Chapter 15
"Louis?" Harry called out as soon as he walked into the house hoping for them to still be there after seeing that Louis' car was gone, "Jonah?" Harry once again called out running straight to his bedroom opening the door finding him gone as well as a few of his things.
He ran to his closet opening and finding it empty then to his bedroom trying not to panic finding a white piece of paper on top of his nightstand picking it up with shaky hands.
I'm not going to lose my baby again, I'm so sorry. I knew it was too good to be true, that you would ever forgive me and want to start over. I am an idiot and so stupid thinking you would stay here with us. I don't deserve anything but I'm sorry.
By the time he finished reading the note Louis had left for him he was already in tears then rushed to his car calling the airport. All he could feel was desperation and the idea that he wasn't going to make it on time was completely horrifying.
"Dad, when is papa going to join us?" Elijah asked for the thousandth time as they walked to security each holding their boarding passes and passports in hand as well as their carry-on bags.
"Soon...he'll join us soon." Louis said worried about not making it through security feeling a lump in his throat when the thought that he could be pregnant again suddenly entered his mind.
No matter what happened he was going to protect said baby and never let him or her out of his arms or sight if there was even one. The closer they got the more he slowed down as the urge to get his kids and their belongings and go back to Harry kept getting bigger and bigger stopping for a few seconds before he finally started walking again.
As soon as they were in front of the TSA agent both Jonah and Elijah happily handed over their boarding passes and passports while Louis tried to hide how nervous he was. They were just about to let them through when another TSA agent showed up stopping Louis from going any further.
"Is there a problem?" Louis asked trying not to panic.
"You are Mr. Louis Tomlinson, correct?" He asked.
"Y- Yeah, what's going on?" Louis' voice trembled looking over at his sons who were watching him with wide eyes.
"I need you and your children to come with me. This way please." He said not even giving Louis a chance to exit the screening area unless it was to follow him.
"What's going on?" Louis asked again gesturing for Jonah and Elijah to go to him and as soon as they were next to him he wrapped his arms around them.
"We received a call from Mr. Ha-"
Louis froze when he heard his voice and when he turned around he was met with a furious yet hurt Harry making his way to them followed by two police officers. Louis tightened his grip around Jonah the closer Harry got to them then pushed both of them behind him as soon as Harry was standing in front of him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Harry hissed once he was standing in front of him.
"I- I couldn't lose him again! He's my son." Louis teared up trying to take a step back away from him.
"You took Elijah away from me and now you want to take Jonah too...what is wrong with you." Harry said with wet eyes then looked behind Louis at the two identical boys looking right back at them with worried eyes, "Jonah come with me, you're not going anywhere with him."
"No. Harry please!" Louis cried out grabbing Jonah and pulling him back as soon as his son had taken a step forward.
"Let him go." Harry glared at him, "Let him go or I'll do everything I can to make sure you spend the rest of your life in jail and never get to see him or Elijah ever again." Harry threatened.
"Harry please don't do this." Louis begged aware that he was making a scene but he could care less at the moment.
"And you can? I begged you two times to stay but...just let him go." Harry insisted and when Louis only tightened his grip around his son he finally took a step forward and grabbed Jonah's arm yanking him out of his father's hold.
"No! Harry please, he's my son too. I can't lose him again. He's my baby." Louis said now holding onto Elijah but never taking his eyes off of Jonah.
"You were going to leave and take my sons. You were going to leave again and didn't even give me a chance to explain. I left to put Nick in his place, I didn't leave to be with him like you thought because I don't want to be with him, I wanted to be with you." Harry explained holding tight onto Jonah.
"Harry..." Louis took a step forward then more tears rolled down his cheeks when he saw one of the police officers getting ready to arrest him.
"You were going to leave again...but what about me?" Harry teared up, "What about me? Was everything you told me last night just a cruel lie? I- I never lied to you, he's the one who lied and you chose to believe him instead of me."
"No! I meant it, I meant everything I said to you. I love you, I love you. I thought- he was kissing you and you- you let him. And he said all those things." Louis said waiting for Harry to say something.
"I made the mistake of letting you go a long time ago but I won't do that again, I can't let you go again Louis, I love you. I can't lose you and our son again." Harry slowly let go of Jonah and took a step forward.
A few seconds passed by where everybody watching them waited for something to happen and just like that and out of nowhere, just like the biggest cliche in history, Louis was running to Harry jumping into his arms and kissing the life out of him hating and just wanting to punish himself for believing someone like Nick over the love of his life.
Harry wrapped his arms around his waist lifting him up and kissing him showing all his love through his kisses. They could barely hear the people around them cheering and clapping not seeing Jonah running to Elijah and as soon as they were close they high fived each other then looked at their parents with the biggest of smiles.
Both Louis and Harry slowly pulled away then brought their foreheads together before Harry leaned in again giving him a small kiss mouthing an I love you. Harry set Louis down back on his feet unable to take his eyes off of him only looking away when they felt two small bodies wrapping their arms around them.
"See papa, I told you all you had to do was tell him you still love him." Jonah said looking at Harry.
"I'm guessing you won't be needing these anymore." The TSA agent said handing them their passports and boarding passes wearing a tiny smile.
"No we won't, thank you." Louis took them then looked back at Harry giving him a watery smile.
"Lets go home, yeah." Harry kissed his cheek then grabbed his hand letting their sons walk in front of them.
Harry had to tell the officers he was no longer pressing any charges against Louis then had to claim their bags and even Cocoa who was already in the plane with the rest of the pets getting lucky when they were returned to him then drove them home always holding Louis' hand even though he was still a bit upset.
They couldn't stop thinking about the many things they were going to do together as a family but when they got there Harry groaned seeing Nick waiting for him. He got out of the car leaving it on at the same time that Louis did while the twins rolled down one of the windows wanting to see what was going on.
"I thought I told you to stay away from my family and I. Wasn't I clear enough when I went to talk to you?" Harry glared at him seeing Louis walking over to him standing next to him.
"And I already told you that I'm not backing out that easily, you're just going to throw away everything we had for him? He who left you once and who I'm sure will do it again before you know it." Nick glared at Louis then smirked when he saw the twins and the dog in the car as well as their swollen and red eyes, "And I was right.".
"You don't know anything so just leave, you have nothing else to do here." Louis stepped in front of Harry when Nick took a step forward trying to get to Harry.
"You're the one who doesn't have anything to do here, you ruined everything." Nick yelled.
"Nick..." Harry sighed rubbing his hands on his face.
"I know you love me Harry, I know you do and that's why you have to pick between me or them. You know what's best for you." Nick desperately said looking psychotic at that point hearing Harry laughing.
Jonah quickly scrambled to the front seat rolling down the window to have a better look ignoring the radio when his favorite song We Are The Champions started playing just wanting to listen in on the conversation. Both he and his brother started getting nervous the longer it took their father to answer.
"Are you really that stupid?" Harry said not even sure if he was hearing right, "Of course I'll pick them, I'll always pick Louis and our sons over anything, even you."
"I'm- I'm going to give you one more chance to answer right." Nick fumed getting even angrier when Harry wrapped an arm around Louis' waist bringing him closer to him then kissed his temple.
"Them. Do you want me to spell it out for you?" Harry rolled his eyes.
Nick stared and it wasn't until he heard the music that he finally paid attention to Jonah and Elijah realizing what they were doing. He felt the anger running through his veins the moment he saw them with their arms wrapped around each other mouthing the lyrics to him then his eyes widened when Jonah gave him the middle finger quickly hiding it and stopping what they were doing when both Harry and Louis turned around to look at them.
As soon as Louis and Harry turned back to Nick both Jonah and Elijah continued mocking him seeing Elijah making the loser sign mouthing loser and that's when Nick felt someone grabbing his arm in a tight hold enough to bruise it.
"You're lucky I'm not a violent person because if I was, you'll be dead." Louis glared satisfied when Nick winced as soon as he started digging his fingernails into his skin, "This is for my sons and the way you treated them...this is how Eli felt when you grabbed him you piece of shit. And I better not see you here again or I'll make sure to make your life hell." Louis said then let go pushing him away.
Nick stomped his foot on the ground then turned around getting in his car completely humiliated then sped away from there as fast as he could leaving everything behind.
"I'm still mad at you and we have to talk but I love you." Harry said wrapping his arms around Louis smiling and kissing the top of his head as soon as Louis hugged him hiding his face on his chest then looked him in the eye.
"I love you too, so so much." Louis' eyes filled with tears getting on his tippy toes to kiss him stumbling a few steps to the side as soon as he and Harry felt small bodies colliding against them.
That night after a long talk they had dinner together that Louis and Harry had cooked then spent the rest of the day together playing board games and watching movies.
*~2 Years And 2 Months Later~*
After that day where Harry had picked his family over Nick they were happier than ever starting over as the perfect family with the perfect sons. Louis never mentioned the possibility of having gotten pregnant after that night they had spent together and when the six pregnancy tests came back negative he never mentioned it since it was too soon for more children and he wanted to spend as much time with his family as he could.
He wanted to spend time alone with Harry in a way that they never really could after they had gotten married the first time. He wanted to make it up to him and their sons for everything he had done to them, for breaking up their family not once but twice.
Harry started working less and would never miss dinner with his family always getting there on time to help Louis with it always ending up kissing the life out of him until one or both of the twins would walk in making obnoxious gagging noises. Luckily for Louis he had started spending time with Harry's family and soon enough they had started accepting him back into the family and he couldn't be more happier still wishing he could see his own again but that was only wishful thinking on his part.
When Elijah and Jonah turned twelve in september that same year Louis made sure to celebrate it throwing a party with the family and a few of Jonah's friends who quickly befriended Elijah. He had taken the time to prepare everything to the last detail not wanting to miss anything and by the end of the party everything had gone according to the plan.
That same day after everyone had gone home they ended up taking them to Universal Studios Hollywood having the best day of their lives as a family even smiling instead of rolling their eyes whenever they would argue over who was older.
"I am older than you are! It is scientifically proven, I was born first." Jonah said.
"You don't know know that, you didn't even know what was going on." Elijah argued.
"Neither did you." Jonah retorted.
"Boys, quit it." Harry said.
"Eli, I'm sorry sweetheart but your brother was born first. He was two minutes or so older." Louis sighed.
"Ha!" Jonah smirked.
"By two minutes, I bet it was only one!" Elijah rolled his eyes yet he let Jonah wrap his arm around him walking in front of Louis and Harry who were shaking their heads in amusement.
During that year he had enrolled Elijah in Jonah's school then he and Zayn had completely moved to California where he opened his own shop and to the date was the most successful in the state. Harry had gone with Louis back to London to help him out and at the same time see where Louis and Elijah used to live.
He had teared up when he saw all their pictures just like Louis had done whenever Harry had showed him the ones of Jonah. After they had gotten together again they were insatiable those few months going at it whenever and wherever they could until both of their sons started sneaking in to sleep with them completely denying it if somebody asked.
Throughout those two years Harry had slowly forgiven Louis when Louis promised him to do everything in his power to rightfully earn it and he had by showing him how much he loved him and their sons and that he was there to stay after the long talk they had had that night. He would sometimes show up in Harry's firm with lunch so they could spend it together then plan the best of dates that would always leave Harry impressed.
He was there through the ups and downs when Harry lost a case that had caused his client who turned out to be guilty to go into full rage mode going as far as sending death threats to his family but in the end Louis had stayed by his side always making him feel better and bringing comfort to him.
Unable to wait any longer and after two full years of being together Harry had finally gotten enough courage and asked Louis to marry him wanting him to be completely his. He had prepared a moonlight picnic in their backyard that Louis just loved and it was their spot after Harry had told him he could do with it whatever he wanted and had completely changed it adding a pond and the prettiest of flowers. After eating Harry had gotten on his knee making Louis gasp putting his hands over his mouth while Harry looked up at him with a tiny smile on his face illuminated by the moonlight.
"We've been through a lot and I just want you to know that I love you, Lou. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our sons so..would you marry me? Again?" Harry asked as he smiled.
"Of course I would marry you! I love you." Louis said yes throwing himself at him with enough force to knock him backwards, Harry was the happiest man in the universe kissing all over Louis' face.
"I love you!" Harry said holding him tight in his arms.
"I love you too, and I promise you we're going to be so happy. Thank you for giving me another chance even when I didn't deserve it." Louis started tearing up letting Harry hold him close.
After that day both of them started planning the wedding wanting something small and in their backyard wanting to get married as soon as possible two years later after they had started over, Louis was ready to marry the love of his life and father of his children as well as future ones. Since it would be a small ceremony Harry had insisted on getting married in two months not really seeing the point in waiting any longer sending Louis, Perrie and the rest of the females into a frenzy trying to have everything ready by then.
Louis would spend hours in front of his laptop or going from place to place with his folder in hand where he kept all he needed for the wedding. He would sometimes be joined by Perrie, Anne and Gemma along with Sophia and Barbara always asking for their opinions. He was glad that Harry would help him always laughing when the twins would run away whenever he would start talking about the wedding after he had taken them with him when they were on a break from school.
As soon as they had gotten home that day they had dropped in front of the front door refusing to get up until Harry had picked them up putting them over his shoulders. He then had started running all over the house laughing along with them until Louis made him set them down as he scolded him when Jonah almost hit his head on a wall and Elijah started getting a bit queasy.
When Louis had finally finished everything and the wedding was only a few days away both Louis and Harry were a nervous mess even though they didn't show it. Jonah and Elijah couldn't be any happier when they had picked their tuxedos choosing to wear different ones to give the family some relief since they liked to confuse them over who was who. No matter how many times Harry would tell them to stop they would always do it and both he and Louis were just glad they couldn't confuse them since they knew them so well.
"Dad stop doing that, you're making me dizzy and nervous!" Jonah exclaimed while Elijah nodded as they fixed his hair once again after he and Jonah had wrestled on the floor until Louis had separated them scolding them.
"I can't help it, in a few hours I'm going to be a married man and you need to stop 'cause you're making me nervous." Louis paced back and forth in between them.
"A married pregnant man." Elijah added before he giggled at the thought.
"Have you told papa? He needs to know you're gonna have a new baby." Jonah said.
"No and don't you dare tell him, I'm waiting for the right time." Louis raised an eyebrow until they nodded.
Louis took a seat next to Jonah glad that he was barely two months along remembering when he had found out he was pregnant again and had cried a little having to explain to his sons why he was crying when they caught him. He smiled knowing very well that they had conceived their new baby that night when Harry had proposed to him having insisted on celebrating he had said yes and that their sons weren't there and to be honest he didn't regretted it at all.
"I bet he's going to be so excited." Elijah said when he was finally allowed to get up then went to take a seat next to his father.
"I think so too, love." Louis smiled wrapping his arms around their shoulders.
Louis wanted to say something else when they heard a knock on the door and seconds later a cheerful Gemma walked in telling him it was time. Jonah and Elijah were fast to get up and head towards the small reception where Harry was already waiting as excited as ever just wanting to see Louis after not having seen him at all since that morning.
The small ceremony was being held by the cottage and the pebble-lined pond complete with a cascading waterfall and Azalea shrubs making sure to be in front of the waterfall during the ceremony. After Lily who had been assigned as the flower girl and Bryan as their ring bearer had walked down the aisle, Louis followed after them only having eyes for Harry who was waiting for him at the altar looking as handsome as ever.
He hurried up and walked faster halfway there reaching Harry faster and as soon as he did he took Harry's awaiting hand in his. Once they were standing in front of the minister he was quick to start the wedding seeing the way there were looking at each other as if they were the only ones there.
"Friends, we have joined here today to share with Harry and Louis an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one." He spoke as he smiled at the couple in front of him then continued.
"Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy, being sad for the other person when they are sad, being together in good times and being together in bad times. Love is the source of strength. Love is being honest with yourself at all times, being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending."
"Love is the source of reality. Love is an understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else. Love is the source of unity."
"Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual. Love is the source of success. Love is the excitement of planning things together, the excitement of doing things together. Love is the source of the future."
"Love is the fury of the storm the calm of the rainbow. Love is the source of passion. Love is giving and taking in a daily situation, being patient with each other's needs and desires. Love is the source of sharing. Love is knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens, missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times. Love is the source of security Love is the source of life."
He continued talking about marriage while Louis and Harry looked at each other always smiling as if they held some sort of secret only they knew about until it was time to exchange wedding vows. Harry was the first to start taking Louis' tiny hands in his looking him straight in the eyes to let him know he was all in just like he had been all those years ago.
"I, Harry, take you Louis, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Harry finished with a tiny smile while Louis had one of his own and the minister motioned for Louis to say his own.
"I, Louis, take you Harry, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Louis finished mouthing an I love you at the end.
"The rings please." The minister smiled down at Bryan as he carefully walked forward patiently waiting as Harry grabbed one of the wedding bands.
"I Harry give you Louis this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Harry gently placed the wedding band on Louis' finger being as careful as he could treating him like if he was something exquisite.
"I Louis give you Harry this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."
When Louis placed the wedding band on Harry's finger he carefully lifted his hand up to kiss it trying to listen to the minister saying a few last words before he was presenting them as a newly married couple motioning for them to turn around and face their guests.
"I present to you Mr. Harry and Mr. Louis Styles." The minister presented them before their family got up and applauded as they walked hand in hand out of there making sure to get their sons before walking out of there.
The evening was a blur from their family members giving toasts to their first dance to Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran that both of them had picked. They had slowly danced to it until the song stopped and changed to Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Rider then had continued dancing like nothing had happened. When they finally cut the cake much to the kids delight who had been waiting all day Harry had smeared some icing on the tip of Louis' nose making him giggle.
They spent the rest of the day dancing together or talking to everyone until it was time for them to leave to Hawaii for their week long honeymoon after Harry had finally convinced Louis when he kept refusing to leave their kids behind until Anne convinced him she would look after them.
"Have fun, but not too much fun." Jonah said as he hugged them.
"And call us when you get there." Elijah continued next to him always worried about their well being and that of his new little brother or sister.
"We will." Louis said then raised his eyebrows looking at them, "You better behave and be good to Nanna, we will call you when we get there. I love you pumpkins."
"Jonah, no pranks please. Eli please keep your brother out of trouble. Love you." Harry said hugging them.
Before they finally left Louis was unable to do so without showering his sons with kisses forcing Harry to pry them out of his arms as they giggled. The flight to Hawaii took exactly five hours and by then Louis was completely exhausted when his pregnancy was already taking a toll on him having already decided that that would be his last one.
As soon as they stepped into their hotel room that Harry had made sure was the best and most luxurious one he dropped their bags by the door then picked Louis up into his arms making him squeal when he threw him on the bed. Louis landed face first on the bed quickly turning around on his back already worried about the baby noticing Harry making his way to him straddling his hips. He leaned down to kiss him on the lips pulling back too fast for Louis' liking.
"Do you like it?" Harry asked him then looked around before redirecting his gaze towards Louis.
"I love it and I love you." Louis bit his bottom lip trying to keep himself from smiling finally doing so when Harry smiled.
"I have so much planned for us to do while we're here but first I wanna so many dirty things to you." Harry shamelessly said taking his shirt off before kissing Louis not even giving him time to say anything else.
That night he made love to him still making up for all the years they didn't see each other knowing they had it all.
Thoughts? :)
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