It had only been less than eight hours since the littlest member of their family had officially entered the world. And after a well deserved sleep Ron was now waiting on Claudia to actually let his words properly sink in. He knew it was a strange request, but he had been thinking about it ever since he had told his parents about their baby all those months ago.
"Are you sure Ronald?" Claudia confirmed yet again, her eyes looking down at their baby and then back up at him, she had not been expecting his words. Actually she had found herself incredibly surprised by them. Unsure she could have ever been surprised by something he had said to her so much. It would seem Ron continued to like to keep her on her toes.
"I'm positive." Ron paused wondering just how to phrase what he wanted to say next. "If I'm being honest my parents seem to want nothing to do with us, with him and I don't want him to carry the Weasley name if that's the case." Ron sighed at his words, Claudia knew the struggles with getting the other family to even give a small care about their newest grandchild. But she had not realised it had plagued him so greatly.
"I understand, and I know that he will have so many opportunities as a Parkinson." Claudia paused "But he will also have the legacy of a Death Eater family weighing over his head." She added on, it was not a light conversation and she wasn't sure what anyone entering the room would think in that moment if they came in.
"I don't care for that, we will teach him about his history and how we're different how he's different." Ron seemed convinced.
"Only if you're certain. He is your son, I wasn't sure if you wanted more of you in him."
"He is also your son, and I want him to carry as much of his mother as possible. Because it's you who I love." Claudia assumed it was still the overwhelming amount of hormones and emotions running through her body but in that moment hearing the confirmation of his love once again brought tears to her eyes. Sure Ron had told her he loved her plenty of times over the last few months but they hadn't seemed to mean as much as it did in that moment.
"I love you too, so much." And as his fingers came to brush away the tears that she let fall, she knew she would give into his request. "Hugo Parkinson does have a nice ring to it." She added.
"I can't believe you are really keeping true to that conversation from dinner a year ago." Ron shook his head as he chuckled.
"It was the moment when I knew I had found a good one in you Ronald." She confirmed.
"Hugo David Parkinson, you have a lot to live up to my little man." Ron brushed the sleeping infants forehead with his thumb. Completely prepared for whatever was going to come next. And as he was once again passed his son to hold, he couldn't deny the desire to hold him.
Claudia would watch as he quickly took on the role of a father, how he had done it so effortlessly. And it was in that moment that she also realised what others stated when they talked about the miracle of childbirth. Because all those hours of discomfort, and stress upon her body those were all worth it for moments like this. They were all worth it as she watched her newborn son and the man she loved sit there.
Moments she didn't wish to ever see end.
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