Chapter 11
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Harry continued spending as much time with his sons as he could always trying to stay away from Louis and two weeks after, he was all Harry could think about when he had to see him and spend time with him whenever he would pick up their sons. That afternoon he found himself sitting in his office trying to finish reading a few documents and find a strategy for a new cause when a cheerful Perrie walked in.
"Good news Harry, we won the case." Perrie walked into his office wearing the biggest smile on her face.
"That's wonderful! Are you going home?" He asked.
"Yes, Zayn and I are cooking dinner tonight for everybody. It was Louis' and the twins' turn last night. Zayn and the twins were playing poker last night and you should have seen them, they ganged up on him and he ended up losing big time, they're vicious." Perrie smiled blushing a bit when Harry gave her a knowing look, "What?"
"So you and Zayn..." Harry quipped.
"Zayn and I are just good friends Harry. He's a really nice man and I enjoy spending time with him." Perrie said, "Louis is very lovely too, did you know he's working on his next clothing line? My god all of his designs are just...amazing! I already asked him to design something for me and he agreed." Perrie clapped her hands together in excitement.
"Nick's back to designing a few things." Harry commented trying to steer the conversation away from Louis.
"Ew." Perrie rolled her eyes taking a seat in front of Harry.
"Hey, you should give him a chance...some of his designs...well, some of them are pretty good." Harry pondered.
"Admit it Harry, Nick has no talent and I'm sorry to tell you this which you know I'm not sorry at all but lets pretend that I am so I don't look and sound like a twat like him but Nick apart from having no talent is also a gold digger. All he's good at is mooching off of you and sleep all day after he spends your money on useless things. Tell him to get a job and when he finds one and starts working, then I'll give him a chance." Perrie finished as she reapplied lipstick on her lips.
"He's unemployed at the moment, I'm just helping him out. He's my fiance after all." Harry defended him.
"I don't see him trying to find a job. Seriously Harry, I don't know if you don't see it or you if just don't want to see it but Nick...I've noticed he's always asking for more money and you guys aren't even married yet. All I'm saying is make sure you secure your sons' patrimony before you marry him, your children should be your first priority." Perrie gently told him squeezing his forearm before she got up.
"I already did so, fifty- fifty. Their future is secured." Harry said.
"What about any other children you're going to have?" Perrie gave him an incredulous look.
"I'm not sure if I want anymore kids and if I do then whatever I leave for the twins will be divided in equal parts for all of my children."
"Good. I'm gonna go but I'll see you tomorrow in court." Perrie brightly smiled.
"See ya." Harry said then was left alone going back to the pile of work he had in front of him going back to thoughts of Louis then thoughts of Nick and what Perrie had say making a decision right there and then.
A prenuptial agreement stating separate property was the best way to go.
That night he got home to an empty and dark house with Nick nowhere to be found deciding to skip dinner and go for a shower instead wondering what had Perrie and Zayn cooked and if they were having a good time. If Louis and their sons were having a good time.
"Aunt Perrie, what are we doing here?" Elijah asked from the back seat where he had ended up stuck in after long and vicious rounds of rock, paper, scissors with Jonah.
"I know I said we were gonna go get ice cream but I have to pick up a few files I left here, its gonna be okay Buttercup, I'm just gonna go get them and your dad isn't even home." Perrie gave him a reassuring smile then waited until he nodded before they got out of the car following her inside Harry's house.
They waited in the foyer while Perrie went to get them in Harry's study when Jonah spotted Nick dressed in the fanciest clothes standing in front of the pool with his back to them. He smirked as he cracked his knuckles making his way there until a warm hand grabbed him by the arm halting his steps.
"What?" Jonah asked giving him a confused look.
"Where are you going? Don't go, he's gonna hurt you." Elijah's voice trembled holding tight onto his hand.
"Please, he's the one who should be worried about me being here." Jonah scoffed then started walking again with Elijah trailing behind.
Jonah motioned for Elijah to be quiet then slowly opened the door tiptoeing his way to Nick who was still on the phone and hadn't moved at all. Elijah stayed behind watching with frightened eyes getting startled just like Nick.
"Boo!!" Jonah shouted expecting Nick to fall into the pool when he jumped a little and when he didn't he took matters into his own hands and gave him the tiny push he needed making him fall into the pool as he laughed his ass off.
He was still laughing now along with Elijah when Nick came back from underneath the water gasping for air then glared at them making Elijah want to run.
"You useless brat!" Nick shouted trying to swim to the edge placing his hands on it just as Jonah took a step back glaring down at him.
"Mess with my brother again and this will be nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you." Jonah glared then stepped on his hand squeezing a bit, "Got it, slenderman?"
He was quick to step back as soon as Nick tried to grab his leg and throw him into the pool just as the door opened and Perrie walked out trying to figure out what was going on. Her blood boiled as soon as she had seen what Nick was trying to do.
"What is going on?" She shouted quickly making her way to her nephews.
"Aunt Perrie, he fell and I was just trying to help him out but..." Jonah trailed off then started sniffling going as far as shedding a real tear, "He called me a useless brat and tried to pull me in there too, I was so scared."
"What the hell Nick! Wait till Harry finds out about this." She shouted watching him get out of the pool completely soaked.
"Oh please! You and I know what he's like." Nick shouted.
"That's not true! I was just trying to help you! Eli, tell aunt Perrie the truth." Jonah sniffled and as soon as everyone's eyes were on Elijah, he started getting nervous hoping for his brother to go along with it.
"Its true, I was about to go get you. Aunt Perrie I was so scared too, I want to go home." Elijah said pressing himself against her.
"Lets go Buttercups." Perrie gently said wrapping her arms around them going back in then stopped and made her way back to Nick leaving the twins behind. "Mess with someone your own age, asshole!" She shouted before she pushed him again then dusted her hands off as she made her way back to Jonah and Elijah smirking when she heard a splash.
They walked back inside but not before Jonah flipped Nick off mouthing bye bye before they left and as soon as they were in the car he burst out laughing.
"Be glad I don't like him." Perrie said before she too laughed followed by Elijah and a few minutes later they agreed to keep it to themselves.
A few days later Louis stepped into the restaurant looking around for the right table until he found it right in the middle then placed both of his hands on his sons' shoulders gently pushing them towards it. Zayn and Perrie were behind him as he gently placed a hand on her lower back to walk there seeing Harry's family sitting around a big table but Harry was nowhere to be seen. They were formally dressed after Liam had invited them wanting to spend time together and so the family could get to know Elijah better. As soon as they were there Jonah greeted them followed by a shy Elijah then took a seat next to Bryan making conversation away from the adults.
"Hi, I'm glad you could make it. Please take a seat." Liam greeted them.
They had already spent some time with Zayn but wanted to have a long chat after not seeing each other for ten years. Louis was stuck sitting in between Gemma and Elijah glad that his son had Jonah on his other side not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. He tried to ignore Gemma's glares while her husband kept trying to get her to stop and instead focused on Elijah after he had greeted everybody.
"And where's Harry?" Zayn looked around.
"He said he was going to be a little late but he should be here soon." Niall answered.
A few minutes later truth to Niall's word, Harry walked in through the door looking as handsome as ever in Louis' opinion but had to quickly look away when he saw him holding hands with Nick. He looked down when they reached the table trying not to get up and walk away after Liam had invited him when none of them except him and Niall and their wives and now Robin as well talked to him. He wanted to protest when Nick sat down next to Jonah after Liam had made Bryan move to a seat in between Sophia and himself.
"Louis, I didn't know you would be here." Nick mockingly said.
"Uncle Liam invited him. Who invited you?" Jonah narrowed his eyes looking him up and down as if he was scum.
"Jonah!" Harry scolded him, "I invited him."
"This is a family dinner." Jonah continued completely ignoring Harry.
"Sweetheart, please stop." Louis reached for him putting a hand over his shoulder.
When Jonah nodded Louis sighed in relief and was just about to reach for the menu when Nick spoke up again making him look down at his lap feeling his cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
"I know its a family dinner...which I'll be part of in a few months. Louis here is the one who isn't even part of the family yet here he is." Nick smirked looking at Louis then at Jonah.
"For once you're right." Gemma muttered under her breath.
"Gemm-" Anne started but was interrupted by a furious Jonah.
"Shut up!" Jonah snapped glaring at Nick then at Gemma making her gasp in surprise.
"Jonah! Apologize. Now." Harry scolded him, his face getting redder by the minute.
"I'm sorry aunt Gemma." Jonah muttered while Elijah fiddled with the tablecloth and Louis felt like crying.
"I- I think I should go." Louis quickly got up feeling everyone's eyes on him seeing Zayn and Perrie getting up with Elijah quickly getting up too.
"Louis please don't go, excuse Gemma's rude comment." Anne said surprising Louis.
"Dad don't go. This is a family dinner, you're my family." Jonah pleaded getting desperate when instead of sitting back down his father only took a step away from the table then turned to glare at Nick, "He's my dad and my family, you're nothing."
"Louis please don't go, excuse Nick's rude comment. Please...stay." Harry finally said pushing his chair away from Nick's by a few centimeters.
Louis nodded then sat down seeing Jonah smiling again and soon enough it was as if nothing had happened as they ordered their meals.
"How's football practice, champ?" Niall asked Jonah seeing his whole face brightening up.
"Great! Dad's been taking me and stays there with Eli until its over. Our first game is in a week...a saturday." Jonah gushed.
"That's great, we'll be there to cheer you up." Niall winked at him then turned to Elijah, "How about you Eli? Play any sports?"
"No, I prefer reading." Elijah smiled a little never seeing Nick rolling his eyes or hearing him muttering bookworm under his breath unlike Jonah who was already way ahead plotting in his head.
"Your cousin Lily likes to read too, maybe one of these days Barbara or I could bring her over." Niall said.
"Yeah! I would love that." Elijah nodded already excited.
"Ooh, can I come too Eli? Can I daddy, mummy?" Bryan asked looking at Liam and Sophia with wide eyes.
"Only if Eli says yes." Liam said.
"Yeah you can!" Elijah nodded.
"Thanks for letting him, he has quite a few books." Sophia smiled at Elijah.
"Isn't reading wonderful," Jonah started then looked at Nick, "I've been reading a lot too and its like tv in my head. You should read too Nick, might help lower the cable bill...and other bills too."
"That's good Jonah dear, might help develop your brain." Nick sneered.
" that your pea sized brain never did." Jonah smirked then turned to Elijah completely ignoring Nick for the rest of the night.
When the food finally arrived everyone seemed to start a conversation of their own except Louis who only ate his food in silence occasionally making conversation with Zayn, Perrie and the rest but never Gemma, Harry or Nick. He focused his attention somewhere else when Nick started talking about wedding plans not realizing that nobody cared and if he did then he didn't care at all.
"I'm still trying to decide what song we're gonna dance to for our first dance." Nick informed them.
"I'm sure its hard for you, there's plenty out there and most of them are really good." Anne said before she took a bite out of her food trying to hide how uncomfortable she felt with Nick there.
"Well I do have one in mind since its Harry's all time favorite." Nick said then looked at Louis as he smirked.
"My all time favorite?" Harry asked getting a bit nervous when he saw Louis looking at them.
"Of course dear, what was it...oh yeah! Say you love me, I think it will be perfect." Nick kissed his cheek.
Harry tried not to wipe his cheek when he was kissed noticing everyone looking between Louis, Nick and himself trying to decide if he should say something until he saw Louis. His wet blue eyes were wide open flickering between them then finally settled in on him as if expecting him to say something, anything. That was the song he had danced to whenever he and Louis had gotten married and even though Louis had broken his heart he couldn't let Nick take that from them.
"No, absolutely not. Pick another one because we're not going to dance to that one." Harry said in a tone that meant it wasn't open for discussion.
"Fine grumpy pants, I'll look for another one then. That one is old anyway." Nick said going back to his food.
They were almost finished when they heard Nick letting out a shriek quickly getting up to wipe off the wine stain on his jacket while Harry tried to help him. Louis barely had time to figure out what was going on before he heard Jonah's voice using that mocking tone he used sometimes when he was trying to make a joke or make fun of someone or something.
"Oops. Nick, I am so sorry. I am so clumsy, must be all the chocolate I ate." Jonah said getting up to help him only to be pushed away by Nick making Louis sit up ready to defend his baby.
"Like I don't know you did it on purpose you little brat." Nick snapped and Louis saw red when he saw Harry doing nothing.
"Excuse you? What did you just call my son." Louis sat up glaring daggers at Nick.
"A brat, that's what he is." Nick glared then snorted, "Even Harry knows he's a right brat...a twat along with his clone." Nick continued taking a step back when Louis got up and took a step forward staring daggers at him.
"Are you going to let him call our sons that, you're not going to say anything?" Louis snapped looking at Harry with angry eyes and when he said nothing he only shook his head.
"Harry..." Gemma trailed off staring at him in disappointment.
"Unbelievable." Louis muttered under his breath as he gathered his sons and their stuff, "Come on boys, we're leaving."
Both Jonah and Elijah were quick to get up following Louis and leaving but not before Elijah gave Harry a disappointed look shaking his head as he walked out. Louis was fuming as they waited for the valet to bring his car glad that he had brought it instead of riding with Perrie and Zayn tensing up when he heard Harry calling his name.
"What do you want?" Louis said through gritted teeth turning around to face him.
"Please...please don't go. My parents want to get to know Elijah." Harry stopped a few inches away from Louis glad that their sons were busy talking to one of the valets.
"You should've thought about that when you let him talk about my kids like that. If that's how he treats them all the time then I don't want him near them." Louis snapped.
"Oh so now they're your kids." Harry scoffed, "Funny how now you want to be a parent to Jonah."
"Think whatever the fuck you want to think but at least I don't let scum like him treat my children like that, I know he doesn't like them and the less contact he has with them the better." Louis glared then walked away leaving Harry standing alone in the middle of the sidewalk.
As soon as he was gone Harry walked back into the restaurant where everybody was getting ready to leave, he grabbed his jacket then made his way outside completely ignoring Nick. He had ignored his whole family's disappointed looks then drove Nick to his apartment ignoring him whenever he tried to make conversation with him.
"Why are you so angry? You know Jonah did it on purpose and then there's Louis making things worse." Nick rolled his eyes.
"You called my sons twats, what the hell did you expect." Harry said trying to keep his cool getting angrier when Nick only rolled his eyes.
"He spilled wine on my jacket! Do you know how expensive it is." Nick hissed raising his eyebrows when Harry laughed.
"Of fucking course I know how expensive it is, I bought it! Now get the fuck out." Harry looked ahead then sped out there as soon as Nick was out of the car wondering why he was going to marry him in the first place.
A week later Harry found himself sitting next to Niall and Liam on the bleachers watching Jonah running around and kicking a ball, he had taken the day off wanting to be there for his son since he didn't spend as much time with them as he would like. He could see Louis sitting three seats down with their son, Zayn and Perrie cheering Jonah on whenever he would score a goal or when he was after the ball. After he had dropped Nick off he hadn't seen him much or heard from him except for the credit card bills he would get starting to realize that Perrie was right when she had talked to him that day.
"I'm surprised you're here, you never come to see him." Liam commented as soon as halftime had started and Jonah had waved at both his parents and his brother looking happier than ever as soon as he had seen Harry.
"I decided to take some time off to come see him." Harry shrugged.
"You and I know you wouldn't drop work to come see him at least for twenty minutes. Louis made you, didn't he?" Liam asked then shook his head knowing he was right when Harry said nothing.
"I just want to spend time with them, Elijah barely talks to me and Jonah is already so attached to Louis he barely acknowledges me anymore." Harry sighed.
"And why do you think is that? Louis spends more time with them than you do, he has work too but he makes time for them. You should see them, Jonah and Elijah love him so much. We spent time together and even Gemma and mum Anne talked to him and all that time I couldn't help but think that if you were there then maybe Elijah will start getting closer to you. I called you many times to invite you but you never answered." Liam finished in an accusatory tone.
"I was busy. I am trying but its hard when he doesn't even like me a few inches from him and I know its my fault but its getting ridiculous." Harry said.
"He's a very sensitive boy with the biggest heart I've ever met and if he's like that its because you don't try enough." Liam said and with that went back to his wife and son who were sitting next to him.
Harry ended up staying for the entire duration of the game and as he made his way towards the rest he could see Jonah running towards Louis jumping into his arms showing him the medal hanging around his neck. He halted his steps for a moment wondering if it was a good idea to go there at all until he saw Louis waving him over having set Jonah back down on the ground.
He made his way there congratulating their son feeling a rush of happiness when Jonah's whole face brightened up as he hugged Elijah then tried to jump into his back landing on the ground a giggling mess. In that moment Harry looked in Louis' direction seeing him on his knees next to their sons tickling them and laughing as he did so whenever one of the twins would try to tickle him too.
He stared at him remembering whenever he would tickle him pinning him down on his bed back in his dorm and a smile slowly formed on his face. He remembered whenever Louis would beg him to stop only making him tickle him even more until he was out of air then would wrap him into a hug close to him. He realized he missed the way Louis would wrap his arms around his waist still trying to catch his breath then would kiss his jaw and whisper an I love you letting his lips linger making his skin tickle.
When Louis wrapped both of his arms around their sons he remembered whenever Louis would do so when they were just babies. The way he would bury his face in between their heads taking in their baby scent then would kiss the top of their heads looking as beautiful as ever with them in his arms. For some reason he felt his eyes stinging with tears when all of that was gone getting replaced with memories where Louis was no longer a part of his life and he missed him every day of it.
Harry was snapped out of his thoughts by Jonah waving his hand in front of his face and Louis and Elijah looking at him giving him strange looks. He blinked a few times noticing they were all staring at him then tried to focus his attention on Jonah who was still standing in front of him.
"Papa?" Was the first thing Harry said.
"Yeah, you're papa and Louis is dad." Jonah shrugged.
"Okay, if that's what you boys want to call me now." Harry smiled then wrapped his arms around Jonah, "Congratulations champ, you were amazing out there."
"Thank you, our next game is in a week. You're coming, right?" Jonah asked.
"Of course I am." Harry said then looked at his watch, "I gotta go now but I promise I'll come see you."
And with that he left not even acknowledging Elijah never seeing the way his son looked down at the ground just before Louis wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheek. That afternoon Harry was starting to get frustrated when he couldn't figure something out letting out an angry sound when his phone went off. He ignored it in favor of continuing working getting angry when his phone kept ringing, he froze when he saw Louis on his caller ID after they had exchanged numbers a few weeks before.
"Louis I'm busy." Harry said not even bothering to look away from his papers.
"What the hell was that?" Louis' angry voice came through the speaker startling Harry.
"Might as well pretend that Eli doesn't exist, why don't you? You didn't even acknowledged him and you expect him to call you dad again and be close to you like Jonah is." Louis nearly growled and Harry knew he had fucked up big time again.
"I know and I'm sorry, its just that...I don't know what else to do. I've tried everything and he's the same, I try so hard to make conversation with him but can't exactly do that if its gonna be one sided. I don't know what else to do Louis." Harry sighed finally dropping the documents he had been reading.
"Show him that you'll always be there for him no matter what, that's what you need to do. Look...Elijah is not the kind to talk much, he's content with you being there and just enjoy the silence around you. With you being there with him is enough for him. He's...he's always been a lonely child and I've seen first hand how kids his age shun him sometimes." Louis' voice trembled and Harry was sure he was about to cry.
"I wasn't shunning him." Harry was quick to defend himself.
"You weren't but that's how you made him feel when you ignored him, you made him feel like he wasn't worthy of your attention. You wanna know what Jonah told me? He told me that Elijah feels like you don't like him much and I know everything is my fault and we didn't end well but at least try and spend time with him. Forget I exist, I only want you to spend time with him and if that's what it takes then so be it." Louis said taking a deep breath at the end.
"I will, I'll try to spend more time with him." Harry said then a few minutes later hung up after Louis did.
He put the phone on his desk then rubbed his hands on his face hating himself for ignoring him then decided to try and finish what he had been doing to take a few days off. The next day he woke up early and had breakfast alone then got ready intending to go to Perrie's house ignoring Nick's calls until he turned his phone off when he wouldn't stop calling. When he got to Perrie's house he was surprised to find her and Zayn having breakfast together seeing them holding hands.
"So you're dating now?" Harry asked smiling when she nodded and Zayn kissed her knuckles.
"I just asked her last night and was blessed when she said yes." Zayn dreamily sighed, "Louis and the boys are in the guest house having breakfast." Zayn told him smiling when Harry nodded wishing them the best then walked away heading to the guest house.
He knocked a few times until a still sleepy Louis wearing an old shirt and SpongeBob pajama bottoms opened the door letting him in without saying anything. The smell of pancakes hit him as he followed Louis into the kitchen where their sons were sitting around the kitchen table seeing Jonah catching a piece of pancake Elijah had thrown at him.
"Oh hey papa, what are you doing here?" Jonah said as he chewed the piece of food.
"I got tickets for comic-con and I came to see if Eli would like to go with me." Harry explained smiling when Elijah perked up at that and Louis gave him a tiny smile, "So what do you say Eli, would you like to go with me?"
Harry started getting nervous when Elijah's eye flickered between him and Louis and when Louis gave him an encouraging smile was when his son finally looked at him.
"Can dad and Jonah come too?" Elijah shyly asked.
"Sweety, I don't think your dad has tickets for us." Louis said.
"I have plenty for all of us, you both should come too." Harry interrupted him.
"I- okay." Louis finally agreed, "Let me just clean this up and change."
Harry nodded then waited using that time to give his attention to Cocoa who he missed until Louis was done trying not to think that that was how it was supposed to be like every morning. Both of them making breakfast for their kids then spending time together but now both of them had none of that and he was set to marry someone he no longer cared for when it was clear what he wanted.
As soon as they were ready Harry drove them to the comic-con seeing Elijah's excited face through the rear view mirror talking to Jonah about his favorite. Both boys jumped out of the car as soon as Harry had parked with Harry smiling when Louis hurried after them telling them to wait seeing the many cars not wanting them to get hit by one or lose them in the crowd. Harry felt a sudden emotion when Elijah gasped in surprise as soon as they made it inside then smiled at him quickly dragging Jonah with him to look around holding a few of his comics in his hands to get them signed.
"Thank you for doing this for him, he might not tell you but it means a lot to him." Louis smiled at Harry before he looked away.
"You don't have to thank me, it makes him happy." Harry shrugged quickly pulling his hands behind his back when one of them brushed against Louis' feeling the warm skin against his.
"Still...he's always wanted to attend one but I just never thought about bringing him here to one." Louis continued.
"This is honestly my first time attending one too, Jonah is more into sports so I always used to take him to games."
"Yeah, I took them to one the other day...the boy can scream." Louis chuckled.
"Harry look! They have the latest comics and some are limited edition." Elijah happily exclaimed as he eyed them wanting to get his hands on them.
Louis frowned when he saw Harry looking down at the floor hearing his own son calling him by his name and not papa like Jonah would. He looked up when he felt Louis' hand on his shoulder squeezing it a bit then walked towards his son when Louis motioned for him to go. That's how Louis found himself watching Harry and Elijah talking to each other without it being forced or just one sided conversations. His smile widened when Harry bought a few comics for their sons but mostly for Elijah and soon all three of them were talking nonstop about them as they made their way around.
Louis made sure to stay behind letting Harry spend time with them knowing that soon he was going to have to go back to London not wanting to think about it. He didn't want to leave Jonah behind but didn't think Harry would let him take him to live with him and by the time they were on their way back to Perrie's house both of their kids wouldn't stop talking.
"Thank you, this was the best day ever!" Elijah thanked Harry stopping a few feet away from him then after pondering for a few minutes he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Harry trying not to drop all the stuff Harry had gotten for him.
"You don't have to thank me, son. I'm glad you had fun." Harry immediately wrapped his arms around his son feeling good after the long day.
"Uncle Zayn is going to die when he sees all of this. Come on Jonah, we have to go show him." Elijah grabbed Jonah by the arm running toward Perrie's house while Harry and Louis watched them with a smile.
"Thanks for inviting me, you really didn't have to." Louis said fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
"Don't worry about it, it made Elijah comfortable so why not." Harry shrugged missing the looks of disappointment across Louis' face.
"Yeah, I'm gonna...go inside. I'll see you later I guess." Louis pointed towards the door then walked inside after Harry had said his goodbyes.
As soon as he had closed the door he leaned against it then slowly let himself fall down sitting on the floor hating himself for crying when he had promised not to do it again knowing he had lost Harry for good ten years ago. He had ruined what they had yet he couldn't help but hurt seeing Harry move on and marry a man who made him happy like he used to. He got up and went straight for a shower to get rid of the puffiness around his eyes and his nose not wanting his sons to see he had cried letting Cocoa out of his cage and outside to let him run around on his way there.
Thoughts? :)
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