In a different timeline:
Blue's P.O.V
"No, the missile toe is supposed to be here." Yelled Blue as he moved the missile toe to the doorway and out of the fridge.
"Geez sorry." Said Blues brother.
"Yeah and-" Right before Blue was gonna bitch like a little baby he got interrupted by the doorbell.
"Coming!" Blues said as he ran to the door and opening it to reveille Dream.
"Friend!" As they both said at the same time and also hugging each other.
"So nice to see you again, am I the first one here?" Dream said looking around for any other living being.
"Nope, you're first, as always." Blue said stating a true fact.
"Alright!" Dream said happily but his expression soon changed.
"Have you told anyone else about. You know, Ink?" Dream said bringing the whole mood down, thanks for showing the Christmas cheer.
"Well no, I'm thinking about telling everyone at the party tonight." I said, the only people that know Ink is dead is me, my brother, Dream and Error everyone else has no idea.
"So umm what did you do with his body?" Dream said not really needing to know what the answer to this question is.
"Well I kinda just buried him, but umm, I have no idea we're his body is now. It has been a couple months since I visited him." I said feeling stupid that I actually forgot where he is. "How have you been doing taking over his job?"
"Well it's really hard to do, I have no idea how he did it." He said getting stressed over it.
After me and Dreams conversation a couple minutes later more people came over until everyone was here. Everyone was enjoying them selfs at my dope party ayy.
"Hey! Say where's Er-" Said Geno as he was cut off.
"Say! Where's that dope music at." I said trying to keep the Christmas party rolling.
"This is killer Blue, best party yet." Said Reaper. "But where's Erro-" but then Reaper also go cut off.
"Real question is where's Fresh, he can't be alone on Christmas." I said to Reaper.
"Already here my friendo, just invited myself in." Said Fresh as he was doing kick flips in the corner.
"Ayy, I hate that guy."
"Good for you Fresh!" I said not trying to sound sarcastic.
"Okay cool but where's Ink? I haven't seen him in a couple of months that I now think about it?" Reaper said also getting a few others attention.
"Yeah, do you know where he is?" Said someone else.
Soon everyone was trying to think where Ink could be.
"I think you gotta tell them man." My brother said and as much as I don't want to tell them I need to.
"yeah umm, everyone! I know where Ink is!" I yelled to get everyone's attention, and it's working. Everyone turned around to see what I had to say. "So um you're all probably wondering were
Ink is, well he's gone, well dead I mean and for a pretty long time at that so yeah." I said while awkwardly smiling.
Wait so, how did he die? Do you know?" Said someone in the crowd.
"Drowned." I said getting straight to the point.
"How?" Said Geno.
"I already established that, he drowned." I said not wanting to repeat myself again.
"No I mean like how did he drown, he's a skeleton. Skeletons can't drown." Geno said.
"Shit..." I'm so stupid how could I think Ink was actually dead he's basically a god and him getting a little bit of water on him self wouldn't of killed him, I'm so stupid.
"Where is he?" Said someone else.
"Somewhere in the forest, I forgot where though." I said feeling embarrassed.
"You just left his body?" Said Geno.
Horror was written all over my face, oh god what have I done.
"What? What's wrong?" Geno said concerned.
"I just buried someone alive."
"How long have you thought Ink was dead?"
"Almost a full year." I said.
"Okay wow, how didn't we notice he was gone earlier? Okay this is just sad now guys." Reaper said, I guess no one ever thinks of Ink much, Ink is always kinda just there so no one pays any mind when he's not here until now.
"Now where's Error? you said you invited everyone to this party. Is he dead to or something?" Geno said.
"Well that, I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to come to the party because I did give him invitation, how about we surprise him?" I said giving a suggestion.
"Okay sure." Everyone mumbled.
A portal was made to Errors void and around half of the guest came a long.
"You know I wouldn't of ever believed Ink was dead, I'm death it's self and I can't even kill the guy." Said Reaper trying to lighten up the mood a little.
As everyone got into the void we saw no one, the only thing there was is the invasion I gave everyone a month prior to the party, it isn't even opened. I thought he would definitely be here, did he...
"Well would ya look at that!"
"Oh crap"
Happy Christmas everyone! sorry for leaving for a couple of months so enjoy this little side chapter. The real 15th chapter will come out soon.
Part 1
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