Chapter 16
This is it guys! Thank you all so much for your votes and lovely comments, thank you for taking your time to read it. Enjoy! :)
By the next morning Louis was sore everywhere but it was a good kind of sore after the many rounds where Harry had fucked him on any flat surface he could find. Louis had tried to be careful keeping Harry from being too rough with him only letting him be so the last time where he could have sworn he had seen stars when he came.
He slowly opened his eyes groaning when the bright light sneaking in through the window hurt his eyes cursing himself for not closing the blinds the night before. He was still trying to get used to it when Harry rolled over on top of him holding him tight with no way to escape making him grunt glad that he wasn't showing yet wondering how was it going to be like when he was too big if Harry kept doing that.
"Harry? Babe, time to wake up." Louis mumbled running his fingers through Harry's hair from where his head was resting on his chest seeing it was only nine and already noon back in California.
"Don't wanna..." Harry mumbled snuggling closer to Louis, "Sleep."
"Come on, there's so much to do and I don't want to lay here all day. We need a shower too. And call the boys." Louis smiled.
"I'll shower if you shower with me...and kiss me a little too." Harry finally lifted his head up already smiling mischievously.
"Fine, but only a little and then we go eat 'cause we're starving." Louis said then his eyes widened not wanting Harry to find out that way. He wanted it to be perfect.
"Yeah you're right, we're starving." Harry kissed his cheek before he got up heading to the bathroom stark naked and Louis was quick to follow.
A kiss turned into sex once again without a condom after Harry had announced he was ready to have more babies with him and Louis had only nodded thinking about how in seven months they would have one. Harry had made sure to come inside of Louis staying there longer than usual telling Louis he just wanted to make sure he would get pregnant as well as telling him he really wanted a girl making Louis' heart flutter wanting the same, a little baby girl. When they were finally dressed they made their way to the restaurant in the hotel while Harry talked about all the things they were going to do.
That afternoon after they had called the twins Louis was ready to pass out from exhaustion after they had gone to the beach and the fact that Harry kept insisting on going scuba diving wasn't helping. He had read how dangerous it was to do so while pregnant especially for him since he was only two months and after he had asked his doctor during his very first appointment he had found out it was definitely a no along with water-skiing and other things. He had run out of excuses the more Harry kept insisting telling him how fun it was going to be and how they were going to learn and do something together and fun.
"Its going to be so much fun, come on Louis don't be a party pooper." Harry whined for the fifth time pulling on Louis' hand trying to get him to get up from where he was sitting on top of a towel on a lounge chair by the pool.
"Harry, I don't want to. I'm tired and I rather not." Louis sighed trying to pry his hand out of Harry's.
"Why are you like this, its just scuba diving and water-skiing. Why are we even here if you don't want to do anything fun? All you've been doing all day is sit on your ass tanning and now you're tired!" Harry finally snapped getting frustrated when Louis said nothing nor moved at all.
"They're dangerous activities and we could get hurt plus I've never done either." Louis shrugged knowing Harry was starting to really get angry when he kept pulling on his hair then took a seat next to him.
"We're gonna be fine, nothing's gonna happen." Harry insisted.
"You don't know that." Louis calmly said.
"One reason, just give me one good reason and I'll stop insisting...then we can go pack all of our shit and leave since you don't want to do anything, you can tan back at home!" Harry snapped once again.
"Because its not safe for the baby!" Louis blurted out already getting frustrated.
They stared at each other for what felt like centuries until Louis let out a frustrated sigh leaning against the back of the chair rubbing his hands on his face. He waited for Harry to say something, anything, and when he didn't make a sound Louis pulled his hands away looking at him.
"Harry? Harry say something." He begged already on the verge of tears.
"I...this, are you sure?" Harry asked, his eyes trailing down until they settled on Louis' stomach noticing the barely visible C section scar from fourteen, almost fifteen years ago.
"I went to see a doctor and I'm two months along...the night after you proposed to me." Louis blushed a little not expecting what Harry did next.
"This is the best day of my life!" Harry exclaimed already on his knees kissing all over Louis' stomach ignoring the looks everyone else was giving them noticing some of them smiling, "Hi baby, this is papa, I love you so much already even if you're still so tiny and can't hear me yet."
"I hope its a girl." Louis happily said running his fingers through Harry's hair after the scare of Harry not being ready for another baby so soon even though he had said he was ready.
"A little girl will be lovely, we need to tell Eli and Jonah they're going to be big brothers." Harry finally got up sitting next to Louis giving him a weird look when Louis bit his bottom lip.
"They already know...they caught me crying when I found out so I had to tell them. Sorry I didn't tell you first." Louis hid his face on the crook of his neck.
"Its okay babe. Did they take it well?" Harry asked starting to get worried over that.
"They did! They're so excited and cannot wait." Louis said.
"I can't wait either." Harry happily sighed resting his head on Louis' chest already wanting the months to go by fast so he could hold their new baby and spoil it rotten.
They ended up going home two days later when Louis' morning sickness started hitting him hard and as soon as they had stepped into their home Louis went straight for the toilet. Harry only rubbed his back waiting for him to be done then helped him get up so he could brush his teeth. As soon as he was done he helped him to their bed where he made him stay so he could rest while he went to pick Jonah and Elijah up from his mum's.
As soon as they had gotten back they went straight to Louis staying with him all day making space for Harry when he joined them with a bowl full of popcorn so they could watch movies. Louis ended up falling asleep buried in blankets with their kids on one side and Harry on the other not waking up until the next day. From that day on Harry always made sure to be gentle with Louis not even letting Jonah and Elijah be too rough with him like they used to be. He always made sure to spend time with them enjoying their favorite activities whether it was football matches getting all sweaty or visits to the museum or the library.
Louis had found it extremely cute when Harry had made the effort to stop rolling over him and instead would spoon him burying his face on the back of his neck. He would always wrap his arm around him resting it on his stomach and when he discovered the tiny baby bump he had lost his shit right there kissing all over it.
When Louis was three months along Harry was so excited to finally get to go with him to his doctor's appointment having decided to not miss a single one. He wouldn't stop talking as they waited telling Louis every single name he could think of, mostly girl names wanting a little girl this time. When they were called in he was the first to get up stopping halfway there to wait for Louis seeing a few nurses smiling their way and when Louis caught up to him he grabbed his hand pulling him closer to him.
It felt like an eternity having to wait for the doctor and as soon as she walked into the room she greeted Louis then introduced herself to Harry getting straight to the point. Harry kept bouncing his leg up and down expecting to see something on the screen holding Louis' hand in his until the doctor froze the screen then turned to look at them with a big smile on her face.
"Congratulations, you're expecting twins." She smiled unfreezing the screen letting them hear two different and fast heartbeats.
"Twins!?" Louis exclaimed trying to sit up but couldn't when Harry forced him to stay on his back telling him to calm down.
"Yes...and by the looks of it they are identical twins." The doctor continued smiling while Louis was internally freaking out and Harry was the happiest man alive. Words couldn't even describe how happy he was in that moment.
"This is great, we already have a set of identical twins." Harry smiled rubbing the top of Louis' hand with his thumb then leaned down to kiss his cheek.
"Oh really? That is wonderful, not many couples have multiple sets of twins especially identical. May I ask how old they are?" The doctor asked.
"They're boys and they're going to turn fifteen in a month." Harry happily told her.
"Oh, well since this is Louis' second pregnancy, it's been years since his last one and since twins run on Louis' side of the family then I can say is normal. A little unusual but normal." She informed them as she smiled.
"Are you sure they're twins? What if it's just something else." Louis said still in denial.
"I am a hundred percent sure they are identical twins. You are having twins, Louis." She chuckled.
Louis huffed looking up at the ceiling only listening when he really had to and soon they were out of there on their way home. He slowly smiled already getting used to the idea of twins hoping for girls that time around making eye contact with Harry who smiled when he saw him smiling.
"Do you not want twins?" Harry asked as they waited for the gates to open in their house.
"I do, I was in shock. We're gonna have twins again, but at least they'll have each other since there's a huge age gap between the twins and them. Oh gosh, how are we gonna refer to each of them now. Eli and Jonah were the twins and now we'll have more twins." Louis started thinking harder than ever.
"We'll figure it out love, now we have to tell the twins." Harry said and seconds later both of them burst out laughing.
Telling Elijah and Jonah they were going to have two baby brothers or sisters and identical like them went smoothly when they cheered telling them they couldn't wait. As soon as the words had come out of Louis' mouth they were already planning all the things they were going to do together as well as all the things they were going to teach them.
"I am going to teach them how to play football and if they're girls whoever they date better not break their hearts or I'm gonna pulverize them." Jonah said already making a fist.
"Jonah chill, they're not even born yet." Elijah sighed putting his book down, "Papa, can I order a few baby books? I would like to read to them, develop their brain while they're still in the womb." Elijah said already reaching for Harry's laptop.
"Sure buddy, go crazy." Harry shrugged handing over his credit card, he trusted Elijah with his life.
"Ooh, can I order too?" Jonah asked throwing himself besides his brother on his parents bed.
"Yeah, but make sure is appropriate." Harry smiled ignoring the looks Louis was giving him.
"What? Its their money too and they're ordering for the babies, you know they're not gonna spend much." Harry said taking a seat next to Louis wrapping an arm around his waist then smiled knowing he had convinced him when he kissed his cheek and Louis just smiled leaning against him.
After that day the months seemed to go by fast and soon Louis found himself in the twins nursery trying to walk as he made sure everything was up to his standards now that he would be giving birth at any moment. He sat down on the rocking chair in the corner of the room remembering when they had found out the sex of the babies just as he had entered his fifth month.
Harry was already losing his patience and when Jonah told him he was sure they were boys he had lost the last bit of it he had. All four of them had gone to the doctor and Louis couldn't help but smile seeing Elijah looking around in awe as his eyes shined with curiosity.
As soon as the doctor had announced they were expecting girls Harry had jumped up from his spot next to Louis cheering and telling Jonah he had been right all along and that he owed him a month worth of allowances. Jonah had then proceeded to argue that it wasn't fair since he was still a child (Which Elijah had debunked by saying Teenagers, not children) and Harry knew more about pregnancies since he was an adult ending up with only giving up half of his allowance regretting ever betting on it.
A few days after that, Elijah had told Louis he wanted to be an obstetrician and both Harry and him were quick to fully support him telling him they would make sure of it but that he also had to work hard to achieve it. Jonah was still set on being a professional football player finding himself always practicing with either Elijah or Harry getting better the more he practiced.
The more the months passed after that day the bigger Louis got trying not to complain too much when he started waddling everywhere smiling whenever Harry would talk to their daughters making them kick. The first time they had done so was during breakfast when they were trying to finish fast to go to school and work, Louis had felt the tiny kick on his side immediately letting them know and soon he had three hands on his stomach trying to feel it. Harry was the first one to feel it as he smiled then had kissed all over Louis' face telling him how much he loved him making Louis emotional telling him he loved him too.
They had taken their time to decorate the nursery going for a light purple color not really wanting everything to be pink completing it with white furniture having fallen in love with the identical white cribs. Louis had been forced to stop Harry from buying them fancy cribs made for the future princess of England and instead settled for more normal looking ones and to him they were beautiful.
They had all made sure to add their personal touch to the nursery whether it was baby books or little plush football balls and the little ship Harry had kept throughout the years and three months before their babies were due, the nursery was ready.
Two months before his due date Louis started having the worst cravings resulting on Harry having to go out in the middle of the night to get him whatever Louis' little heart desired and after many days he had just stocked up on what he knew Louis would want.
Jonah would silently seat next to Louis and eat his food knowing his dad wouldn't mind while both of them watched tv sometimes yelling at the characters of whatever movie they were watching. Buying clothes for them was easy for Louis when he already had in mind what kind of clothes he wanted for them ending up not buying that many when Anne, Gemma and the rest of the girls had gifted them enough clothes.
Zayn who was still in a relationship with Perrie and so in love having decided that she was the one for him, would always make sure that he had someone to talk to not wanting him to feel lonely when he was forced to stay home. The closer he got to his due date the more impatient Harry, Elijah and Jonah would get smiling as he remembered how his sons had taken a seat next to him while he had been designing clothes specifically for pregnant male and females and had proceeded to talk to their baby sisters telling them to hurry up getting tiny kicks in return.
Now that he would be giving birth soon he got up from his spot and made his way towards Harry's study where he was reviewing a case already sure that he was going to win it while their sons were out with a few friends from school. He smiled as soon as he saw him sitting too focused on the document in front of him deciding to knock not wanting to scare him and as soon as Harry saw him he smiled getting up to help him giving him all his attention.
"Are you feeling okay, love?" Harry asked him kissing his cheek then finally his lips making Louis smile.
"We're okay, just came to see you." He said looking at his husband in awe sometimes still unable to believe they were a family again after all the things he had done in the past.
"I was just about to go ask you if you want something to eat." Harry said furrowing his brow when he heard the little whimper escaping Louis' mouth.
"I'm not hungry." Louis shrugged and seconds later winced when he felt pain on his lower stomach somehow feeling pressure down there.
"Do you need something? How about we watch a movie." Harry continued asking hearing the front door slamming against the wall then Cocoa's barks getting ready to get up and yell at their sons after he had already told them not to slam it like that but couldn't when Louis grabbed his wrists in a tight hold.
"I- I need you to take me to the hospital. Now!" Louis raised his voice when Harry did nothing and stared at him just as Elijah and Jonah walked in all sweaty from spending the day outside, "Harry, they- they're coming!"
As soon as Harry heard those words he got up helping Louis up with him then wrapped his arm around his waist helping him to the door when Louis stopped walking and blushed a deep shade of red. They looked down seeing the puddle of liquid around their feet and Louis wanted to cry from embarrassment and pain.
"Did you just pee?" Jonah asked looking down at the puddle in disgust.
"His water broke you old crumb, it means the babies are coming." Elijah rolled his eyes quickly making his way to Louis' other side to help him walk knowing what was going on after he had read many books about it.
"Oh...oh my god! Oh my god I'm not ready." Jonah started hyperventilating yet managed to get out of the way.
"Jonah, go get their bags. They're by the closet door, hurry." Harry ordered.
"I am not ready for this, oh gosh I never learned to change the diapers. How am I gonna take care of them!" Jonah started walking back and forth remembering he had never bothered to attend the classes like Elijah had done along with Louis.
"Trust me, the diapers are gonna be the least of your worries if you don't hurry up and get those bags." Louis said in an almost demonic voice snapping Jonah out of his mini freak out, "And get me new pants and my special pillow!"
The whole way to the hospital was spent with Louis squirming in the backseat in between Jonah and Elijah after Harry had helped him change trying not to cuss in front of them. He was leaning against Jonah while Elijah rubbed his back worried out of his mind about not making it there on time knowing his dad couldn't push them out like females wincing at the thought. They were stuck waiting in a private room even though they had insisted on being there too when Louis was taken to the OR for an emergency delivery and Harry had gone with him.
"Are they out yet?" Louis murmured feeling a few tugs.
"Just a few more minutes, love." Harry mumbled near Louis' ear then kissed his temple and his lips seeing how blue Louis' eyes were.
"Names Harry, we never picked names." Louis said out of nowhere about to yell at him when he heard the first cry and his chest filled with love for the tiny creature that soon grew when he heard a second one.
He focused his gaze on Harry who was looking back at him with shiny green eyes when he felt a tiny weigh on his chest followed by another one. When he looked down the first thing he saw was the top of two tiny heads covered in dark brown hair and nasty stuff then looked back at Harry as both of them shared a smile. He was given time to kiss them just like Harry then they were taken to get cleaned up and checked while Louis was taken back to the room where Elijah and Jonah were waiting.
"And the babies?" Jonah asked as soon as he saw a few nurses wheeling Louis' bed in followed by Harry.
"They'll bring them in later." Harry said and when the nurses were gone he took a seat next to Louis who was completely exhausted.
"Are you feeling okay, dad? Are you hurting?" Elijah asked as he rearranged the blankets around his dad so he would be more comfortable giving him his pillow.
"I'm okay sweetheart, just a bit tired." Louis smiled.
Elijah nodded then went back to sit on the couch with Jonah letting Harry and Louis talk in hushed voices only stopping when they heard a knock on the door. Louis tried to sit up when he saw two nurses wheeling in two plastic bassinets with two baby girls in them already clean and dressed wearing the outfits he had picked for them.
They gently picked them up and set them down in Louis' arms just when the one on the right wearing a pink hat let out a whimper but quickly quieted down as soon as he felt Louis' arms around her. The nurses left telling them one of them would be there later to bring them their bottles leaving the happy family alone to welcome the new additions. Jonah and Elijah quietly got closer peering down at the babies smiling when they finally met their baby sisters who had their blue eyes open yet couldn't focus them just yet.
"What's up with their eyes?" Jonah asked when they looked a bit cross-eyed, "And who was born first?"
"They were just born, sweetheart, baby eyes do that." Louis explained then smiled, "You used to do it too, same with your brother."
"They're adorable." Elijah gushed already in love with them.
"What are we going to name them?" Harry asked remembering how Louis had started freaking out over it.
"Hmm," Louis looked up at the ceiling trying to think of a name suddenly remembering one he had always liked, "Valerie, one of them can be Valerie."
"And Victoria." Harry suddenly said smiling down at his daughters' leaning down to kiss the one on the right and Louis knew she was Victoria.
"Little Val and Vee, sounds cute." Louis said, "Vee was born first, sweetheart." Louis finally answered pointing to said baby after Harry had checked the time on their bracelets.
"Yes! You're my buddy." Jonah said making them laugh and Elijah pout.
"Don't listen to them little Val, we're cooler than them." Elijah kissed her forehead.
"No, We're the older twins." Jonah smirked.
"Whatever Jonah, we're cuter." Elijah rolled his eyes focusing back on their sisters.
They ended up spending the whole day together doting over the girls and letting their older brothers hold them. Louis shared a few smiles and kisses with Harry thinking how safe their daughters were going to be when Elijah and Jonah were already so protective over them and treated them like royalty.
Whenever the rest of the family got there they had spent it supervising them as they held their sisters telling them to be careful. Louis had tried not to laugh whenever Elijah had called Zayn out when he was holding Valerie telling him that he was going to break her neck and to be careful. Jonah was worse when Gemma was holding Victoria watching her every move like a hawk until Gemma gave her back to Louis muttering about not being able to hold her nieces in peace with her nephews there harassing her.
The only one they had let hold them without saying anything was their nanna Anne because grandmas were awesome and their sisters were safe with her. Louis watched her holding his daughters wondering where his mum was even though Harry was already helping them look for them and he knew one day he would find them.
When the day was over Harry had forced Jonah and Elijah to go back home with his mum almost getting into an argument when they absolutely refused to leave. In the end, Louis had convinced them telling them he and the babies needed rest after the long day.
After that day, they would visit them every day always wanting to hold them and talk to them about their day. Jonah was so proud of himself when he had successfully changed Valerie's diaper only having a bit of trouble when her baby sister wouldn't stop squirming while Elijah was a pro at it when he had changed Victoria's.
Louis was released from the hospital a few days later and as soon as they had stepped into the house, him holding Valerie and Harry holding Victoria, they had let their sons give them a tour of the house while they followed them staying quiet.
"So in conclusion," Jonah started.
"Welcome home, where craziness exists twenty four seven." Elijah finished giving Louis a sheepish smile when he called him out on it.
"Its not crazy, its perfect." Harry concluded watching Louis nodding.
"Okay...just a tiny itty bit crazy." Louis finally said chuckling when Harry pouted quickly turning into a smile when Louis kissed it away.
They were interrupted by Cocoa making his way to where they were sitting in the living room quickly going to the new babies welcoming them in his own caring way. Jonah started petting him then cuddling him followed by Elijah while Harry and Louis watched with big smiles on their faces wondering if they could get any happier.
Looking back it all seemed like a dream quickly turned to nightmare when things had gone wrong but had managed to right themselves and to date Louis was thankful for every day spent with Harry and their children. He rested his head on his shoulder moving Valerie so she would be more comfortable then smiled feeling Harry's lips on the top of his head.
With one last smile and a content sigh he looked forward to more days spent together where he would always tell Harry how much he loved him not just for that day but for every day of his life. After that day there was never a dull day in their home that was always filled with laughs, something Louis and Harry would never give up for anything in the world.
Thoughts? :)
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