Winter 5
Winter 5 - Until We Meet Again
2 years have passed since the death of Elsa and Anna's parents and the grief of their loss has lessened through the past years. Although, even with only the two of them left to take care of each other, Elsa still refuses to leave the safety of her room to spend time with Anna especially during her times of need.
It wasn't because she didn't want to. She wanted to spend time with her sister so badly especially with their situation now, but with her powers, the chances are hopeless.
It has also been 2 years since Elsa last saw Jack becuase after the ship wreck, she never heard or saw anything about Jack anymore. Elsa kept waiting for him to return the first few weeks after the accident but he never came back.
After a month of no Jack, Elsa's hope of seeing him again completely faded away. It broke her heart like a fragile crystal to not just lose her parents, but also lose the most important person in her life. Now, Elsa wasn't sure of what to do.
Her powers continued growing with the sorrow that she felt from Jack's absence and right now, everything in her room was covered with frost and ice. Snow also began filling the corners of her room and the temperature grew colder and colder. For a normal person, the temperature would've froze you in a few minutes but for Elsa, considering her state, the temperature didn't seem to have changed.
Elsa finished tying her hair in a bun and she was also ready to leave. It was their long-lost cousin's wedding day and they were invited to the grand celebration. She didn't want to come but because their cousin insisted their presence since she was dying to meet her only cousins in the whole world, she had no other choice.
"Okay, Elsa. Just try to control yourself and calm yourself. As long as you keep calm and not think of anything, you'll be fine." Elsa told herself as she stared at the girl in the mirror.
Her attention turned to the door after hearing a knock "Your majesty? Princess Anna is waiting for you at the carriage." the butler informed her from the outside.
"Yes. I will be there." and with that, the butler left. Elsa wore the leather gloves that she had sewed to replace her old ones--she believed that the leather cloth was strong enough to hold back her powers unlike the cotton ones--then she left her ice-covered room.
While on the carriage headed to Corona, Anna kept babbling about how excited she was to see their long-lost cousin.
"I wonder what she's like? Do you think she's bossy? Or strict? Perhaps she hates childish things." Anna wondered as she stared out the window.
"I don't think she is." Elsa answered.
"Oh well, I'm still excited to meet her. Who knew that even after 18 years they'd actually find her, right?"
"Yeah. But it was probably fated to happen."
"I guess. She's older than you, right?"
"Yeah. A few months older."
And then silence filled the carriage the whole ride until they got to Corona. As soon as they arrived, a guard approached them asking "Princess Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle?"
"Yes. That is us." Elsa answered after getting off the carriage.
"Princess Rapunzel has been awaiting your presence. Please, come with me." he told them and then the guard walked away with Elsa and Anna behind him.
As they walked through the corridors of the castle, Anna couldn't help but talk "I can't remember the last time we came to Corona. Was it Christmas?" she asked her sister.
"Yes. I believe it was." Elsa answered.
The guard knocked on the door to Rapunzel's room and called from the outside "Princess Rapunzel? Princess Elsa and Princess Anna are here." he informed her.
"Oh! Come in!" Rapunzel shouted from the inside and the guard opened the door for the two princesses. Once they were inside, the guard closed the door and left them alone.
After hearing the door close, Rapunzel stood up from the dresser and faced her cousins. Both her and Anna gasped in excitement to actually see each other and they couldn't help but wrap themselves in a hug.
"Oh, Rapunzel! I can't believe it's actually you!" Anna said during their hug.
"Well, believe it or not, it's me!" and they both released themselves with giggles echoing the room.
"By the way, I'm Anna and this is my older sister, Elsa." Anna introduced.
"Hey. You can call me "Punzie", by the way, if you want." Rapunzel told them.
"Okay. Cute nickname! Where'd you get it?" Anna asked.
"Oh, from a friend of mine. He just started calling me by that name and I thought it sounded cute so I sometimes go with that nickname." Rapunzel explained.
"Oh. By the way, I never got to tell you how lovely you look today! Your groom sure is lucky to have you." Anna complimented.
Rapunzel giggled to Anna's comment "Thanks. Actually, I believe I am lucky to be having him since he rescued me. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be here." she stated.
"Oh. You two sure have a cute love story." and they both giggled. Elsa just smiled as she watched Rapunzel and Anna talk until Rapunzel had noticed her being silent all the time.
"Hey, Elsa. Are you okay? You seem pretty quiet." she asked her.
"Oh, yes. I'm okay." Elsa answered.
"Oh, don't mind her. She's always like that." Anna butt in.
"Hmm, really? Is she strict?" Rapunzel whispered to Anna, somehow feeling a little nervous of Elsa's atmosphere.
"Uhm, a little?" Anna answered, quite unsure 'cause right now, she doesn't know if she was still the Elsa she used to play with when they were kids.
"What are you two whispering about over there?" Elsa answered, a little curious of their discussion.
"Oh nothing. Nothing at all. So, shouldn't you be in your gown now, Punzie? It's getting a little late." Anna reminded her.
"Oh right. Wanna help me put on my gown, Anna?"
"Can I? Oh my, sure. I'd love that!" and they entered the dressing room, both excited for the wedding gown.
Elsa was left alone in the room, giggling. It was a wonderful sight for her to see her sister this happy after a long time of always being shut out. Then she wondered, perhaps it was best if Anna were to stay in Corona with Rapunzel where she knows that Anna won't be in danger and she can live the rest of her life happily with their cousin.
The thought seemed pretty good but at the same time sad. The distance between her and Anna in the castle seemed far enough to break Elsa's heart, just imagine how broken she'll be with their distance a thousand kilometers away from each other.
But if it would please Anna and also it was for Anna's sake, she would take the risk. For Anna.
Elsa looked around the room and her attention shifted to the line of pictures that were displayed on Rapunzel's dresser. They were pictures of Rapunzel when she was a baby, of her and Eugene when Rapunzel was returned to the castle, then followed a picture of Rapunzel's family with Eugene.
The pictures that followed were mostly of Rapunzel and Eugene spending time with each other until her attention was caught by the last picture in the line.
It was a picture of Rapunzel and Eugene but there was a small hole in between them like there was someone who was supposed to be there but the artist did not include him in the painting.
"Punzie! I'm back!"
Elsa froze as she heard the most familiar voice she would ever recognize in the whole world. With just the sound of it, her heart began skipping beats and somehow a spark of hope began forming in her heart.
Elsa slowly turned to the window where she heard the voice and her eyes started watering.
"E-Elsa?" Jack said in surprise.
Elsa did not say anything. She just ran to him and, without thinking, gave him the tightest hug she could give as the tears started streaming down her cheeks.
Jack was surprised of Elsa's action. He didn't think that this would be Elsa's reaction after seeing him. He thought she'd shout at him the moment she laid her eyes on him. But he was wrong.
Jack slowly wrapped his arms around Elsa like she was something fragile then he tightened his hold of her. Oh, how he missed her. He missed the hugs and the kisses that he usually gave her. The happy moments they spent together. Everything. But most of all, he missed Elsa.
"Oh, Jack." Elsa finally said after calming herself down and her crying began to fade "I missed you." she added.
"I missed you, too," Jack replied, practically holding back a word he'd been wanting to say for so long "snowflake." he finally said.
Elsa felt the nostalgia all over her body. She missed him as much as he missed her and after hearing Jack calling her "snowflake" once more, she knew that things were okay between them.
"Oh, Jack." once they heard Rapunzel call from behind Elsa, they released themselves from their hug and faced Anna and Rapunzel.
"Elsa? Why are you crying?" Rapunzel asked after seeing Elsa's tears.
"Oh, nothing. Sorry. I just..." Elsa immediately wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes.
"Did you make her cry, Jack?" Rapunzel then asked Jack.
"What? No. No. I don't think... so." Jack asked, a little unsure because surely she did start crying the moment she saw Jack.
"Hold on. One moment." Anna then butt in making all of them look at her "Do I know you?" she asked Jack, quite straightforwardly.
"Oh, right. Anna, this is Jack Frost. The Guardian of Winter." Elsa introduced him, gesturing to Jack.
"Wait. You mean 'the' guardian of winter? The so-called mischievous Jack Frost? As in 'the' Jack Frost?" Anna asked, totally shocked of the mere sight of Jack Frost in that very room.
"Yes." was all Elsa could answer.
"Oh my, it is so nice to meet you, Jack Frost. Very, very nice to meet you." Anna then walked to Jack and shook his hand.
"Uh, nice to meet you too, Anna." Jack smiled at her, actually enjoying Anna's reaction after seeing him. He didn't think he was a favorite of hers.
"You know my name?" Anna asked after letting out a gasp.
"Yeah. Actually, I've known you and your sister since you were children. Bad thing was, I was invisible to everyone except to Elsa because there came a time when she believed in me so she saw me." Jack explained to her.
"Oh. Wow. So does that mean you and my sister are close?"
"Yeah." and then he looked at Elsa "We're pretty close." he added. Elsa smiled after hearing those words, she didn't know why, but she somehow felt like smiling.
"Really? You are? Jack, why didn't you tell me! That way I could've asked you about them, you cheater." Rapunzel complained, smacking Jack in the arm.
"Well, I didn't know you knew them." Jack said.
"Yeah, well I did tell you about my cousins."
"I didn't know they were your cousins now, did I?"
Their joking was interrupted by a knock on the door then peeked in a man in a suit "Princess Rapunzel, it is time." he informed them.
"Oh, it's time. Come on." and they all left the room and headed to the chapel.
Before entering the chapel, Rapunzel felt the nervousness creeping up on her and she feel her hands shaking and her knees weakining "I am so nervous yet excited. What would you call that?" she told them.
"You'll be fine, Punzie. Have faith." Jack told her, holding her by the shoulders.
"Yeah, but, what if I trip? Or what if I freeze out there? Or... ugh! I don't know." Rapunzel sounded like she was having a panic attack.
"Hey, Hey, look at me, Punzie, look at me." and then he cupped her face and he looked into her eyes "It's gonna be okay. Just don't look at anyone else. Just focus your attention on Eugene who is waiting for you at the altar. Just focus yourself on him and don't think of the people watching you. He's all that matters, okay?"
Somehow while watching Jack and Rapunzel in that state, Elsa felt like something painful started forming inside her. Surely, things were good enough between her and Jack, he didn't seem to hate her. But then a thought came to her mind; if she didn't hate her, then why did he leave? What was he doing here in Corona? Why didn't he come back to her? Why didn't he return when he knew that Elsa needed him?
As the questions began repeating in her mind, she could feel her chest getting a little tighter and the tears started forming in her eyes, but she tried to hold back.
Maybe he only acted like we were okay because Punzie and Anna were there. Maybe he does hate me. Maybe he's grown tired of having to babysit someone like me.
"Everything's gonna be alright, Punzie." and then he kissed Punzie on the forehead.
And with the sight of that, Elsa started panting like the air in her chest wasn't enough anymore. Anna saw her sister so she asked "Hey, are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah. Uhm... excuse me. I just-I need to go to the... restroom." Elsa said, practically eating her words and with that, she ran off.
"Huh? Elsa, wait!" Anna called after her but Elsa was out of sight.
"What happened?" Rapunzel asked in worry.
"I don't know. She just ran off. She said she was headed to the restroom." Anna answered.
"Hmm, Jack, would you mind going after her? See if she's okay." Rapunzel asked Jack.
"Huh? Oh, uh, sure." and with that, Jack flew after Elsa.
Anna then worried about her sister. She really had no clue of what was going on. She wanted to know if there was a problem, considering she's her sister aftet all, but Elsa wouldn't tell her anything. What was Elsa hiding from her? It broke her heart to know that her sister had a problem but she didn't what and how she can help her.
Once Elsa had arrived in the restroom, she immediately locked the door
and sat on the floor, and her tears began flowing non-stop down her cheeks. She didn't know why she acted that way. Why did she suddenly run off after seeing Jack kiss Punzie on the forehead.
Maybe because he used to do that to me.
But that didn't sound like a good reason. Surely she wasn't someone that important for Jack to kiss only her in the forehead. He could kiss anyone whenever he wanted for all she'd care. He wasn't her boyfriend, her lover or anything.
She was just a friend.
"Elsa, get a hold of yourself. You shouldn't be crying over spilled milk! So stop it. Stop it. Stop it." but no matter how much she tried to stop herself from crying, she couldn't. How come she couldn't?
"Elsa? Elsa?" she heard Jack calling from outside. He followed her? Why? "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah. I'm okay. Uhm, shouldn't-shouldn't you be at the chapel?" Elsa asked.
"Yeah. But, Punzie told me to check on you. You really had her and Anna worried."
Elsa didn't know why she didn't seem pleased with that answer. Jack only came to her because Punzie said so. Because Punzie said so. So if Punzie didn't tell him to follow her, he wouldn't be here standing outside the restroom door and asking her if she was okay?
"O-Okay. Tell them-Tell them I'll be back in a few minutes." Elsa told him then followed a sniff.
"Elsa, are you crying?" Jack then asked after hearing Elsa's weak voice and her sniff a while ago.
"N-No, I just... I just have a little cold, is all. But I'm fine." Elsa lied, obviously she was because how can the Princess of Snow and Ice catch a cold? It sounded pretty pathetic.
"Okay. Just, promise me you're okay, Elsa."
And with that one word coming from Jack, the memory of him promising her that he would never abandon her came into her mind and the tears started coming again.
"Y-Yeah. I... promise." it was hard to say a promise that wasn't actually meant. It was definitely, definitely hard.
Jack nodded and was about to leave, but then he heard Elsa beginning to sob from the other side of the door and he knew perfectly well that it was all his fault so before he left he called to her "Elsa?"
"Y...Yes?" she managed to say between sobs.
"I'm sorry."
After saying those words, Jack flew off.
To be continued...
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