Winter 10
Winter 10 - The Guardians
While the people of Arendelle rejoiced and celebrated the Big Thaw, by the North Pole where a workshop stands, an old white-bearded huge man was enjoying himself by building small ice sculptures in his office. Known to all by Santa Claus but his friends and fellow guardians refer to him as North.
"Ah, just a little more and my mini guardians will be complete! Haha!" North exclaimed and he continued carving the ears of Bunnymund for his ice sculpture of the guardians, carefully cutting out the ice to create the perfect carved ears.
As North concentrated on his sculpture, a Yeti--in a state of panic--had slammed the door open, surprising North so the supposed-perfect ice carving of Bunnymund's ears had been ruined "Gah! Look what you done now!" the old man exclaimed.
The Yeti started talking in an in-understandable language to mere humans, but North clearly understood what the creature was saying "What? Again?" North asked, confused and he hurriedly went out of his office and headed towards the Globe.
North stared in horror as black sand began floating around the globe until it created a huge black figure with cold, golden eyes, eyes that he was very well familiar with. An eerie laughter filled the air, bringing shivers down the spine of every elf and Yeti inside the workshop. The dark figure flew around the globe and landed on a country by the European continent then it disappeared. Everything was finally quiet.
North walked towards the globe and he looked carefully at wherever the dark figure had landed.
He had a bad feeling that Pitch Black, the boogeyman who was the guardians' mortal enemy, was up to something again so he knew he had to call on the guardians. North grabbed a sort of lever on the console in front of him, turned and pushed it, allowing a series of beautiful colors to rise up into the sky. It was the signal for the guardians, meaning they were being called for an important meeting.
"What is Pitch up to now?" North whispered to himself, his eyes locked on the country called "Arendelle".
Several minutes later, everyone was gathered inside the workshop--Bunnymund, Sandy and Toothiana--except one but neither North nor did the other guardians had noticed "My fellow Guardians! Thank you for coming in such short notice." North greeted them.
"Well, you know us, always on time whenever you need us." Tooth smiled.
Sandy looked around and noticed that someone was missing from the group. Since he was unable to speak, he revealed a snowflake and a question mark made of sand on top of his hand as his means of communicating to the others. Sadly, no one seemed to have noticed him do so.
"So, mate, what does your belly feel right now?" Bunnymund joked, followed by a slight giggle.
"Haha, funny, Bunny. This is no time for jokes. This is serious." North told him.
"Why? What happened? Is it Pitch again?" Tooth asked in worry. Sandy tried raising his arms in the air in order to catch the other guardians' attentions but he still failed.
"I have a bad feeling it is." North replied, his voice sounding rather disappointed of the news.
"Well, what is he planning to do now? Bring nightmares to kids and even adults all around the globe? Start another World War?" Bunny then asked.
"I'm not so sure, my friend. His predictions are a bit... unclear." North answered, looking at the globe then back to Bunny and Tooth.
"Predictions? You mean... he showed you what he was going to do?" Tooth was the one to ask.
While the three were discussing, Sandy still tried his best to capture everyone's attention but they still ignored him. Pissed off, he grabbed a nearby elf--like he did before--and started shaking it in fury. He caught their attention, alright. Once their eyes were on him, he dropped the elf and revealed the snowflake and the question mark on his head once more.
"Oh yeah. Where is Jack?" Tooth then asked once they have noticed the missing guardian.
"Ah yes. I haven't seen that boy yet." North agreed.
"Tardy little fella." Bunny sighed.
Tooth's eyes roamed the workshop until they were locked on a white figure in the sky, flying towards them "Hey, is that...?" she asked and the three guardians stared up into the sky to see a white-haired young boy flying at full speed towards them.
"INCOMING!!" Jack hollered and he flew through the window and crashed into a shelf filled with toys once he hadn't made a stop in time. The shelf tumbled over and toys began falling down on him.
"Jack!" Tooth called and she went over to help her friend up.
"Where were you, Jack?" North asked, a bit irritated of his tardiness.
"Yeah. Sorry, didn't see the aurora in time." Jack giggled as he stood up and fixed himself.
"Next time, Jack, you have to be aware. The aurora means there's an emergency, it's not just a signal." North sighed.
"Okay, okay. I'll keep that in mind. So, what's the emergency?" Jack asked, grabbing his staff.
"Well... it seems Pitch has returned, again." North answered.
"Pitch? But haven't we already whopped that guy's sorry butt?" Jack exclaimed.
"FYI, he's not the kind of guy to give up just yet, you know?" Bunny commented.
"So what is he planning to do now?"
"That I'm not so sure. He only... revealed himself in the room and he flew around the globe, landing and disappearing right there." North explained, pointing towards Arendelle.
Jack gasped, his eyes widened and worry suddenly struck him. He had a feeling he knew what Pitch was after. Why else would he go to Arendelle for?
"Arendelle? Why would Pitch be in Arendelle?" Tooth asked, staring at the country in the globe.
"I think I know why." Jack said, out of the blue. The guardians' eyes shifted to him who was also looking at the globe.
"Jack?" North called to him.
"You see... Arendelle is a kingdom ruled by a new queen. Their queen isn't exactly what you call a... normal type of person." Jack started explaining "Like me, their queen has the power over ice and snow. I'm guessing that's what Pitch is after." he added.
"What? Hang on, hang on, you mean to say that Pitch is after this... snow queen of Arendelle? For what?" Bunny asked, a bit confused of the situation.
"To defeat us, I guess." Tooth answered.
"Well, as Jack mentioned, she has the ability to control ice and snow, like Jack. Since Jack's powers is basically one of the reasons Pitch is defeated, he's probably thinking the best trump card against the cold is cold itself." North explained.
"We have to make sure that Pitch doesn't lay one finger on her. Who knows what that old man would do if he gets a hold of her." Jack said, his voice sounding hard.
"Jack's right. But I think it'll be a little weird if all of us came to Arendelle. Also, Tooth and Sandy have their own jobs to take care of." North said.
"Well, then I'll guard her myself. I'm not really that busy." Jack volunteered.
"You sure, mate? I think it's best if North and I come with you." Bunny suggested.
"Don't worry, I can handle it. Trust me." Jack assured them.
"Right, I remember the last time we trusted you. It ruined my entire Easter, you know?" Bunny chuckled, sarcastically.
"Right. Sorry. But this time, I won't ever fool off, okay? I promise. I'll call you guys if anything bad happens."
"Okay. Remember that, Jack. This is serious." North interjected.
"Got it. Bye, guys." Jack bid them farewell and he flew off.
"Take care, Jack!" Tooth called out to him.
Jack turned to them and smiled before continuing out into the open blue "Wind! Take me to Arendelle!" he hollered and a huge gust of wind immediately blew Jack far away from the North Pole, his direction towards Arendelle.
"Is it just me or did Jack sound a little serious that time?" Bunny asked, Sandy nodded in a greement.
"Yes, I have to agree to that. Perhaps he likes this snow queen." North wondered.
"Jack Frost? Like the snow queen? I find that hard to believe, mate." Bunny chuckled.
Tooth felt a little torn at the topic. She had been crushing on Jack since the first time she saw him so surely she'd feel hurt. But, obviously, she had no hope in achieving his attention. And now, there's a huge chance that Jack was already falling for someone else, what other chance did she have?
To be continued...
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