takes the poppy softly from martyn "...Damn.. you were apart of the family scott.. i remember your happy screams on you and martyns engagement day.. i.. never thought ide be saying my final goodbyes s-so early.. you were like a son to me... Fly High Scott."
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Acho smiles at Cleo's words
Cleo continues to hold the poppy, as Owen comforts her
Martyn and Kyle both look at Cleo and say nothing
The rest of the people in the room are still looking at Scott's body, before looking upwards at the beautiful sky
Kyle: takes the poppy softly "..I was never one to be fond of plants. though you taught me every little thing i know now scott.. how to fight.. fend.. grow crops and flourish.. this.. feels so.. surreal.. th-that we're saying goodbye our last times.. Fly High Scott.."
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Kyle gives the poppy to Cleo with a sad smile, before looking upwards at the sky
Martyn looks around at the others, before speaking up
Martyn: "He's gone... and we'll never be able to see him again..."
His tone is sad and regretful, as is everyone else's
Even Cleo is still sobbing a little bit, as she hugs Owen tightly
Cleo: "..you wanna say goodbye OJ..?" cleo spoke through tears, using Owens nickname he was gifted by scott
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Owen was too busy comforting Cleo to reply, but he looked at her and nodded
"Y-Yes, of course I do."
He says, quietly
"One final goodbye..."
He starts to look at Scott's body on the bed, as tears roll down his cheeks again
"Scott... you didn't deserve this..."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen sits beside Scott's body for a few seconds, thinking of what he's going to say
"Fly high, Scott... be with your precious flowers again... and be with the one you love..."
He sighs, seeming to be running out of breath, as he continues to sit by Scott's body, the other people in the room are still there too, looking at Scott
Acho grabs scotts coat, fanning it out to look at it, its torn in placed as blood soaked certain parts of it, though a note falls out of the pocket
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen looks over at the note, and seems filled with curiosity at what the note might say
"What's that?"
He asks, as he points at the note
Everyone else has heard his words, as they all walk over to Scott's body, eager to see the note and hear what it says
"Dearest factioners.
I apologize if your reading this..
If this note is found, that means ive passed.
I loved every little adventure we've gone through.
Through thick and thin..
Ill miss each and every one of you.
I trust all of you.. to look after the factions.
Look after the people..
And the final promise..
Ill Keep the sky pretty for you all..
Scott Snow Major Denholm of the Herons.
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Everyone is stunned silence, as they read this note written by Scott
Owen puts on a sad smile, as his tears continues rolling down his cheeks
"He kept his promise..."
Martyn stares at the note, as he starts to go silent, and his voice breaks
"H-He even left a goodbye note..."
Acho: "..fly high scott.. say hello to mum and dad for me.."
PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
Owen nods, as his fingers lightly touch the letter, before he looks at Scott's body again
Cleo's tears have slowed down, and she whispers
"You're finally seeing mum again..."
Cleo smiles sadly, and she walks over to Scott's body to pay her final respects, as the other people in the room follow
☆☆☆☆PiratesSMP Owenc.ai
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