Chapter 3
One thing all five of the boys couldn't believe was how quickly Harry could get aroused these days. It seemed like a flash sometimes, a bolt of lighting that suddenly struck the younger boy and they could all tell as soon as his cheeks went red and his body language became more sheepish.
He turns the box over, inspecting it's features Louis' starts rambling on about it and it's a funny moment for them all really, but that's when Harry's hit with a pain in his middle again. He drops the box to the floor, eyes widening as his hand goes to cover the spot most sore.
"Harry!" Niall says, hand covering the one Harry already has on his bump and the other three surround him protectively.
"Crap, Hazz are you okay?" Liam's worried, as they all are and Harry can't have that on Christmas.
He doesn't want to ruin it for them, he just wants to celebrate with his boyfriends and watch bad TV while someone cuddles his swollen middle. So, he sits back up, takes a deep breath and fakes a smile to the best attempt even though there's still a gripping feeling in his body. "Yeah, sorry, the baby did a really big kick is all."
He gave them all a reassuring look, even put Niall's hand over the sore area. "Right, there." and the Irish boy doesn't pull back, but his eyes would suggest disbelief. All their beady eyes have the same look and as the pain washes over him again and he can actually stop clenching his jaw, he pushes himself out the chair. "Honestly lads, I'm fine. Was just a rough kick is all."
They weren't sure whether to believe Harry, he's never been able to lie well to the boys. They can always tell by the way he looks to the left of himself and bites the corner of his lips, and that's exactly what he's doing now as he awkwardly waddles over to the tree, crouching down to pick up his last present. "And finally, this is from Liam." it was wrapped up in red sparkling paper, almost more sellotape then wrapping, and was soft like it had clothes. Which it did, a pair of blue skinny jeans and a new ramones and Elvis Presley based t-shirt. It was lovely, obviously for after his pregnancy, and Harry gave Liam a bear hug to show his gratitude.
Harry told the boys he was tired after the presents, had them all practically carrying him to bed and tuck him in and Liam said he'd wake him in a couple hours. So Harry tried to drift asleep, kicking the sheets of his body when he felt himself boil, tossing and turning till the inevitable pain returned.
He could hear the muffled Christmas music beating through the floorboards, the gentle cheers of his four boyfriends celebrating downstairs and Harry was desperate to join them. All he wanted to do was lay in someones arms and watch bad festive films, drink red wine and eat mince pies, maybe even use Louis' Christmas present for a little fun, but he couldn't. All Harry could do was whimper in pain, feel his middle contract and gradually get worse with every passing 13 minutes, 10 minutes, 8 minutes...
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