Chapter 8
A few things, some things in this chapter I don't know if are possible in real life but for the sake of the story please go along with it. I did researched a bit about it. Enjoy! :)
Two days later was when Elijah finally cracked after spending half the day in his bedroom reading a few books his aunt Perrie had gotten for him, he set it down on his nightstand and slowly made his way downstairs seeing Nick asleep on one of the couches in the living room. He rolled his eyes making his way towards the kitchen passing his father's study seeing he was still sitting there working since early that morning when he had gone in there soon after breakfast. He shook his head continuing to the kitchen where he took his time drinking water and eating a few snacks then after much debating he filled a glass for his dad petting Cocoa on his way there.
He doesn't know how long he stood outside until he gathered enough courage and lightly knocked on the door hearing a muffled come in then slowly made his way in setting the glass down on top of his father's desk near the documents he was working on making sure it was on the coaster.
"You need something, son?" Harry asked without taking his eyes off of the document he was reading then glanced at his laptop screen typing something.
"I brought you something to drink and...and I was wondering if you want to spend time with me today, we could play football or go watch a movie." Elijah said getting excited at the thought of spending time with him before going back home.
"I have too much work, maybe tomorrow." Harry said without so much of a look directed his way.
"But-" Elijah started getting startled when Nick slammed a door making him jump a little and spill the water all over his father's documents.
His eyes widened when he saw the mess at the same time Harry sat up to try and salvage whatever he could but by the time he had reacted they were all soaked up in the cold liquid. He took a step back trying to control his breathing feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest relaxing a little when he remembered the same thing happening with his dad Louis a year ago. He had been working on one of his designs and when he had spilled the juice he had brought for his dad all over it, Louis had only smiled.
"You know, if you didn't like them you could have just told me." Louis had joked as he poked his belly as soon as he had seen the tears welling up in his son's eyes.
"I'm sorry." Elijah had apologized still trying to dry them up stopping when his dad wrapped his arms around him into a warm hug.
"Its okay sweetheart, I wasn't fond of them anyway. They're lacking..." Louis had stopped trying to find the right word.
"Detail." Elijah had giggled feeling a thousand times better.
"Detail!" Louis had snapped his fingers kissing his son's forehead before letting go to clean up while telling him he really didn't like them that much.
"I'm sorry." Elijah apologized taking a step forward only to take two back when Harry looked at him with the angriest expression he had ever seen.
"But I-"
"AND HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT IF I DON'T HAVE TIME TO SPEND IT WITH YOU ITS BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TIME! NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR STUPID IDEAS THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT, GODDAMMIT!" Harry interrupted pushing Elijah away from him making him stumble a few steps back then went back to try and dry the documents failing to notice the sharp intake of breath Elijah took as his eyes filled with tears feeling his chest aching in a way it had never ached before.
The moment Elijah felt the tears rolling down his cheeks and saw Harry ignoring him he slowly backed away and as soon as he was by the door he mumbled a small I'm sorry then took off running to his bedroom ignoring Nick on his way there. He ran into his room slamming the door closed then locked it before he ran to the bed falling upside down on it burying his face on the pillows before he let out a sob just wanting his dad Louis, no one else but him.
He stayed there waiting for him to at least knock on the door wanting to at least talk to him but he never did and instead heard a door downstairs slam close and seconds later he got up running towards the window. All he saw was Harry's car speeding away until it disappeared and the gates closed behind it before he took off running downstairs seeing Nick laying down on the couch once again.
He wiped away the tears that were starting to make his face itch and walked into the study taking in the cream colored walls then the shelves filled with books. He just wanted to go back to London, back to the life he should have never left to meet someone who obviously didn't want to be a part of his life nor cared about him.
He made his way to the desk glad that the laptop was still on and with shaky hands searched through Harry's documents hoping he for him to have a file just like his dad Louis had one. He searched until he found what he was looking for mentally thanking his dad Louis for showing him what were the necessary documents and how to fill them up in case something happened to either of them and because back then he had been curious.
As soon as he had selected the right document he started filling it out stopping when he realized he needed Jonah's passport. He chewed on his bottom lip as he searched through Harry's desk until he found it quickly entering the information in then took Harry's entering his information as well trying to hurry up and once he was done he put it back and printed out the Child Travel Consent Form.
Once he had it in his hands he quickly deleted everything but stopped when he realized he needed Harry's signature and that of a witness and started getting desperate until he saw two signature stamps belonging to Harry and his aunt Perrie remembering seeing them using them once. Without having second thoughts he grabbed them and stamped the document hoping for it to work then ran back to Jonah's bedroom packing a small bag as more tears rolled down his cheeks.
When he was done he ran back to the study opening up a web page to buy an airplane ticket using one of Harry's credit cards he found in the drawer knowing how to do it since his uncle Zayn had taught him and after he was done he deleted the history. He took a deep breath feeling horrible when he opened Harry's safe box taking out as much money as he could wondering why he had that much in cash but at the moment he could care less.
As soon as he was done it was already four in the afternoon then called a cab grabbing everything he was going to need and as silently as he could he made his way downstairs happy that Nick was still asleep then made his way to the backyard where Cocoa was laying down by the pool.
"I'm sorry I can't take you, I promise Jonah will come get you one day. I'm gonna miss you." Elijah hiccuped kissing him in between his ears and just like that ran out of there to the front yard never stopping until he was right in front of the iron gate.
He opened it happy that it closed behind him never looking back leaning on the wall telling himself he wasn't going to miss him, because he couldn't miss the hugs he almost never got, he couldn't miss the memories they never made. He felt bad for Jonah realizing that this was his life, a life where his father never paid attention to him and never wanted to spend time with him and he hoped to convince him to stay and live with them in London where he knew their dad would always be there for and have time for them no matter what. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a cab stopped right in front of him and a young man got out giving him a confused look.
"You're not running away, are you? I get too many of those everyday, kid." The driver said.
"No, I'm just going to the airport...visiting my dad." Elijah lied showing him the consent form sighing in relief when the driver nodded and opened the door for him.
"To LAX then." The driver said starting the car and pulling away from there when Elijah nodded.
He stayed quiet the entire ride there until they arrived, he paid the cab driver the right amount and got out of there making his way inside the airport. He started getting nervous the closer he got to the airline ticket counter with his reservation number in hand eyeing the pretty brunette standing there.
"Hi, I have a ticket reservation under Jonah Styles, My dad Harry Styles reserved it for me." Elijah said handing her the reservation number he had printed off, Jonah's passport and the consent form hoping to get away with it.
He started getting nervous the longer she took until she smiled handing him back the passport and consent form, "Is your dad here sweetheart?"
"He dropped me off, I'm old enough to do this now." Elijah lied giving her a proud smile.
"Alright, is that all you're taking with you?" She asked looking at the backpack on his back.
"Yeah, its just my carry on." Elijah said taking the airline ticket and with a last smile walked towards the security checkpoint.
When he finally made it past the security point he sighed in relief after one of the TSA agents had stopped him then let him go when he made sure the signatures were legit and soon he was on his way to the gate. He only had to wait less than twenty minutes before he was finally boarding the plane and as soon as he had found his seat he closed his eyes getting through the procedures. He took a deep breath and fell asleep as soon as the plane had taken off ready to see his family again.
By the time Harry got home it was already night having spent the whole day at the office wanting to get everything out of the way and finally get to spend time with his son feeling bad for yelling at him earlier that day. He made his way inside the house seeing a few shopping bags by the couch then rolled his eyes seeing Nick once again asleep on the couch then walked upstairs stopping in front of Jonah's door hesitating for a moment until he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Jonah?" Harry knocked on the door frowning when he saw the light was off and his son never answered, "Jonah I want to talk to you."
He sighed leaning his forehead against the door as he slowly lowered his hand to his side then brought it back up to rub his eye feeling exhausted.
"Jonah...I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you baby." Harry said then continued when he didn't make a noise.
"I know I almost- I never spend time with you and I'm the worst father but I love you and I just want the best for you, I- I want to give you everything I never had growing up and to do that I have to work. I- I know it doesn't excuse what I did to you but..." Harry trailed off not knowing what else to say forcing himself to stop thinking about it.
He just wanted to give him everything he could never give to Louis and would never be able to give him realizing how much he really missed him and their son. Both of them. He could never give them everything they deserved and that's why he had left him in the first place.
"Sweetheart, please open the door." Harry begged him and when he didn't he opened it turning the light on to find it empty.
He searched the bathroom and the closet finding them empty then ran around the house looking for him and when he saw Cocoa alone in the backyard he started freaking out because his son would never leave his dog behind. He stalked towards a still sleeping Nick shaking him awake making him fall off the couch.
"What? What is it?" Nick asked looking around then his eyes focused on Harry who was trying to keep calm.
"Have you seen Jonah? Do you know where he is?" Harry desperately asked.
"I'm guessing his bedroom, reading a book. That's all he does now which surprises me because he had never picked up a book before." Nick slowly said and it was starting to piss Harry off
"I can't find him anywhere and now I don't even know how long he's been gone for. Where you not paying attention at all?"
"I went out and when I got back I assumed he was in his bedroom." Nick shrugged.
"Why would you leave him alone!? I left because you were here!" Harry shouted taking his phone out to call everybody.
Almost an hour later he was sitting in his study having just talked to the police who were already on the lookout and couldn't do anything else but wait for any news. He had tear tracks running down his cheeks while Anne had both her hands on his shoulders trying to comfort him but nothing seemed to work. The rest except Gemma, Sophia and Barbara had headed out to look for him including a very distressed Perrie knowing they were looking for the wrong child and that child wasn't familiar with the city at all yet kept her mouth shut wanting to find him first.
"What if he dies, mum what if my baby's already dead in some ditch far away from here." Harry suddenly got up pacing back and forth in front of her with tears rolling down his face.
"Sweetheart, please don't think like that. The police are going to find him and return him to you safe and sound." Anne walked up to him wrapping her arms around him.
"Babe, he's probably hiding somewhere in the city, its not the first time he does it. He's just looking for attention." Nick rolled his eyes making all the women glare at him.
Nick's nasty remarks had been going on all afternoon and while Harry ignored them it was starting to piss off the rest especially Gemma who would glare at him when he wasn't looking. It was clear no one liked him but according to Harry he made him happy and after everything he had gone through, he deserved a little bit of happiness.
"Why don't you just go home, Nick. You've been here all day so you must be tired, I'll walk you to the door." Gemma gave him a fake smile then literally pushed him out the door locking it after he was out ignoring his protests going back to Harry who was nearly in hysterics.
With Nick gone Harry finally burst out crying holding onto his mum and when Robin and Richard returned empty handed as well as Liam, Niall and Perrie later that night he completely lost it. They had called his friends, searched his favorite places yet couldn't find him ignoring that he was in an airplane on his way back home.
"I don't want to lose him too mum, I don't want to lose my baby like I lost them." Harry sobbed into his mum's chest, "Its my fault, I- I yelled at him and told him I didn't have time for his stupid ideas."
"Oh Harry, you're not, he's going to come back soon." Anne rubbed his back while Robin talked to Des on the phone.
"What- if I ever see him again, what am I going to tell him. I lost one of our babies." Harry lifted his head up to look at her and all she could do was hug him close
He stayed up the whole night not wanting and unable to sleep when his son was somewhere out there all alone and he couldn't do anything else but wait. He blamed himself because if he hadn't been drowning himself in work then yelled at him then none of that would be happening.
While Jonah showered early in the morning after having refused to take one the night before, Louis wouldn't stop thinking about his son and Harry who he was going to see in just a day and he couldn't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time. After a long talk Jonah had convinced him to go with him to California and after booking their airline tickets they were set to leave the following day, they had to be at the airport by two in the afternoon to catch their 3 PM flight and Zayn who was staying behind but would be joining them a day or two later had offered to drive them.
"Dad, did you start the movie yet?" Jonah asked walking into the living room still towel drying his hair.
"Not yet love, I was waiting for you." Louis smiled putting Teenage Ninja Turtles into the DVD player after Jonah had begged to watch it and who was he to tell his baby no.
"Can we eat lunch? Its almost twelve and I'm starving."
"Its eleven, Jonah." Louis playfully rolled his eyes upon hearing his son's groans.
"My stomach knows nothing about time. I'm hungry." Jonah whined.
Louis watched him with eyes full of love remembering how he had figured out he had Jonah and not Elijah, it had happened exactly three days after he had returned from camp. He had been trying to fall asleep but couldn't when he kept thinking about his son's newest habits and whole new personality. He knew his Elijah was a shy little thing and the child he had with him was outgoing and playful. When he had finally figured it out he had sat up too fast he had gotten dizzy but had ignored it trying to get to his son's bedroom and when he opened the door he hadn't wasted time to go to him.
He had turned his lamp light on casting a faint yellow light around the room watching his son as he slept trying to find differences between him and Elijah and all he could see was the tiny little scar he had seen earlier. He grabbed his hand running his fingers through Jonah's warm palm feeling it a little calloused when Elijah's hands were a bit softer and kept his hair out of his forehead hating how it felt while the child in front of him hated not having it over his forehead.
His eyes had filled with tears feeling a heavy painful weight settling in on his chest having to force down a sob when he was so sure the child in front of him was his baby Jonah and not Elijah. He couldn't remember how long he had stayed there just watching him until he stirred in his sleep taking his hand out from underneath his pillow revealing a torn picture Louis was quick to grab. His eyes had widened when he saw the half of the picture Harry had taken with him all those years ago going back to the time where it had been taken while they had been dancing their first ever dance as a married couple.
When he put it back underneath the pillow he couldn't go back to his bedroom and instead had climbed on the bed next to his son hugging him, his face against his chest as he tried to stop crying having missed him so much. That morning Jonah had woken up before he did a little confused as to what he was doing smiling when all Louis had done was hug him telling him he had missed him so much and how much he loved him.
"Dad!" Jonah almost yelled waving his hand in front of his father's face managing to get his attention.
"Huh? What?" Louis looked around a little confused until he was able to focus.
"Lunch, can we make lunch?" Jonah asked pouting his bottom lip for effect.
"Fine, we can heat up one of the frozen pizzas I got for you the other day." Louis got up kissing his son's forehead on his way to the kitchen noticing Jonah trailing behind him.
That was another thing he had noticed, his son's growing appetite and also the fact that he never picked up a book ever again knowing Elijah loved to read.
"Yes!" Jonah cheered trying to turn the oven on.
Louis walked up to the freezer grabbing a box of frozen pizza taking it out of the box and onto a baking sheet while the oven preheated. He made his way to the trashcan to throw the box away when he heard the doorbell and seconds later someone knocking on the door rather desperate. He furrowed his brow knowing Zayn had a key and he hadn't buzzed anyone in and after telling a startled Jonah to stay where he was he slowly made his way towards the front door where the knocking kept getting louder.
As soon as he opened the door his eyes widened and the breath was knocked out of him making a little huffing sound when his son threw himself at him wrapping his arms around his waist. As fast as he could Louis wrapped his arms around him ignoring the still open door getting worried when Elijah started crying, his sobs getting muffled by the fabric of Louis' shirt.
"Eli! Sweetheart what's wrong? Who brought you here?" Louis asked him bending down to hug him feeling him hiding his face on the crook of his neck and his tears landing on the exposed skin.
"Eli!" Jonah squeaked as soon as he had walked into the room seeing his brother in tears as he made his way to them starting to get a little upset, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Love, could you please go and warm him up a glass of milk? Thank you." Louis gave him a tiny smile watching him run to the kitchen before he directed his attention back to Elijah gently guiding him towards the couch sitting next to him.
"Sweetheart you're scaring me. What happened...why are you here alone?" Louis asked trying not to get upset the more his son cried and also by the fact that he was alone after he had closed to door when no one else had walked in.
He grabbed the backpack he had with him putting it down on the floor next to them just as Jonah walked in with the glass of milk giving it to Louis who then tried to make Elijah drink but was only pushed away. Louis' eyes filled with tears fearing something horrible had happened to his son enough to upset him he way he was.
"Eli?" Jonah slowly made his way to him sitting on his other side, "What's wrong?"
"He ha- he hates me!" Elijah looked up at him then went back to Louis feeling completely exhausted after the long flight.
"Who?" Louis pulled back grabbing some tissues to clean his son's face.
"Harry! I- I just wanted t- to spend time with hi- him." Elijah cried and Louis couldn't help but notice Jonah looking down at his lap with a look close to nothing but shame.
"You need to calm down, deep breaths." Louis placed his hands on both of his cheeks and after his son had calmed down he once again offered him the glass of milk feeling a little bit of relief when he took it with shaky hands and started drinking.
He waited until he was done then took the empty glass back putting it on top of the coffee table glancing at the tv where the main menu was still playing.
"Okay. Now, could you please tell me what's going on?" Louis asked him sighing when he saw more tears rolling down his cheeks while all Jonah could do stare waiting for his brother to start talking.
"I just wanted to spend time with him because all he does is work, I accidentally spilled water a- all over his papers and he yelled at me. Said that not everything is about me and my stupid ideas that n- no one cares about. He pushed me and you said that's not okay." Elijah looked at Louis then his brother and slowly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, seconds later they hugged managing to evaporate a little bit of the anger Louis was feeling.
"I'm sorry I didn't warn you." Jonah mumbled snuggling up to his brother.
Louis took a deep breath then counted to ten before he hugged both of them feeling like he was on top of the world when he finally got to have his two babies back in his arms at the same time. However, he was furious at the fact that after ten years of Harry not seeing their son he had the nerve to treat him the way he had done and that was something he couldn't let him get away with.
"Eli, baby why don't you take a bath then we can watch a movie." Louis smiled at his son kissing the top of his head, "I missed you, love."
"I missed you too, daddy." Elijah gave him a tiny smile yet Louis knew he was still upset because he never called him daddy anymore unless he was upset.
He watched him get up and walk towards his bedroom then seconds later saw him go into the bathroom while he took the backpack and opened it to see what he had. All he found was a few clothes, the torn picture of Harry, and his passport then his eyes widened when he saw the thick wad of money, most of it was american money and the rest were pounds. He opened the passport that belonged to Jonah noticing he still had his full legal name and Harry had not removed his last name.
"Is that money?" Jonah asked eyeing the money.
"Yeah love, I found it in your brother's backpack. How did he manage to buy an airplane ticket and get out of the country all by himself." Louis wondered putting everything back then picked up the phone to call the airport and book another ticket for Elijah.
"Eli is really dad always keeps cash in his safe box. I gave Eli the codes for everything and told him to spend as much money as he could." Jonah shrugged walking back into the kitchen to put the pizza in the oven.
When Louis was done he waited for Elijah to finish and when he saw him walking out of the bathroom he took a seat on the couch next to Jonah waiting for him. Once Elijah was finally sitting down on his other side he turned to look at him needing explanations.
"How did you manage to get out of the country without your dad finding out? Because I'm assuming he doesn't know you're here." Louis raised an eyebrow.
"He keeps signature stamps on his desk and...I filled out a child travel consent form, he keeps a file on his computer and all I did was print it out then use his and aunt Perrie's stamps." Elijah explained, his cheeks turning a shade of red.
"Who's aunt Perrie?" Louis asked looking between his sons.
"Aunt Perrie is a woman dad met in college, they became friends and now she's my aunt...and Elijah's too." Jonah answered and when he was done Louis got up to get the pizza out of the oven leaving them alone.
"He thinks dad knows you're you and I'm here and he doesn't know about Slenderman, he thinks dad is expecting us and that he wants to talk to him." Jonah hurried to explain before Elijah could say something about it.
"Harry doesn't know...and he doesn't want to talk to dad. He's gonna marry Slenderman." Elijah frowned.
"I know. And they're not gonna get married, I'm gonna stop it and dad is going to marry our dad and give us a bunch of baby siblings and be happily ever after. I got this." Jonah beamed wrapping an arm around Elijah pinching his cheek giggling when Elijah swatted his hand away as he pouted.
"Okay! I have pizza and juice, and just this time we're gonna eat here while we watch the movie." Louis walked in with a big plate of pizza, three glasses filled with juice and paper plates.
They were quick to grab a plate and a glass filled with juice grabbing a slice of pizza after it and as soon as Louis was sitting in between them he finally pressed play. They watched the movie in silence only with the occasional comment and when the movie was over both Elijah and Jonah were leaning against Louis who looked at the clock seeing it was already three in the afternoon.
"Boys, I think we should call your dad and let him know both of you are here so he doesn't worry." Louis said even though he was a nervous mess and didn't know if he was ready to face him yet, he was still furious even though he didn't show it.
"I think we should wait and just show up, he's probably asleep or working." Jonah tried to hide his nervousness ignoring the fact that Harry had not slept at all.
"Yeah dad, we should just wait." Elijah agreed with Jonah, smiling when Louis sighed then nodded.
"Okay but-"
"I am so tired." Zayn walked in through the door stopping in his tracks when he noticed them sitting on the couch.
"Uncle Zayn, I missed you!" Elijah got up to hug him smiling when a still shocked Zayn hugged him back.
"Eli! When did you get back, buddy?" Zayn pulled him away to look him in the eye then hugged him again.
"A few hours ago."
"Who brought you here? Harry?" Zayn continued asking.
"No, I came here alone." Elijah answered.
"Long story, I'll tell you later." Louis said smiling when Zayn motioned for Jonah to go to him then teared up when Zayn hugged both of his sons as his own eyes filled with tears.
"We should spend the day together." Zayn said.
Louis nodded and soon they were dressed to go out then left visiting a few more places around the city, and all the time Louis couldn't help but smile seeing his sons finally together and bonding even after they had already done so at camp. Zayn had spoiled them buying them everything they wanted as well as telling them stories from when they were babies and he would babysit them. He would laugh whenever the twins would bombard him with questions and by the end of the day they had declared Zayn their favorite uncle.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" Zayn asked while the twins walked in front of them each holding ice cream cones in one hand and shopping bags in the other..
"He showed up alone, he ran away because Harry said some hurtful things to him when he tried to spend time with him...said he's always working. He didn't see his son for ten years and I know it was my fault but that still doesn't excuse him telling him its not about him and that he doesn't have time for his stupid ideas..,and that no one cares about them." Louis explained once again furious leaving out the part where Harry had pushed him knowing how Zayn would react.
"He said that to him!?" Zayn raised his eyebrows in shock.
"Yeah...and I don't care that I haven't seen him in so long but he's gonna hear it, I'm not gonna let him get away with it. He hurt Elijah's feelings and..." Louis paused looking over at his sons who were talking knowing they wouldn't hear him, "Jonah told me Elijah used to call him dad and now he just calls him Harry, I'm worried because all his life he referred to Harry as his dad and now its just Harry."
"Well, if Eli doesn't call him dad anymore he had it coming. Even if he doesn't know that Elijah is really sensitive he shouldn't have yelled at him like that and even more when Elijah was trying to spend time with him." Zayn shook his head in disbelief unable to believe it.
"I guess his priorities are different now." Louis shrugged, "Back then it was our children and now its work...I really fucked him up."
"I'm sorry for what I'm about to say did. You ended your marriage and took his children away from him then Elijah, you left Jonah behind." Zayn looked away as he talked looking at Louis when he heard a tiny sniffle.
"I know and there's not a day that goes by where I don't regret it and I wish I could go back and change things, go back and not fuck up as much as I did. I had it all and I threw it away." Louis wiped away a stray tear with his fingers.
"You and Harry have a lot to talk about." Zayn sighed.
"Jonah told me he knows he's here with me and wants to talk to me, he's waiting for us to go to California. Maybe its too late but I...I need him to give me another chance, t- to be a family again if possible." Louis said with so much hope written all over his face it made Zayn's chest hurt.
"For your own good and the twins, I hope so." Zayn wrapped an arm around his shoulder praying to all the gods for Harry to give Louis another chance knowing it wasn't that simple.
Zayn went home as soon as they were back to be well rested but not before he hugged the twins again leaving them alone after it. They spent the rest of the day together looking at baby pictures of all four of them together that only managed to make Louis' chest hurt once again. When it was time for bed he tucked them in kissing their foreheads then went to his own bed closing his eyes and curling up into a small ball like he had been doing for the past ten years missing the warmth of Harry's arms around him.
"Eli?" Jonah whispered a few minutes later after Louis had left to his bedroom.
"Yeah?" Elijah answered turning around to face him in the bed they were sharing.
"What did dad really do to you?" Jonah's voice trembled.
"He just yelled at me and pushed me a little. Nick...he's the one- I heard him on the phone saying that as soon as he marries Harry he's going to send you far away then take Harry's money. He told me I annoy Harry and that he's going to give him a little girl and Harry will forget about me just like he forgot about dad." Elijah started tearing up again feeling Jonah's arm wrapping around him.
"Don't cry Eli, when I get back I'll teach him not to mess with you or any of us. He's gonna wish he'd never met me." Jonah said already plotting in his head knowing Nick's weaknesses.
"I'm tired. Goodnight Jonah." Elijah yawned before he closed his eyes.
"Night." Jonah sighed before he fell asleep.
His last thoughts being that Nick was going to get it, he was going to pay for messing with his brother.
Thoughts? :)
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