A sharp knock on the door of the room would be what stirred Claudia awake for the deep slumber she had slipped into. The late morning had slipped into evening if the light entering the room was anything to go off. And she felt much better, more well rested than she had when they had first arrived. More able to go out there and deal with the animosity she was for sure going to experience. But the sharp knock was not enough to prepare her to actually go out there for herself. And therefore, she burrowed her head into the pillow she had ended up cuddling into. Listening as Ron groaned beside her at the second knock. He was quick to slip out of the bed, unsure whether Claudia was still asleep or not taking long but cautious strides in the direction of the door.
Ron unlocked the door as quietly as he could to see one of his many older brothers on the other side. He came to look down at Percy who stood on the other side, the older man rubbing the back of his neck slightly as he took in Ron's appearance. The one which made it clear he had only just woken up. Maybe it was also the look in the younger's face which spooked Percy out, Ron was sure he was not the kindest looking in that moment, not overly keen that not only his sleep but Claudia's had been interrupted.
"Sorry to wake you mate." Percy started with an apology and Ron just titled his head, wondering just what his brother wanted.
"What do you want Perce?" Ron tried to not come across as a complete asshole but he was sure it was still coming across that way.
"Dad said dinner would be in like 20 minutes, and nobody has seen you guys since we got here." Percy was incredibly awkward and Ron just wondered who he got that from considering nobody else was that way. He also questioned for a short moment how Percy had drawn the short straw to come and see what was going on behind the closed doors. Perhaps it was because Percy would be too awkward to say anything if he happened to walk in on something.
"We'll be there. No problem." Ron brushed his brother off, aware he was coming across rather short and quite rude. But he really didn't care for his brother's feelings in that moment. Rather he missed the land of sleep he had been in before Percy had turned up.
"You never have grown from the phase of hating being woken up." Percy audibly tutted before turning on his heel and heading down the corridor and back to where he had come from before, wherever that was.
Ron ran a hand down his face before shutting the front door, moving back towards the bed. He had partially expected Claudia to be sat up upon hearing the conversation outside, having worked out during their time at the wedding that she was a rather light sleeper. Yet she seemed to have drifted back to the land of the asleep and he didn't really have it in his heart to wake her. But he knew he had to. He knew even though it was in her best interest in one way to let her catch up on sleep, in another way the one of which involved getting to know his family better it was not. Gently shaking Claudia's shoulders was all it took to rouse her. He watched as she turned from where she had been almost fully face down on the pillow to look at him.
"Ronald?" Her voice remained drowsy and her distain of being brought back into the room was clear, at least they had that in common. He watched as her hands moved to rub at her eyes.
"Sorry Claude, apparently dinners in the next 15 minutes."
"Fuck sake." She huffed out before sitting up. "If I didn't want to get on your mum's side I would so go back to sleep."
"I know Claude. I know." Ron agreed watching as she was soon out of the bed and over to her suitcase. The clothes she had worn upon their arrival now creased from the time spent asleep in them. Her hair and makeup were refreshed with a simple flicker of her wand and he watched that within 5 short minutes she was ready to head back out just like she had never been anything other than pristine. Not that she could be in his eyes. Claudia was always perfect to him.
By the time they had made it down to where his family was currently sat, around the large table Ron was aware that they were the last to arrive. But he cared little to this fact. Only giving his dad a nod in greeting. Ron moved to pull out Claudia's chair for her before taking his own seat. Deciding he might as well pull out all the stops. And continue to annoy the rest of his family. The longer they had to wait the better. Or perhaps he needs to maybe not be so cranky. Dinner however, went without a fault, no bickering, no unnecessary conversation.
All Ron could focus upon other than eating for probably the first time since early that morning, was that whenever Claudia was not eating that her hand went back to the place it belonged. It was such a small little habit yet it brought him so much comfort. He was unsure whether Claudia was even aware that she was doing it, resting her hand on his left arm. Rubbing those tiny little patterns. When the group started to separate he noticed that her arm would constantly return regardless of who they were talking to. He remained unsure, however of whom it was supposed to comfort. Him or her. And the only way he would find out would be by asking.
Therefore, Ron moved his right hand to take her free one in his own. All whilst trying to not make it obvious he wasn't truly paying attention to what his brother, Charlie, was saying. He was sure Charlie was talking once again about his job, considering it seemed as though his brother did not have a personality really much outside of it, and therefore Ron didn't see the biggest need to listen. It would all be the exact same stuff his older brother told him the last time they saw each other. Though he noted Claudia was being much more polite than he was, intensively listening and adding her own input here and there. Must have been the pureblood training. Ron chose to instead, check in with her with a single squeeze. Yet before he could get an answer a small blonde head had approached the small group.
"Hello miss, my mummy says you're my new aunt." The small childlike voice had completely drawn Claudia's attention as she moved to look at the little girl who had approached them. Claudia let go of Ron's hand and arm, removing herself from the slightly awkward position to give the girl her full attention. Ron knew that voice as his oldest niece Victorie. And waited to see how Claudia responded.
"Hello beautiful, my name's Claudia." Claudia had completely forgotten the conversation around her, giving the small girl her full attention, it was clear she was a Weasley. The genes running strong, but there was that trace of clear beauty magic which made her clearly the daughter of Bill and Fleur.
"Miss Claudia my name is Vicky. You're my new aunt? Mummy said you were with Uncle Ron so that makes you my Auntie." Claudia's eyes widened at her words and she fought to turn back and ask what should she reply with, but she let her years worth of socialisation preparation kick in.
"Oh Vicky, maybe one day. But right now I'm just someone special to your Uncle Ron. You can just call me Claudia." She chose her words carefully waiting to see what the little girl came back with.
"Okay Auntie Claudie." Victorie seemed to be adamant on the nickname and Claudia knew it was best to not argue with someone who could be no older than four. "Will you come play with me?" Claudia had to agree because she couldn't say no.
"Of course sweetheart." She went to stand at her own words turning back to look at Ron once more. She moved in to give his cheek a little kiss before placing her hand back on his left arm.
"I'll see you in a little while yeah?" She waited not for him to give her response before she was letting Victorie drag her to the other side of the patio area they had all gathered in. Listening as the young girl talked animatedly about her dolls.
Charlie soon got enough of listening to the brick wall his younger brother had become and left Ron alone sat around the small table watching everyone else around him. He took his time to just see how the rest of his family were living in that moment. The way his mum and dad each nursed a glass of wine as they clearly recalled on happy memories they shared with one another. The way Percy was reading his book whilst trying to ignore his own family. Or how Charlie was now joking and laughing around with George and his wife Angelina. Then there was Bill and Fleur who were caught up with their second child. And Claudia who seemed to be doing rather well at occupying her newest friend. He was so caught up that when the chair opposite him was once again occupied he hadn't noticed.
"Oh man you have it so bad." Harry's voice was clear and broke Ron's concentration. The younger man titling a bottle of beer in Ron's direction.
"Huh?" Ron questioned back.
"This fake thing barely lasted." Harry in Ron's eyes was still being deceptive with his words, unclear and a little bit confusing.
"You've lost me man."
"Claudia, you clearly like her. Maybe more." Harry raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his own drink getting ready to question the man sat opposite him.
"Don't talk such shit bro."
"Yeah sure 'bro'" Harry emphasised the word 'bro' as he talked rolling his eyes and Ron questioned why he was stuck with such a sarcastic asswipe for a best friend.
"Okay maybe a little. It's insanely hard to not fall for her mate." Ron shrugged with his words his eyes dancing their way back over where he could see Claudia gently passing a sleeping Victorie back to her parents.
"I'm okay where I'm at."
"Yeah fuck off if you think I'm over you marrying my little sister." Ron's words were mainly sarcastic and if Harry noted the actual intent and hurt under them he chose to not comment on it.
"Gonna make it official, or keep pretending." Harry asked watching as Ron took a large swig from the bottle he was now holding.
"And lose her? Nah rather not thanks."
"I don't think you're going to lose her Ron. Not the way she is with you. If she's faking she needs a reward because that is the best method acting I've ever seen." Harry would soon leave Ron to stew alone in his own thoughts. As the man came to ponder just how fake things were any more.
Whether they had ever been fake in the first place.
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