Chapter 6
"It's okay Hazz, you're fine, come here." Louis pulled Harry to his chest, cuddling him and letting him sob into his shirt. "Think of the positives, you're with us, we all love you."
Harry felt someone begin to take off his trousers, but he didn't flinch, just kept his ear against Louis' chest and calmed his stressed body with the soothing beat of his pitter pattering heart beat. "Just stay relaxed hazz, it's Christmas, we're gonna meet our baby."
"This all seems to sudden..." Niall worried as he rushed back in with towels, assuming they'd be needed. He lay them beside Liam who had himself positioned between Harry's legs.
"Sometimes it happens quickly Niall, didn't you read the baby books?" he chuckled, receiving a playful shove. The Irish lad pushed carefully then sat himself behind Harry, legs either side of his body and kissing the top of his head.
Harry felt an over whelming sense of guilt, all his boyfriends surrounding him and catering to his needs. Niall behind him stroking his hair, Louis telling him sweet nothings and stories to make him feel better, Zayn having his hand squeezed to an ungodly white colour while miming the breathing exercises, and Liam was shouting out what to do while looking at what was happening. He hated feeling so weak and helpless, which was an even worse feeling when everything was in pain as it was.
"Harry, you're crowning." Liam held his knee, smiled like it was the most amazing thing in the world and as did the rest of them. He could feel it, the baby's head forcing itself lower and his middle seizing up. He rubbed his belly as much as possible, hoping it would sooth the pain. He squeezed harder on Zayn's hand, grunting so hard his throat began to ache.
"Are you ready Haz," Louis beamed. "Are you ready to have a baby-"
"I've ruined the whole day." Harry mumbled, pushing as he spoke. "I-I can't, I've taken the day, I've ruined-"
"Harry calm down." Zayn whispered, kissing his cheek and rubbing his bump. "You haven't ruined anything-"
"I have-I have, the baby is coming today, I wanted to have a nice family Christmas." Harry sobbed more, flinching forward when he felt a harsh contraction punch his side. Liam smiled softly, spreading his hand over Harry's bump. They all laughed - how could he even think such nonsense, that Harry going into labour could spoil their day.
"You could never spoil this day Harry. Let's focus now, you're gonna need to push Harry." and Harry moaned as more tears left his eyes, nodding he understood and let his head drop.
His whole body was stinging, felt like his lower body was burning with so much pain as he pushed. His legs wanted to fall, he was desperate to fall into Niall's body and hear his gentle heart, rather than feel the thunder of his own in his ears. It was all really happening, his boyfriends on his side and cheering him every step of the way and he could feel the baby's movements with every strain he pushed. Sweat dripped down his forehead, down his chest making his shirt stick to him, down his whole body and he'd never felt so uncomfortable in his life.
"You're doing great Harry, you got this!" Niall supported, massaging the knots in his shoulders and kissing his wet hair. He gripped the weight in his thighs, hoping it would numb the rawness his legs felt.
'God I can't handle this' he thought as the shoulders practically split him apart. He stretched out his neck, veins popping out which made Louis cringe, but when the older boy turned away disgusted, Harry glared at him and snarled his lips.
"Sorry Louis, does this bother you?!" he grabbed the lad by the hem of his shirt and shook him a little, the pain replacing with anger: hormones. "That I'm giving birth and sweating down to my fucking ass, which may I add is killing me, and my head has a pounding headache I didn't realise I could get during birth, but oh why am I telling you, you find this DISGUSTING!" He screamed, pushing him violently back to fall on the floor and cried more than he had been.
"Li-iam, what's going on, am I done?!" Liam held the infants head in his palm, shaking his head and looking between Harry's sorrowful eyes and the baby. "No no, but you're not far from it, come on just push a little more!"
Harry felt like killing Liam for saying that, could practically see himself hurtling at him and punching him but it was only because he was in unbearable agony and he was in denial that he really had to keep going, it must be over by now, surly.
He bellowed out at his top volume, face practically turning a fiery red and his jaw felt like falling off he'd been screaming for so long, while the other boys yelled words of praise at his side. One more second and he might have gone on a kill spree - if he could - but that's when he felt sudden relief and the room was filled with a high pitch cry.
Harry's legs fell either side of Liam and he dropped against Niall, the Irish boy wrapping his arms round Harry and brushing back his curls. Liam bundled up the baby in one of the towels, bring it close to his chest and looking down in amazement that it was here. She was here.
"It-She, she's a girl. You had a girl Harry!" He scooted closer to him, resting the baby against Harry's chest and nearly jumping with joy. The infant was a sweet little girl, with pale skin and an oval head and she smelt wonderful - surprising to Harry as he kissed her forehead. His eyes pricked with more tears as she gurgled in his arms, he did it, successfully given birth to the child he'd carried around for 9 long months and she could be defined as adorable is that was even enough.
"She's beautiful Hazz." Louis awed, snuggling closer to Harry.
They didn't care who's she was, they all had a pact to take care of her, be her daddies and love her no matter what. Harry sniffed, near to tears again as his body fell numb.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted her to wait one more day." He looked up at them all, smirking, feeling like an idiot for not telling them sooner when the first contraction announced itself. They didn't care though, why would they when their was a perfect angel resting in Harry's arms.
"Well you know what Hazz," Zayn started, touching the tip of her nose and chuckling. "She is the perfect Christmas present."
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