We totally love detective! :D
I played 10 games all yesterday (proved bc xDetroitBoysx is in all screenshots)
Round 1 (perfect game)
Round 2 (detective again :/)
Round 3 (survivor but better than detective for me)
Round 4 (I revealed as witch and Indah killed me. ✨M e n t a l l y D i s a b l e d ✨)
Round 5 (indah and murderer like last round.)
Round 6 (2 murderers in a row ok yes 👌🏻)
Round 7 (back to detective)
Round 8 (first psychic round)
Round 9 (I was detective again as Tamia)
Thiago was Twin and revived, his name was clear. He was a pretty good helper. Miguel & Aadiv went into a side room and came out saying "Sabrina" who just died so I said "Kill Miguel if he's assassin it's aadiv" and he was assassin so yea
Round 10 (when will I not be detective. Jackson said "ok I'm evil" when adora caught him and went "I'm dark psychic but I will help good" and they were real smart the game before so I went "hmm I feel like Jackson is murderer and he's playing us" and he was XD
we won't talk about how I won 9/10 games instead how I got 5/10 detective rounds and only died as evil team.
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