It was finally the day of the wedding, Ron could not believe that he had successfully made it through 72 hours of high society without incredibly messing it up. That he had yet to fully anger anyone or make a fool out of himself. And therefore, as he woke up for the wedding, knowing that in just a few short hours everything would be over, he was almost a little bit sad.
Perhaps it was the knowing that as the morning would dawn a new tomorrow, he would be back to his every day life. The one where he was stuck behind a desk, bored out of his mind and pretending to listen to people complain where he took no real interest. Perhaps it would be back to a world where everyone around him seemed so happy yet he was anything but. Perhaps it was because he would go back to reality where he and Claudia were no longer pretending to be a happy couple. Where she was no longer directly involved with him. Where they were barely anything but strangers.
Pretending to be in a fake relationship with Claudia was so easy. They had some sort of natural chemistry, and she made everything easy. He didn't have to pretend to do things a certain way, because she would adapt to everything he did without hassle. Sure they had bickered a couple times, maybe once or twice in the short period of time they had been together. They had bickered over very small, very silly things and the argument was forgotten, they moved on and knew what buttons not to press the next time. All things which prevented larger arguments from ever brewing. And he had to admit it was the first time in a 'relationship' where Ron had found things so easy so early on. With Lavender, he couldn't really recall most of the relationship having been under the love potion, but the moment he could he knew things were hard they weren't easy and nothing made sense. Perhaps it was their age but at 16 he had hoped that it wasn't like that. With Hermione nothing was the same, there wasn't anything else he could think of other than there was nothing. Claudia was new, everything different to the two people he had dated before. And it was refreshing, it felt better. It felt right. And knowing it was soon to be over until the next time they needed someone to fake date again. Was more than bitter sweet.
"Hey are you okay?" And as he thought of the woman she would appear in the room again. Ron had seldom seen her since her alarm had gone off that morning. Claudia had disappeared to perform her Maid of Honour duties and had maybe popped back in once or twice when she had forgotten something. Yet this time she didn't seem to be after anything, and had not rushed through the door like he expected her to. She had lingered just short of where he had sat upon the edge of the bed ready himself to leave the room and head to the outbuilding where the wedding itself would take place.
"Yeah I'm fine, no need to worry about me you have bigger things to think of." Ron soothed, he was indeed fine just caught up in his own head. In his own unfair comparisons.
"You just looked really sad for a moment. You don't have to come to this if you don't want to I won't mind. I promise. Having you here these last few days has been wonderful and I really appreciate it." Claudia had taken a seat beside him her freshly painted nails gently running down his suit jacket clad arm.
"No, it's okay I promise." He fired the promise back to her ensuring they held eye contact during that moment so she knew he truly was okay.
"Okay if you say so. You know where your going right?"
"Yeah I think your father said he'd wait outside for me so we can sit together." Ron gave her a small smile in hopes she picked up that he truly was okay.
"My father really likes you. Like more than usual, he has never responded well to anyone Pansy has ever brought home, yet the moment he laid eyes on you he took a liking to you."
"I must be a very lucky man then." Ron paused before checking the watch he wore on his right wrist. "Claude, the time, you better get going." Claudia had about 20 minutes before the guests would be seated and sure it was only a few minutes walk outside from where they were currently staying but he was sure she had to get back to her best friend to ensure there was nothing last minute to be done for the bride.
"I'll see you after the ceremony." Claudia went to stand up and leave their shared room, not before she paused a little and placed a brief butterfly kiss upon his cheek. And before Ron could say anything back to her she was gone.
The wedding itself, Ron supposed it was very elegant. He never thought he would be one to be impressed by a wedding. None of his elder brothers of which he had attended so far, the two that was, had impressed him. None like this one. From the way the room had been decorated, to the way everything seemed so choreographed it was pretty mesmerising. But the thing which was clearest of all was just how happy the bride and groom were in that moment of time. He had never clearly seen such emotions portrayed at either Bill nor Percy's wedding. Perhaps it was due to the fact that things were different during the way for Bill and everyone was convinced that Percy was only married for convenience rather than love. But this was special. And he'd never be one to cry at a wedding but Ron defiantly left the little chapel feeling emotionally touched by the whole event.
What would come next would be the very many photos of the wedding party. And by very many, Ron wasn't sure he had ever seen so many photos being taken at once. He wasn't even sure how many he himself had been pulled into, he knew it was a couple. Surely though they would make their way onto the evening events and as the night drew on he was able to take much more in about the people surrounding him.
He had essentially become a Parkinson for the evening, the family not wanting him to feel left out and therefore, having ensure that one of them was with him most if not all of the time. And wanting him to feel confident in the most he supposed upperclass way possible. This meant that the alcohol never stopped flowing. He wasn't sure how many drinks deep he was but he was sure that he would probably not remember loads of the night. It was how he found himself stood not far off the open bar, surrounded by Adrian Parkinson and a variety of different older men, all of which were somewhat involved in the business industry. He found himself chuckling along to something one of them had said having taken in none of his words but laughing on cue with many of the others.
That was until a delicate hand once again was placed upon his left arm. Something he would only associate to a particular person even after only a few days. What started off only as a very light pressure amounted as he felt her grip properly onto his bicep before she was pressed slightly into his side.
"Hello gentlemen, do you mind if I steal my date away?" Claudia's words were not a question as she gave what he supposed was her best polished polite smile. The pressure on his arm was gone as she took his own hand into her own and he was gently tugged away from the bar he had been leaning on and in the direction of the dance floor.
"Not that I don't love that you're making connections Ronald but we're here to have fun. Dance with me." Claudia's words started off incredibly strong but Ron had noticed a slight slur at the end and it was obvious that she was more drinks deep than he was.
"How much have you had to drink princess?" He fired back.
"I haven't paid for a single one so who knows." Claudia gave him what he might have thought was an actual smile, but it was gone before he could truly gather if it was or not. He chose not to continue with the conversation and allow for them to both dance to the sound of the music. It was not exactly a song he knew, and it was clear it wasn't exactly a wizarding song either but it was clear that Claudia knew the song. If her off key singing wasn't evidence enough. She had yet to let go of his hand she had taken earlier and rather used it to pull Ron closer and push him away as the music continued.
As the third song finished and the fourth began the pair were joined by a few more people. One in white and her very drunk husband trialing behind. Claudia and Astoria moved to cling to one another as they sung to the music being played. Yet never once did either woman disconnect themselves fully from the man they had been previously dancing with. And therefore, an awkward little quartet was formed. Yet Ron could not come to terms with hating it, rather he could only laugh and as he finally began to recognise some of the music that was being played, join in to the off tune and often wrong lyrics being sung. And as they twirled, and continued to consume the plentiful supply of alcoholic drinks being passed their way, Ron was unsure if he had ever had this much fun at a public function. And he didn't hate the idea either. Sure he was aware there would be memories from this night he would never be able to recall, too far gone in the alcohol to recall some of the better moments. But as he finally cracked a true real smile out of Claudia he knew he would recall that one from then onwards.
But unfortunately all good things must come to an end. And before he knew it, their time was over. The Bride and Groom had snuck away off to their marital suite and the rest of the guests were being encouraged to leave. Claudia had completed the final parts of her Maid of Honour duties and it was a good thing she had done so an hour or so beforehand. Because the younger woman was completely wasted. She could no longer walk in a straight line and would hiccup frequently upon talking.
"Let's get you back to bed." Ron coaxed, he was himself very far gone. But he had ensured that he had drunk less than Claudia, that he was slightly more sober than she was to ensure she got back safely and nothing happened to her that night.
"I don't want to leave, it'll be so cold out there." Claudia complained and Ron wondered if she was just trying to avoid having to leave the event where she was clearly still having a lot of fun, or if she was generally cold. The alcohol should have reduced some of that feeling but it had gone well into the early hours of the morning and Ron could admit himself that it was quite cold out.
"If I give you my jacket will that help?"
"Yes." Claudia agreed instantly and he shrugged his suit jacket off before helping her pull it on. Her co-ordination also affected by the amount of alcohol she had consumed. However, he noticed she was still reluctant to leave and therefore, Ron took her hand into his own and gently started to lead her outside the building they had been cooped up in and into the small green before the main chateau. Yet Claudia was incredibly unsteady on her feet, especially now the ground was no longer stable, nor solid and therefore Ron realised it would be quite a bit easier if she was carried in.
"Get on my back Claude, I'll get you inside and then we'll work out the stairs." Claudia did not need telling twice as she was soon upon his back leaning a large chunk of her weight upon him. Silence would envelope the two as he walked the maybe 10 minute walk back to the main building and all he could really smell was her perfume which had somehow managed to remain strong all these hours after she had applied it. The citrus smell taking over his senses. It would be just before he reached the already open front door that he would hear something again from the woman he thought might just have started to dose off secured against his back.
"Thank you for coming with me. This weekend would have been hell without you here." Claudia's words were mumbled from where her head had been pressed into his shoulder but they were clearer than anything else she had said in the last few hours.
"It has been a pleasure."
"I don't want this weekend to end." Claudia whined a little.
"I'm not going anywhere Claude."
"This ends and you're not my Ronald anymore." Claudia sighed by this point she was no longer on his back and was somehow successfully managing to walk her way up the stairs in the direction of the room they were sharing.
"That's not true Claudie." Ron tried to reply but it had been the exact same thoughts he had that morning.
"But it is. When this is all over, the pretending ends. And you go back to being normal Ronald." Claudia seemed to be upset by this point and Ron didn't like it. He didn't know what the immediate future brought but knowing they both were upset by the idea that things would go back to the way they were before the weekend began, gave him just a small slither of hope.
"That's the thing though I will always be your Ronald."
"Yeah." He confirmed.
"My Ronald." Were her last words before silence overtook the room.
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